The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1387: Doom Angel

Wisdom was shining in the eyes of the fallen angel, far less scarlet and possessing murderous intention than when Chen Feng had contacted each other before.

Everything is the camouflage of the other party.

It not only concealed Geya, but also deceived Chen Feng.

This is unimaginable forbearance and mind.

Chen Feng confessed to have lived in this period of time, and he has already turned him into an old fox.

Not only that, Geya is the most adept at deceit and teaching, and likes to use words to bring enemies into an endless place. At the moment, he is not deceived by fallen angels. He thinks he is in control of the other party, but he does not know that all this is only the other party ’s intention.

Why did the other party do this?

The fallen angel stopped at a distance of three meters from Chen Feng. He looked up, and his face no longer looked like the bloodthirsty tadpole he had before, but he became more favorable. Chen Feng had a chance to doubt, and the other party became another one. angel.

"Are you surprised?" The fallen angel looked at Chen Feng and said suddenly.

Chen Feng nodded his head and said honestly, "Sure."

For the honesty of Chen Feng, the fallen angel laughed. Then, he stretched out his arm and missed a word, and suddenly a six-pointed star lit up around him.

Chen Feng knows this action of the other side most, because this is the summoning technique he is best at.

A young girl with a green body and a vicious atmosphere stood in front of the fallen angel.

Wu flame!

This is the name of this monster.

This erratic spirit is bathed in a thick green flame, and if you look closely, it looks like a burning and floating beautiful girl.

If a ghost or witch dies too miserably, or perseveres so much that they ca n’t rest in the face of death, the wicked witch power they possess could turn these casters into an undead ghost witch— Wu Yan. The images of Wuyan are similar to their predecessors, but the ghostly, weird necrotic energies that created them have also restored them to a younger and more attractive state. In addition, each witch flame is burning fiercely with a thick layer of green fire. This kind of illusory flame is often called "the magic witch fire".

Puppets can often find ghost fire in their hiding places, these creatures are usually directed by Wu Yan. Some scholars believe that the reason why ghost fires follow Wu Yan may be that they like to feed on Wu Yan's anger and Wu Wu.

And the call of the fallen angel is not over yet. In the next second, there is another 狰狞 face beside him.


细长 This slender, skeleton-like monster has a green skin with bacteria. Its hands turned into sharp claws, and the entire head seemed to have only a large mouth left.

It has the ability to deform flesh and blood: by touching a helpless creature for one minute, the masker can reshape the target's face and completely cover the target's facial features with thick flesh and blood tissue.

There are some people who are wicked and never satisfied before they die. The souls of these sinners may turn into a masked demon after death. Even after death, these guys will continue to fill their hunger with their ability to plunder the memory and flesh of other creatures. Because in the body of an undead creature, a masked demon cannot repeat the pleasures of his life, they usually try to keep their victims alive for a long time, so that they can continuously steal mortal skin from them to mix into the world of pleasure.

韧 This abominable humanoid is covered with bast. Its body is sloppy and its eye sockets are deep, but its movements are amazingly agile.

"What did you see?" The fallen angel stood behind two undead, showing a more insane expression.

"Two rotting corpses." Chen Feng said.

"Haha!" The fallen angel was obviously amused by Chen Feng's words. It gave out a crow-like laughter, and then, with his hands raised and his hands dropped, the two undead were directly paralyzed on the ground and completely turned into bones.

The fallen angel summoned each other, and then purified them completely.

"This is the power I seek!" The fallen angel was almost insane, dripping the rotten blood on his palm into his lips, and his face was full of obsession, an expression of extraordinary satisfaction.

"Do you know how painful it is in heaven?" The fallen angel muttered to himself: "There are countless bondages where we simply cannot be our true self. I long for sin and love sin, which happens to be the case when Geya found me. "

The fallen angel continued: "She wanted to make me fall, and then complete the other's final transformation, from a desire to a joy, she succeeded, and attributed all the credit to her ability, but How can she think that if I didn't really want to fall into the darkness, even if she doubled her strength, it wouldn't have corroded me. "

Chen Feng heard that his expression had not changed. From the other side's ability to stand calmly in front of himself, he had some guesses.

The fallen angel 狞 laughed. With a wave of his arm, the ground under his feet became soft, and then a coffin appeared in the center of the two.

The coffin was opened, and a woman's face was revealed.

Pin needle woman.

This dead white body was covered with terrible cuts and bruises, and a sneer appeared from her tangled and twisted black hair.

Remove her sloppy clothes and rough images, the needle girl is an unusually beautiful and elegant creature. They often lingered on the night road, disguised as lost girls to use their paralyzed claws and hooked hair pins to ambush those creatures approaching her. It is reported that the most terrible weapon of the Needle Girl is actually her sneer and laughter full of ridicule and malice. This weird ability can drag everyone around to hear her laugh into the same crazy laugh.

The Stinger Girl is a terrible ghost transformed from an innocent woman who has died from ugly to unspeakable crimes. They return to the world from underworld, with anger for justice and resentment against sinners, the needle girl will always hunt those creatures that are unconscious of her nature, and fill their desire for revenge with **** terror.

Even if she defeats a needlewoman, she may not rest there. In rare cases, a needlewoman will be reborn again and again after a year and a day to continue her killing, and only when she completes her revenge will the needlewoman completely disappear again. And if the killer who killed her is dead, the needlewoman will hunt down every person who has blood relationship with this person, and kill them one by one.

The fallen angel took a step forward, put the other's hair ends on his nose, and his face was full of insanity.

