The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1407: God's terrible

Mesker has never suffered such grievances.

The **** of thieves has a strange deity. In the past, it was a king in the shadow. Before the kingdom of God was destroyed, any fanatic can tear Chen Feng into pieces.

This is the horror of the divine residence. If you do n’t do it, it will be a devastating blow.

现在 But now, even being threatened by a human of a small epic rank, if this is replaced by a human proverb, it is simply a dragon play in shallow pond.

But what can Mesker do?

In the final analysis, it is now a bereavement dog. If it is just reported to Chen Feng for the first time, it will be swallowed by Naluo, or even become an undead.

He had only two choices before Mesker, one was to die with dignity, and the other was to obey Chen Feng's threat.

A pair of eyes were put on Chen Feng's body. No one knew what the other party was thinking. After a moment, her mouth was slightly opened, and she whispered, "Master ..."

After hearing this word, instead of being happy, Chen Feng had an inexplicable chill, as if surrounded by poisonous snakes, and did not know when he would die.

Shendi has too many means, often when you don't know, it will be attacked by the other party and become a corpse.

If in the human world, Chen Feng will not hesitate to directly swallow the other side into the damaged plane, and tore the other side with the storm inside, because there is also a lot of divinity in this happy demon body.

If Chen Feng is able to devour those deities, it may help the evil demon go up one step closer.

As a summoner, He not only needs to grow himself, but also needs to consider the strength of His Summoners.

Chen Feng has never underestimated the divine house, but now, the reason why he blindly oppresses the other party is the influence of the other party in the abyss.

The Church of Memsk is second only to the Woking Church. Numerous priests have accumulated countless wealth for the church and hidden it in many secret places. Mesker's priests don't hoard wealth like dwarves to satisfy greed; they use it to the fullest-hiring eyeliners, bribery through the door, tampering with contracts, and manipulating civilians. The priests hide behind the scenes and adjust their situation in accordance with their attempts (although it may take more resources than directly appearing on the table to manipulate, so that the situation can be perfectly manipulated without the outside world discovering that there is a black hand behind the scenes). The reason these sophisticated scammers are doing this is to make foolish and vulnerable civilians think that Myske is dead, and the church has fallen apart.

It is an indisputable fact that Memsk is dead. Some unsettled believers even began to change their faith and secretly transferred some wealth.

This is something that no power can avoid.

He is like Chen Feng who is now dead in the abyss. Once he completely loses his life, the survivors who are far away from order will also make some choices.

Fura has her own daughter-in-law, which is something that most people know. Chen Feng firmly believes that many people will support their daughter-in-law to become the new owner, but in the same way, many people will also resist the new owner from the bottom of their hearts. rule.

Chen Feng has power, what is the child born of Fura to suppress those thugs?

There are some maggots in any force. This is an unavoidable thing, but it is also important to remember that there is no lack of loyalty. Those believers have a lot of wealth and a lot of manpower. They have always been loyal to Mesquite , And even want to revive it through some secret methods.

古 Since ancient times, the church in Mesque has been a loose network of independent bases, temples, and regional organizations. Although Mesque has died for some time, and its essence has not changed much in recent years, the adversity in recent years (the decline of Mesque's personality) has prompted the regional leaders to cooperate more closely with each other. As a result, the Mesque Church has planned more conspiracies. This change has also restored the demise of the Church of Mesque under the influence of the Church of Cyric.

Many loyal believers have been waiting for Mesker's return, and the reason why Chen Feng subdues the other is what the other person has now.

Gaya is now Myske. In order not to attract Nai Lao's attention, Myske will completely dissipate his breath and become a joyful devil. If it stands in front of those believers and acknowledges his own Mess, maybe he will Killed alive.

However, if you change your mind, if Geya says that he is the deities of Mesque, and he is working for the resurrection of Mesque, because he has the deity of Mess, plus his own understanding of himself, let those believers believe, It is not without opportunities at all.

锋 Chen Feng arrived at first, if it is not possible to know how many years to rely on to promote the myth by oneself, but with the help of Mesker believers, plus the accumulation of wealth for hundreds or even thousands of years, there is no problem at all.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng hit a ring finger, and then an old man with a sunken face descended in front of Geya.

"Saruman, set us a master-slave contract."

Chen Feng ordered to the Lich aside.

