The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1394: grim Reaper

"really interesting."

I heard Chen Feng's words, and Na Luo suddenly laughed, and it was exactly this smile that everything around him became blurred.

You can't look straight at the Divine Residence, not only the appearance, but even the sound is blocked.

Yuna Luo originally intended to occupy the fallen angel's body and mastered some secret methods. After the fallen angel's death, he could still control the opponent's soul and transform it into an undead with memories of his lifetime.

Imagine what a holy creature an angel could be transformed into a dirty, ugly undead after death. This is undoubtedly the most serious revenge on the divine realm.

Yuna Luo originally didn't want to stay here for too long, but just wanted to get the body of the fallen angel and left here, but who can think that he encountered an "old friend" here.

End a plan yourself, defeat your own humanity with the weakest strength ever!

Naluo has never been a compassionate mansion. He is ready to torture Chen Feng's soul with the most cruel means, and then attach it to the other person's body. If he remembers correctly, the other person has a good power in the human world. .

奈 When Naluo was about to start, what Ran didn't expect was that the other party even started a transaction with himself.

Chen Feng looked at Naraku and said lightly: "Please forgive me for the next impoliteness, but what I need to remind you is that what you attach to the fallen angel is just a ray of will. With this level of strength, there is no killing Death my power. "

"Although it is an abyss here, you can undoubtedly exert your strength to the extreme, but you also have enemies. Some other divine residences are jealous of you. The good camp ca n’t wait to destroy you because you are a symbol of death, and some equally evil divine residences I also want to occupy your grip. "

"Your true body cannot leave the kingdom of God. You can't coax me with such things."

Chen Feng stared at the other party. When negotiating, he needed to place himself and the other party on the same level. Otherwise, he would only make the other party despise and not value himself.

"You know the rules of the abyss." Naluo took a step forward, his face seemed to smile, but he couldn't see whether the other party was angry.

But Chen Feng knew that he was almost humiliating each other one after another, and had already annoyed Nairou, if possible, he would twist his neck in the next second.

However, Chen Feng is not vegetarian.

There is Rose behind me. Although there is no communication with each other, but they can pay some price to seek each other's asylum. Of course, this is the last way!

Chen Feng believes in his own judgment. He has all the cognition of the abyss in his brain. It is naturally clear that there are still some enemies in Nero, and the title can be heard.

Good enemy!

He is the hostile opponent of all the good camp gods, and those gods can't wait to suppress them directly and execute them.

But any powerful divine residence is not a simple role. In a certain sense, as long as Nai falls in the kingdom of God, he is basically invincible. This situation is the common method of most divine residences.

There is a battle, killing, and betrayal between mortals and mortals. Is the divine house a peaceful place?

Do not!

The divine houses are also full of various betrayals and killings. Do not say that it is not a camp or a divine house, because of its power and strength, it will start to fight against the good divine house next to it.

Shendi will not believe anyone, including his children!

Therefore, in order to protect their lives, most of the divine residences will stay in their own divine kingdom and build a divine kingdom. The divine residence paid 100% time and effort.

Therefore, the divine house in the kingdom of God is close to invincibility and close to immortality.

So, most of the time, the divine residence projects its avatar to participate in the battle or complete the plot.

为什么 Why was the killing **** killed by Rose?

It's not because the other party is too greedy. In order to kill Rose, he doesn't hesitate to reveal his true body from his kingdom. Go to the god, kill it directly, and get the divinity of the other party!

奈 For Nero, the real enemy is often not the divine residence that is not clear to himself, but the part that knows him best.


This is the youngest mansion in the abyss, and also has a part of the scepter of death!

There is no second day, there are no two kings!

This is a word that the human world knows, and in the abyss, the right of the divine residence is the same.

Chennai Luo is an ancient **** of death. This **** of death possesses a pure grasp of death, which has attracted the attention of some gods who also look at death authority.

Kranwo was one of Naraku's most powerful enemies.

Power: powerful divine power

Another name: King of the dead, judge of the condemned.

Holy Emblem: Golden Libra Supported by Arm Bones

Residential Realm: Underworld

Puppet camp: lawful neutrality

Priesthood: Death, the dead

Disciple: Dead man, dying family, grave robber, necromancer, funeral

Rev. Falcon's camp: lawful good, lawful neutral, lawful evil

Divine Realm: Fate, Lawful

Favorite Weapons: Destiny Touch, Epee

Don't look at Klanwo's young ~ ~ but also have powerful divine power. It is because of this that the other party has caused Nairou's defense.


Remember, death is also a part of the life cycle, it is not the end, but another beginning; it is not punishment, but an inevitable necessity in life. Death is an orderly process, without falsehood, cover, or rashness. Help those who die, and let them die with dignity.

Oppose those who advocate artificial methods to unnaturally extend their life beyond natural limits-such as becoming undead. Respect the deceased, for it is their unremitting efforts that have given Ferren the prosperity it enjoys today-if we forget them, we forget where we are (and why we are here).

When all Phelan people are about to die, a Reverend Cranvo should be by his side to accompany each other on the final journey.

Compared with the cruel and ruthless Naraku, Kranwo is undoubtedly kinder and will treat his followers better, rather than crushing and killing his followers like Naraku.

The former will have compassion on the believer, while the latter will only give the believer the purest oppression!

It is for this reason that the appearance of Kranwo has lost a lot of believers in Naraku, and the lack of believers means that the divine condensation has weakened. Therefore, Naraku will go to the human world to find new believers and fill his Divine needs.

Nagano's original plan was to develop the world with the human world as its own energy.

However, the appearance of Chen Feng has changed all this.

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