"Compared to the high taste, this is the taste that every creature can enjoy, the smell of the body!"

When talking to each other, Chen Feng has distinguished the character of the other person, this is an angel who has gone completely crazy.

Talking to him, Geya had no effect on him, from beginning to end, but he himself wanted to do so, which became the look now.

But all this is just the other party took it for granted. Geya's teachings still had some impact on the fallen angel, making it an angel who became so enthusiastic about calling the undead.

How many times these undead are stronger than skeleton soldiers and zombies, this is the means of the other party!

An angel fighting on the dead?

一切 All of this sounds strange.

However, the state of the other party caused Chen Feng to raise some interest. This interest was purely because he was also a summoner.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng smiled, and with the same unarmed wave, an inverted six-pointed star lit up in front of him.

The same way of calling, the same cold breath.

Chen Feng even summoned an undead!

阴 The sullen and rough-looking 憔悴 man grinned to reveal a pair of mouse-like yellow fangs, with sharp, incomplete fingers at the ends of his hands.

North Ferratto blood!

This is a life form farther than the ordinary vampire!

As a barbaric undead creature, the Northferatu blood is often considered the predecessor of the more common and more advanced blood. The curse of the Northferatus bloodskins has separated them from the elegant and noble temperament of modern vampires, but has given these bloodskins cruel thirst and strange powers.

The Northferatu blood is as immortal as ordinary vampires, but they do not have the latter's ever-aging face-they are shriveled and full of resentment. The Northferatu bloods can not spread their blood, they have been for a long time Memory of this ability has been lost before.

The Sanos Ferrats still retain the sensitive consciousness honed for them in the cruel living environment of ancient times, but their age also makes these bloods reject the so-called "moral" concept of modern society.

The Northferatu bloods hated ordinary vampires (and called them the beauty of the "jasmine blood" with an ancient lost word, and these vampires in turn mocked the original and untamed horror of the Northferatu bloods In appearance, it is advisable that these ugly eight monsters should better hide in their ruins and not come out, so as not to jeopardize the whole blood society.

Because the Northferatu blood can't make a heir, the existing Northfrath blood is almost all ancient creatures-they were born before the loss of the ability to spread their immortal curse.

The vast majority of Northferato bloods live in desolate and remote places, and even thousands of years old Northferatu bloods may have only a few occupational levels-they live in seclusion for hundreds of years Life makes these blood races often not only challenge opponents lacking value, but also not enterprising.

Chen Feng now has epic power. When summoning, he can use force to complete forced summoning without even offering a sacrifice.

The summons will obey Chen Feng's orders within an hour. During this period, they cannot do anything harmful to the owner. Once forcibly ended, they may even petrify directly or become a pool of meat.

This is the power of rules!

The rules have always been made by the strong!

恶魔 The demons around now seem to have forgotten the cheers. Although the battle has not yet officially started, all these things in front of them have filled their eyes!

A human being and an angel even summoned the undead on the battlefield. This incredible method has made all the chaotic viewers very comfortable.

The fallen angel looked at Chen Feng and suddenly said, "You can even summon the undead, and have you sacrificed your soul?"

Listening to the words of the fallen angel, Chen Feng shook his head, but he already had some key points in his heart.

In order to kill, he did not hesitate to pull himself out of the altar, but now, in order to gain the ability to summon the undead, even sacrifice his soul to some hidden existence?

现在 Now, there is only one divine residence that controls the power of death, and that is Nero.

The **** of death, Naraku, is famous and infamous!

His face was dry and horrible, like a rusty red skin, thick black and green hair, a black cloak, eyes, teeth, and nails soaked with narcotic skeletons. His black staff, the "Fighter", can form a light sickle shaped like a giant sickle on the head of the staff, and touch any creature to kill the opponent.

The death **** Naluo and Heaven Realm have a deadly enemies, and they like to destroy each other. After all, angels represent holiness, and Naluo represents decay and darkness.

Now, in order to gain the ability to summon the undead, a rebellious angel sacrifice his soul to the other party, which is obviously an event for Nero.

Chen Feng didn't know exactly what Naluo did with the soul of the other party, but it is not difficult to judge from the appearance of the fallen angel. It finally moved Naluo and had the ability now.

This ... is simply a quirky angel!

Other angels are helpful ~ ~ But the fallen angel in front of him prefers to summon the undead.

The fallen angel looked at Chen Feng in his thoughts and said lightly: "Now is the life I want, especially the prey to be transformed into a strange undead. This achievement is not what the angel can imagine!"

"I don't want to be involved in any conspiracy, I just want to stay here, but you seem to ruin all my expectations. Your arrival has left me with a lot of raw materials, and now I want to kill you, and then I made you into my material! "

"Kill him!"

The fallen angel opened his mouth and said, Immediately, the needle girl suddenly rushed out, and flung towards Chen Feng!

Chen Feng was unmoved. With a wave of his arm, the dark gentleman with a stronger power than the blood race, leaned down at the waist, and loaded with the needle girl.

"For soldiers for soldiers, for soldiers and soldiers." Chen Feng took a step forward and continued to say, "You want to kill me, why don't I want to kill you? You think you have deceived Geya, but at best It's just a little **** who says that he can be abandoned if he gives up. "

The hot flames were hot all around, and Chen Feng's energy even boiled to the extreme at this moment, and then roared: "What do you want to kill me and make me into your undead? I can only say that you are simply Poor! "


As soon as the words fell, Chen Feng disappeared into place, and suddenly, an illusive figure appeared slowly behind the fallen angel!

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