The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1416: reconciliation

Regarding Mesker's selfishness, Chen Feng saw it, but did not pierce it, because this was exactly what was expected.

If Meske doesn't have a little selfishness and nothing to hide, Chen Feng will doubt what the other party is planning, but from now on, this may be the only remaining cards of the other party.

After all, the divinity has been divided by Nero and himself, and what Tu left behind is just a body of a happy demon.

Chen Feng never intended to take a shot. In fact, at this time, he had no reason to take a shot. He just watched quietly, watching the joy of Demon, and how powerful Bahamut's strength was.

对于 For Bahamut, it is not very good now. To sum up, Meske is very angry and the consequences are serious.

Now, the long sword that appeared in front of Myske's eyes is filled with endless dark energy, and it is also filled with some essence of the Devil of Joy. At this time, the long sword is shining and it seems that all the Everything that was cut, no life could survive from this energy.

Mask has no hope of Chen Feng at all, and from the beginning to the end, the other party never really managed himself.

Can he really just watch, Bahamut provokes himself like this? The answer is yes!

Look at what Chen Feng looks like now, standing there quietly, and even chatting with interest to look around.

"This **** guy!"

Because of the master-slave contract, Mesker did not dare to blame Chen Feng face to face, and could only curse in his heart in this way, but the real hatred was Bahamut in front!

This **** guy!

This is the real **** enemy!

Compared to Chen Feng's sitting and waiting, Bahamut showed an aversion that made Mesque unable to endure, frowning, the flame in his eyes seemed to turn into substance, so he looked at Bahamut and then he grinned. There was a grinning smile.

However, after a simple startle, Bahamut smiled again and looked at Meske. "You are more and more charming, beautiful girl. Only such a person is worthy to be my mother-in-law. I It is impossible to stay in this world for long, but we can train an inheritor who will inherit my philosophy and continue to keep goodwill in this world. "

"You still say!" Mesque was about to spit blood now, and his eyes seemed to be staring out, so he stared at the other side for a long time.

"I ..." Bahamut tried to justify.

However, Mesker apparently did not want to hear any explanation from the other party.

"If you want to die, then you will."

Mysk exudes an icy breath all over him, and the kind of killing is like a mud that entangles Bahamut and traps it in place.

If in the past, when Mesker became a god, even the masters of the eternal rank trembled in front of himself, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. I did not expect that he was being bullied by the dog in Pingyang. Boy, how dare you let yourself give birth to another child!

Because of this, Mesque felt extremely angry. This anger has reached a certain extreme. At this moment, the endless killing intention immediately swept out of Mesque's body.


It sounded like a thunder!

Terrible energy started wantonly.

The horrible killing was permeated, even Chen Feng couldn't help feeling a cold, like standing naked in the ice and snow, and even his breathing froze for a moment, and a chest pain came from him.

Good powerful killing intention.

Chen Feng is okay. After all, he is also an epic strongman, but those lizard people around are a little uncomfortable, can not help but stunned, dignified, who can think that the victims they want to help are so terrible.

But they saw that the other party was a little weak, so they came forward and offered a helping hand. Who would have imagined that they would end up in this end!

The guy in front of me is not a good guy at all.

The other party is just like a legendary witch. Although she has a beautiful face, her behavior is so bad and shocking!

Saurians are also fighting races, but when they face Mesque, they feel trembling. Do n’t talk about confrontation, just looking at each other like this, their instincts feel a shudder.

The surrounding creatures still felt such a terrible killing intention, and Bahamut, who was directly facing Mesker, naturally felt more sympathetic. That killing intention made the energy in the body shake.

"What's the matter? This guy is a little weird!"

Bahamut has been in the human world for some time. In such a long time, he has been helping those poor people who have fallen into darkness. In addition, he has also affected a group of evil people such as lizard people.

The salamander is not kind.

This is a well-known thing.

However, Bahamut still used his strength to surrender the other party and let these terrible creatures surrender to himself. Not only that, but also ordered the other party to do good deeds every day, not like those zombies without brains, wantonly treat humans as human beings. food.

This is the rare and valuable quality of Bahamut. Although the other party is a divine residence and an extremely powerful dragon, they do not bully the weak, especially for the existence of human beings that can easily be crushed to death, and still give a lot of care.

This is something that cannot be done because of the existence of many good gods.

Different from the enemy.

The evil dragon Tiamat!

Bahamut's kindness, even in the good camp, is considered outstanding, and few divine residences can match it.

But Tiamat is different.

This equally powerful evil dragon **** is worshipped as a **** in many places. All the evil dragons paid tribute to Tiamat, and the green and blue dragons were more than happy to acknowledge her supremacy of monarchy over them. Kindness Dragon also respected her in her heart, although on the surface they tried to avoid mentioning it, even reminiscent of Her Majesty's name.

When she appeared in her natural form, Tiamat was a huge dragon with five dragon heads and a two-footed flying dragon-like tail. Each of her heads has a different color, white, black, green, blue and red. Her huge torso is strewn with beautiful stripes composed of these colors.

Tiamat has many spouses, including white dragons, black dragons, green dragons, blue dragons, and red dragons who have been at ancient times.

相比 Compared with Bahamut's doctrine of helping others, Tiamat is only concerned with how to spread her evil claims, how to defeat the so-called "good people", and how to expand the population of evil dragons.