If it is the former Saruman, it may be difficult to help the existence of two epic ranks to cast spells. To succeed, you need to sacrifice thousands of lives.

But now it is different. With his intelligence, Saruman has completely occupied the White Bone Plains, devouring countless masters, causing the flame of soul to instantly sublimate, and he has been promoted to an epic rank. This is what happened just recently .

With the promotion of Saruman, this means that Chen Feng's master has once again risen by one. In addition to the inferiors, the incinerators and most of the unusable atrophy, Saruman is the fourth epic slave.

鲁 Saruman looked at Geya, and there were not many waves in his eyes, and he said lightly, "Is it with this pleasure demon?"


"Okay." Saruman nodded, raised the bone scepter, and a rush of energy enveloped Chen Feng and the other person.

"Wait ..." Seeing Chen Feng wasn't a joke, Mesker now seemed a little anxious, and could not help saying, "What do you mean, do you really want me to be a slave?"

Shocked with a shock on his face, it seemed that he did not believe Chen Feng's current actions.

In contrast, Chen Feng frowned, and there was no extra expression on his face, and he said, "Obey, I give you life, refuse, and die now. I said, this is my choice."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, my name is Chen Feng, start loyalty!"

Obviously, Mesk didn't realize that things had developed into this situation. He looked up and looked at Chen Feng, and his eyes were filled with some unimaginable anger, and it seemed that he could not wait to reject the other party now, in order to die.

But what's the point of death?

When I realized that I had never learned about resentment, Myske's eyes flashed with infinite resentment, and then he began to mutter.

"I am willing to conclude a contract with Chen Feng, give everything I have, give everything I have, if there is betrayal, I am willing to wash away my sins at the cost of the inability of soul generations to be freed."

"Conclude a contract with Ru's blood and my soul. Will you be willing?" Chen Feng said.

"I give this master-servant contract in my own name, offering the soul and blood of the soul in front of me as a sacrifice, and I would like to sign a lifetime agreement with the soul as a contract."

"I will be with you from now on, and your fate will coexist with me, and the contract is completed."

As Saruman's energy skyrocketed again, Mesk's shoulder suddenly engraved with a mark. From now on, it is a slave to Chen Feng alone.

Each other has now signed a contract. It can be said that from now on, Mesker's life will be in the charge of Chen Feng alone. Once the other party defies slightly, it will pay the price of life.

Looking at the stubborn face of the other party, Chen Feng still did not relax his vigilance. Don't neglect any means of a divine residence. Then, Chen Feng seemed to remember something and said, "Who can take charge of your priesthood after you die?"

There are also disputes between the gods.

It is like the destruction of one country and the rise of another country. With the fall of Myske, there will always be a new divine residence to become the **** of thieves.

Memsk recalled something, and then said, "The most promising successor is all Night Goddess!"

"Dark Night Goddess?" Chen Feng frowned slightly. "Do you mean Shaer?"

Min Shaer.

Medium divine power.

For a long time, it has a lot of names, Lady Night, Lady Lost,

Dark female sacred emblem: black disc with purple outer ring

Residential Realm: Shadow Realm; Faction: Neutral Evil Ne Priest: Cave, Darkness, Dungeon, Oblivion, Lost, Night, Secret, Dark Area t;

Disciple: Assassin, Anarchist, Avengers, Monk, Nihilist, Rogue.

During the turbulent period, Shaer killed the **** Abramdo who was in charge of the cave, the dungeon and the dark area at a wonderful time.

For the original believer of Abrando, she still gave the magic in the name of Abrando, and used this deception to increase her power. Since the **** of thieves, Mesque, took control of the shadow priesthood, Sha'er had always held cold anger at Mesque, and looked for the right time to destroy Mesque. Shaer loves darkness and nothingness, so she hates all the gods related to life and light. In addition, because she tried to control everything related to revenge, she also hated the weak Hall of Vengeance.

Talona, ​​the goddess of disease and poison, has always been an ally of Sha'er, but her purpose of serving the goddess of darkness is only to help her to destroy her most hated enemy, Laughita, the goddess of torture and pain.

To put it simply, the night goddess is definitely a conqueror and conspirator. The other party has too much ambition and is also not friendly to other divine residences. In the long river of history, there have been countless shots of divine residences that have blocked their promotion The ultimate goal of revenge is to capture the goddess of the other party and possess supreme power.

This is an being with absolute ambition.

