The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1382: 僭 神魔

Chen Feng got the expected answer. He knew it. Once he told the other party, Xu Hongzhuang would make a decision.

Underneath his seemingly fragile appearance, he really hides a very strong heart.

"Are you ready, once you stay, you will face any consequences."

"I have finished preparing." Xu Hongzhuang still did not hesitate and said directly.

好的 "Okay, the day after tomorrow in the Colosseum we will not be separated. In any case, we need to remember to protect ourselves, because that day, it will become a real death purgatory."

The demon high-levels who washed the whole level of blood can imagine what terrible scenes will occur on that day in the Colosseum.


Time passed by.

In the past few days, Chen Feng and Xu Hongzhuang intentionally separated. He knew that Geya, as a devil, would not pretend to believe in himself. Therefore, he must pass some special measures to measure his power.

In order not to fight grass, Chen Feng still acted alone.

In a blink of an eye, it came to the third day, when the Colosseum was finally decisive.

Compared with the last time, the number of demons in the Colosseum has doubled. In addition, some more abundant and horrible energies have also passed from some corners to Chen Feng's perception.

Abyss has few other entertainment life except killing and fighting, and the Colosseum has undoubtedly become an outlet for the demons to seek entertainment.

At this moment, countless strong people come together for one purpose, and that is to wait for the final good show to come.

Chen Feng came to the venue as a contestant. He still maintained the appearance of human beings, and beside him, he always used his hatred eyes to gather his fallen angels.

poor guy.

It has been deprived of its mind by Geya, and has become the most important sacrifice for the promotion of the Devil. Sadly, it has no idea what happened to him.

The fallen angel saw Chen Feng as the top enemy. At this moment, he stared at Chen Feng tightly, and did not hide the murderous power and resentment in his eyes.

Chen Feng ignored the other side, and his gaze kept gazing aside. After a while, his gaze was locked in an area.

Pu Ge Ya and the femme next to her!

That's the other's helper.

Gageya seemed to feel something. Within a few seconds, she was facing Chen Feng's eyes. It nodded slightly, indicating that everything was planned.

When Chen Feng's eyes were fixed on the body of the femme fatale, the proud devil nodded likewise.

格 "Geya, can it be trusted?" Said the femme-devil, a little dull in his voice.

When it got the news, the femme fatale even planned to give up the plan. However, it also planned for this plan for countless years and let it give up like this. It just killed its life. This was a rebellious bet on it. The action, therefore, was left behind by Gaya's persuasion.

"Do you mean the demon in human skin?" Geya restored her original expression, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and it looked like heaven and earth when she was surrendered two days ago, filled with great surprise.

"I never believed in anyone, including you, and naturally included him, but I have to bet, otherwise, there is only one body sitting next to you, not me."

The viper demon didn't say a word, and there was already a slight anger on his face.

Ge Yajiao laughed and fell into the arms of the other side. It ignored the ugly of the femme fatale, and then said, "You are clear. Our plan is far less simple than imagined. If you cooperate with us, we Chances of success are as high as eighty. "

The Viper looked at Geya in his arms and said hoarsely, "Everything goes according to plan, you should be on the field."

Pugya nodded, then stood up and took a step, that is, this step, directly into the battlefield.

格 When Geya appeared, there were countless sounds around them, and they seemed to welcome the queen in this way again.

Pugaya felt a touch of excitement in this cheering. To be honest, this feeling of being worshiped made it a little obsessed, but it never thought it would let the demons live.

From the beginning of the plan, they will become a member of the silence, paying some fatal price for mastering this level.

Geya waved his palm, held down the noisy voices, and then said, "Before the start of the conference, I want to say sorry to you, the original succubus and raging demons, because of some small problems, unable to Participate in today's event! "

"Damn, why is this happening?"

"We just came here for Lilia, **** it, do you want to do a one-man show yourself?"

"I want to tear you up!"

Pugya's explanation got the demon's outrage. In the long years, Lilia and the raging demons defeated one enemy after another, and survived one thrilling battle after another, thus gaining her current reputation.

There were a lot of spectators around the ,, who were the admirers of those two guys, and now they suddenly heard that Lilia and the raging demons suddenly retired. For them, they naturally felt that they had been deceived.

The noise was spreading, and some powerful demons even frowned, feeling that Geya had deceived himself.

Geya bowed down and said softly, "Excuse me for all this. I originally wanted to add some dedication and temporarily join two enemies. Unfortunately, the two new members are too strong, just a simple test. The succubus and the rage were executed. Unfortunately, Lilia was dead, but what I want to say is that because of this, the next battle will be more exciting. "

所以 "So ... there are new bench players below, 僭 神魔!"

As soon as Lu Ge Ya's voice fell, there was a heavy footsteps around him, and then a scowling face appeared on the battlefield.

This monster from ancient times has a strong giant body, with wings covered with scales on its back, and its lower body is proudly independent in the form of a four-claw beast.

False hypotheses and false prophets, these souls will be known in Hell as Ovodazza, or sacrifice. As the spirit and existence worshipped by ignorant primitive mortals in the image of God from the age of darkness and ignorance, even after the birth of true gods and beliefs, these primitive gods still refuse to be silent and forgotten.

Therefore, when the prison opened the door to them, these false gods readily accepted. In the deep cave of Nine Prison, the spirits that once ruled the Order and the ancient secrets gained new power. In order to revisit the believers who have long forgotten them, the spirits accepted the giftable rituals and bonds given by the devil and became One of these demons. Using their once-adored idols as armor, Ovodazzar stepped out of **** and vowed to reclaim the gods and believers who once belonged to them.

As one of the oldest creatures ~ ~ 僭 Devils still remember the years when they were once gods and worshipped by mortals in primitive and remote kingdoms. In the era of floods, humans shivered in their rough residences, begging for all their willingness to listen to their calls, to assist them in the minions of the beasts, the erosion of the storm, the enemy's looting and other endless harm and danger.

The spirits of the sky, the earth, and the animals responded to this primitive prayer. They lowered "miracles" in exchange for sacrifices and worship of mortals, and these nihilistic gods gradually turned into totems, idols, and holy things, and everything that could An image sacrificed by mortals.

However, when the gods came to the earth to bring new faith and knowledge to worshippers, the existence of the ancient spirit was slowly forgotten by the world, and even uprooted by the believers of the new god.

This is a very rare part of the devil. They cannot stop the appearance of the divine house and affect it. What is more terrible is that the divine house is also afraid of this false **** that preceded mortals.

The catastrophe came to the gods and demons. With the implementation of countless gods and some teachings, the demons, devil and dark creatures began to destroy the gods and demons. These demons who have enjoyed worship for countless years ushered in. Extremely dark hunting, it is difficult to see them in the whole abyss and purgatory.

Today, Geya has found a demon **** for many demons? This is almost like a dog fighting in the human world. A Tibetan mastiff is dying, and it will be a panda who is about to appear. For a time, all the demons have closed their mouths and don't know what to say.

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