最 The favorite little entertainment of this evil dragon **** residence is to completely raz a village, city or country, or even a large area of ​​the world. She is an evil person in the shadows. Her existence can often be perceived at the spiritual level, but no one can find her at the visual level.

Tiamat has been insisting on finding ways to expand the power and power of the evil dragons, especially when she and her followers of the dragons have discovered that they have been involved in territorial battles with the good dragons. Tiamat is tirelessly pursuing more respect, worship and dedication from her followers!

Tiamat and Bahamut are two extremes, the former spreading the disaster blindly, and then created justice and trying to rescue all the poor people covered by disaster and darkness.

这 And this is the biggest difference between the two.

He Bahamut never compromised with evil, just like now, even if it is only a projection on this land, the power that can be used is very small, but it has never receded.

Because it is clear that once she retreats, then the girl who has been completely enchanted in front of her will really destroy everything she has established.

It is one thing Bahamut will never do if he is bullied by the weak.

Although the strength of the other party was so terrible, Bahamut still did not have the slightest panic and the method of joy, which is too clear. However, in fact, some joy monsters have been known a long time ago, and those joy monsters have become My wife was born for myself, and many mixed-race children.

Unlike other evil dragons, Bahamut pays special attention to his sons and daughters. He is not an irresponsible father. Although he cannot give his wife and children too much time, he will Before leaving, give the other party adequate means to protect themselves.

Compared with most dragons, Bahamut's behavior is already worthy of words!

But one thing I have to admit is that the killing intentions and killings shown by Mesker turned out to be so intense that it made the opponent approaching almost like a dragon-eating beast. Since when did he no longer enjoy this oppression?

At the time when Bahamut thought he was ready, Mesker had already stepped down the long sword above his head. Compared with the previous energy, this sword was like a sea of ​​blood, which had a more overwhelming killing intention and poured wildly. Down. "


I was so embarrassed that I dared to marry each other. This idea was so bad that it was an idea that I shouldn't exist at all. Even before, it is still not a great shore that ordinary mortals can touch.

How terrible Mysk was once a divine residence. He is the **** of thieves. His best skills are sneak attacks and swift kills. It is almost like a cunning rabbit in the forest. Even though there are only a few shallow souls left now, the joy of magic His body is still stronger than before!

This is the essence of the divine residence!

It's like the world's number one boxer crossing and plunging into the body of a child. Although he has only a small body, but relying on skills, he can repel several class-age children at the same time!

This sword contains too much Mesker's anger.

The anger of Nairuo and the annoyance of Chen Feng broke out in this sword. It can be said that Bahamut became a scapegoat completely, and was blamed for Nairuo and Chen Feng!

Bahamut only thought that Mesque's momentum was a bit weird now, just like a volcanic eruption, and the anger generated had exceeded that before.

How is this going?

I'm just inviting the other person to be my wife. Even if you don't agree, don't you try hard?

Because Bahamut already felt it, in addition to the blood in his body, at this time, Mesker even trembled in his soul, and even divided some souls into the blade.

The other party is obviously ready to kill!

And that object is who I am!

If it was before, Bahamut can be easily resolved, but now, Mysk's sword is too fast and the power is too amazing. There is a trend that never goes back and never looks back. It seems that this sword will not Killed, the other party will not give up even if they enter the ground.

This ... it's nothing wrong!

Bahamut would like to explain it, but there is no chance, because the attack of Mesker has reached his eyes. In any case, let ’s talk about this strike first!

Bahamut took a deep breath, and the naked eyes could see a piece of hard armor condensing on the skin above and below his body.

And when the hard armor condensed, the sword instantly reached the opponent's body, and a crack was blasted on Bahamut's body, and the crack spread rapidly, and he couldn't hold on even a breath. Then, it exploded and turned into nothingness.

"How is this going?"

Bahamut looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. The hard armor that was condensed was really broken?

Although it is only a projection, he is still a dragon **** after all ...

How could 防御 be destroyed by a devil?

Bahamut is still in a difficult position, and after the blade penetrated the defense, he still pierced the body directly. Instantly, Bahamut's body was pierced, and the hot blood flowed down directly.

这些 When these blood flowed out ~ ~, it did not penetrate into the ground, but floated in the air like buoyancy.

血 God's blood!

Natural and ordinary blood are different.

麦 And Mesker is not paying attention to this strange scene now, but his mouth grinned, seeming to stifle Naluo and Chen Feng through his own attack, and reverse the humiliation he suffered before!

At this time, Mesk looked down at Bahamut with a sneer: "Aren't you trying to make me your wife? It seems you don't have this ability. In that case, let me die." ! "

Suddenly, the market fell into silence.

He Yijian not only smashed the pride and defense of Bahamut, but also made the lizardmen present as Xinyang collapsed. He did not believe that his loyal divine house was really defeated!

所有 All the lizards inhaled a cold breath involuntarily, and looked at Mesk in shock. What is this devil? Isn't it possible that the other party is also a divine residence?

Although it is inappropriate to use a domineering character to describe a woman, everything that the other party shows still shocks the lizardmen, and even some timid lizardmen dare not stare at Mesque.


Without much words, Mysk is ready to kill the opponent's life in the next sword!

Suddenly, when Mesker condensed his strength and tried to fulfill his wish, Chen Feng on the side suddenly said, "Enough, stop!"

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