Chen Feng didn't expect that Mesquite had a festival with Shaer. One thing to note is that when you let Mesker act as a deity, you need to be careful of Shaer's attention, because this is a bit scarier than Nair Divine residence.

"I know."

After all, Chen Feng didn't speak, but focused his eyes on the fighting state of SARS and Naraku. Now they don't have the momentum and fighting scenes, but they are completely stagnant. Perception.

But Chen Feng knew that the other party was fighting each other's mental strength.

Only by knowing oneself and knowing one another can one be warless.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng ordered to Saruman: "Help me peek into their spiritual battle!"

Saruman was originally an undead mage, and later he was promoted to be a Lich. He possessed far more energy than ordinary people could imagine. At this time, when he heard Chen Feng's order again, he nodded, and the circle of energy lingered out, directly covering it. In front of Chen Feng.

He just changed his face in a blink of an eye.

He saw that Naluo now no longer casts a spell, but raised his fist and smashed directly into Shas' body.

With a bang, his punch banged on SARS, just as if he had hit a mountain peak. An infinite force hit him, crushing his punches instantly, and then hit him severely.


The sound of bone cracking sounded, SARS flew straight out, his chest was sunken, and her ribs didn't know how many were broken. She opened her mouth and spit out all black blood and pieces of internal organs.

Lushas is an ancient beast, and also has flesh and blood.


即便 But even so, SARS didn't get knocked down, but instead straightened up, with a strong look, biting at Naluo's body.

We have already fought with each other. At this level of fighting, one side will penetrate the spirit of the other side. Only in this way can we finally get the due victory.

But when SARS rushed over, Naluo suddenly stretched out his right hand, and a force of invisible rules swept across, sweeping SARS 'body, a feeling that the world would be torn apart, filled with His whole body, trying to shatter its body, seemed to destroy everything.

After all, this is not the essence of Shas, but Naraku is different. Because of the necromancy, it has swallowed too much energy. At this time, its power is infinitely close to myth. No, to be precise, it is already a myth. It is because of this that SARS will lose to the bottom and become a loser.

A threat of death came, like a sickle of death, resting on Shas' neck.

Sui Nai fell on exerting his own abilities, and a breath of death was wrapped in Shass' body. Then, a real sickle appeared in the spirit.

Scythe of Death!

At the moment when the sickle appeared, he passed directly over the neck of Shas. Shas' body shook, blood leaked from the corners of his mouth, and his body looked like porcelain, and cracks appeared. In the next second, a head fell directly to the ground.

Who can think that things have reached such a point that it was the defeat of SARS. Chen Feng originally wanted to pick up the leaks, but it seems that there is still a bit of contempt.

Chen Feng was able to kill each other in the human world before, which is already very lucky. It is simply impossible to do so in the abyss world.

I think of this, Chen Feng's eyes are a bit obscure. I have to say that there is still too much gap between human beings and Shendi.

"You are here."

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly heard a familiar voice. He turned around, but saw Xu Hongzhuang standing in front of himself with blood.

Compared to the previous fierce look, Xu Hongzhuang is now weak to the extreme state, as if she has endured too many attacks, and even her breath becomes absent.

Chen Chen frowned and said, "What's going on?"

Concerns are ready to come.

Xu Hongzhuang is no stranger to the evil demon and Saruman. It is clear that the other party is His Majesty Chen Feng, but at this time he saw the enchanting pleasure demon frowned slightly, not knowing what the monster actually was.

After seeing Chen Feng's worried expression, Xu Hongzhuang shook her head gently, and said without fear, "It's okay, but everything happened too suddenly. I was attacked by the devil."

Xu Hongzhuang said it was an understatement, but Chen Feng knew that it could make Xu Hongzhuang like this, apparently suffered an unimaginable attack. Maybe it was almost killed by the devil.

In the chaotic scene just now, even if Chen Feng wanted to find the other party, he couldn't do it easily. After all, no one knew the skill of the abyss refining. The purpose of the end was to sacrifice a whole plane.

For Xu Hongzhuang, Chen Feng still has some complicated feelings after all. The other party is the first person to subdue himself and has an irreplaceable role in his mind.

In addition, although the two have not broken through the layer of window paper, it must be known that during the uninterrupted killing process, they already have some feelings for each other.

Only, Chen Feng now has Fu La, Xu Hongzhuang's pride does not want to be behind, so both of them cleverly avoided this and never let this secret be revealed.

Suddenly, Xu Hongzhuang came back safely, defeated the devil, and once again proved that Chen Feng was not wrong.

The Colosseum is now completely gone.

Now, the abyss refining monster has died in order to summon Meske, and Geya was taken away by Meske, and Geya who has allied with him for a short time is now the final winner.

Whether it is Necromancy or SARS, once it is completely digested, it can undoubtedly become the strongest avatar, which is the terrible existence second only to the ontology.

Don't believe in any divine residence, because the mind of the other party is difficult to guess. Don't look at Chen Feng forming an ally with the other party, but that's because Naluo at that time was just a ray of avatar and didn't have much energy.

But now it's different. Naluo's strength has surpassed himself too much. It is no exaggeration to say that if Chen Feng dares to stand up now and talk about cooperation with the other party, the first one to devour is himself.

God cannot peep.

This is one thing to remember.

When Chen Feng's thought was still wandering, an understatement was heard, and even a curious voice sounded in his ear: "Interesting, the bug, Mysk, is parasitic on a happy demon. Although the divine residence is invisible, but Do n’t you feel nauseous in the body of such a lowly creature? ”

I heard this voice, but not only Chen Feng's body suddenly stagnated, but Myske's pupils were dilated, and his expression was shocked to the extreme. Where can he think of it, he was finally found by Nero.

Now, in addition to Xu Hongzhuang, Mesque, Chen Feng, Inferno, and Saruman all have epic powers, but when facing Nero, they are still like family birds and have no fighting power at all.

Once Naraku really wants to kill a few people, there is almost no price to pay, this is the horror of the divine residence!

It was almost the next second. Everyone felt that there was a moment of embarrassment. Then, Naluo appeared in front of everyone, and a monster's head was also held in his right hand.


The ancient evil beast was actually beheaded by the other party!

Naluo threw the head under Mesker's feet, and then looked condescendingly, saying, "Mezque, you have lived countless years and was killed by such a guy. It seems that you are really Old, not suitable for another divine residence. "

Myske's face was red and white, then he shook his head and said, "Although I have lost a lot of memory, the thing to remember is that they are an organization, and SARS is just one of them, ambushing me. In addition to the ancient beasts, there are even divine houses and divine iniquity. "

The Mystic language is not surprisingly endless. With a series of blows, its mental power seems to be blessed by misfortune, and it remembers some things again, which also causes it to speak more secrets.

But because of this, everyone's hearts were suddenly overshadowed. It turned out that it was an organization that attacked Mesquite, and there was even such a divine presence, which had to make people care about what the other party was plotting. , Even companions.

In normal times, the gods look down on the ancient evil beasts, the gods halls look down on the gods sins, and the ancient evil beasts feed on the gods halls. It can be said that the three parties existed, and the blood seas of the past were deeply hatred.

What kind of energy is Luan, who actually brought these together? What secrets are hidden behind all this?

Nina Luo could not help narrowing her eyes ~ ~ To him, all this was obviously a little extraordinary, and it even smelled some conspiracy.

But Shendi was good at hiding his thoughts. Naluo didn't hesitate for a long time, and then looked away from Mesque's body. The appearance looked like he was extremely contemptuous of Mesque.

The fact is the same. After all, Myskeel's strength has fallen to the freezing point. There is no need to be wary. Even the opponent has a master-servant contract. It is a shame for the divine residence. In order to live, he is willing to be slave to humans.

Naluo's eyes flashed on Saruman and Xu Hongzhuang, but when he saw the evil demon, he suddenly "snapped", then took a step forward, and after careful identification, a smile appeared on the rotten cheek. .

Immediately, Naraku said to Chen Feng: "Little guy, I still look down on you. You have not only subjugated the undead and the divine residence as slaves, your majesty still has a **** iniquity, and I have to admit that your good fortune even me A little jealous. "

"I originally wanted to kill you and make you pay the price you need to do evil in the human world, but now I change my mind. Would you like to listen?"

Chen Feng looked at each other, and gestured with two fingers, but did not say a word.

On the other hand, Nairou was not angry, but shook his head and said, "The talent is a bit arrogant. I can understand, how about it? Would you like to become a believer of me? If you are loyal to me, I will not only kill you, but also send Mesker I give it to you. I will take refuge at that time. You have a lot to do in the abyss. Now I ask you, what is your answer? "

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