The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1420: Real purpose

Regarding Chen Feng's question, Bahamut did not show any dissatisfaction, but looked at each other with a little interest.

Bahamut is not as surprised as before because of contact, he already has some knowledge of this human.

"You are not the same as the humans I have been in contact with before." Bahamut did not continue to follow Chen Feng's words, but directly changed the topic.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

At this time, where is the urgency just now, just like an old friend who hasn't seen each other for a long time, his voice even groans.

This made Mesque frowned, not knowing what medicine was sold in the two gourds. Just now there was a momentum of action. Messick almost thought that this was a secret sign given by Chen Feng, and he almost faced Release moves.

But from now on, it seems that I really think too much about it.

He shook his head. For Mesque, it is more suitable to wait and see. Who can guess what idea Chen Feng has in mind.

Mysk chose to keep his eyes closed, leaving the battlefield to the two.

He Bahamut looked at Chen Feng and said, "Amazing insight, I even thought you knew I was ..."

"Bahamut, dragon god!"

He did not wait for the other party to finish speaking, and Chen Feng suddenly interrupted the other party.

Suddenly, Bahamut's eyes shrank into a thin line, and while closing his eyes, he was ready to not disturb the two, and suddenly opened his eyes. He looked at the annoying sight in front of him. Guy, some crickets said, "Baha ... Mute?"

Bahamut frowned, and it seemed difficult to hide his surprise. Chen Feng's opening door saw the mountain too frightening. He originally only joked about this matter, but who would have thought that Chen Feng really recognized his identity.

对方 Does the other person come from the same world as himself? Otherwise, how could the other party know their true identity.

没有 There are no indigenous peoples in this world. If they are true, the identity of these indigenous peoples is too cluttered. For bugs, beasts, zombies, and weak humans, for Bahamut, this is simply a paradise for the weak.

Bahamut's attitude towards the survivors of this world, except for some pitiful, is more comforting.

If you change it to any world you have explored, it is likely to have been destroyed, and here, like the cub just hatched, everything starts from the beginning.

Humans do not need to face opponents that are several times stronger or even dozens of times stronger than themselves.

Even so, human beings are still living very hard. Because of this, Bahamut who was just attracted by the rich energy stayed on this land.

It formed its own power here, originally it was only to treat human beings, but after a while, he found that the living environment of other races except human beings was also not optimistic.

Therefore, He really decided to stay, rather than leave after a while.

The Bahamut is a relatively kind god's residence. Otherwise, his lizardmen would not be tamed. The main role of the lizardmen is to search for travellers in the wild.

相比 But compared to the evil lizardmen, they will feed on the single traveler, and the lizardmen who are loyal to Bahamut are only for treatment.

Many scavengers in the camp were picked up by the lizardmen.

I just didn't expect it this time. A kind-hearted rescue almost lost my life.

Chen Feng and Mesque have undoubtedly become the blacklist in the rescue team.

There are too many doubts in Bahamut's mind. He wants to know who Chen Feng is, and why he has accurately stated his own identity and the name of the divine residence.

What surprised Bahamut was that the Pleasure Demon seemed to be more surprised, and seemed to be familiar with the name. Of course, Pleasure Devil lived in purgatory. He had some legends here, and the other person stopped himself. The name does not seem unusual.

There was some doubt in Bahamut's face, and a dignity gradually appeared on his face.

Suddenly, when the other party wanted to speak, Chen Feng smiled slightly. Then, two sharp corners emerged from the top of his head, and a huge pair of broken wings spread behind him.

Burn the flames!

In Bahmut's mind, a piece of information about Guan Yu's Burning Demon directly appeared. This creature is cruel and powerful, and is a high-level demon living in the abyss.

No wonder the other party knows his name, but he is a well-known deity in the abyss.

Devil and devil are real heretics. They are born tyrannical, like fighting and killing, and Bahamut, who is a kind of good god's residence, is the most disgusting creature in the past.

In the long history, Bahamut did not pretend to be a warrior to sneak into the abyss, then descended on natural disasters and destroyed tens and hundreds of thousands of demons!

这些 In these cases, one of the most shocking things that Bahamut did was to summon more than a dozen dragons during the **** battle between the devil and the devil, and then breathe out the breath.

For the demons and demons participating in the blood battle, the dragon's raid is undoubtedly a fatal natural disaster. According to unconservative estimates, the number of demons and demons that died in that disaster even exceeded 100,000.

This directly led to the disintegration of several demon lords and demon lords, and soon they were killed and devoured by the lurking enemies!

For all abyssal creatures, Bahamut ’s name is like Lei Guaner, and the opponent is simply an enemy of the abyss, but anyway, the opponent ’s strength is too powerful, and the war between the divine residences can not be initiated by the simple death and injury of demons.

Bahamut just didn't expect that he encountered both demons and demons at the same time. No wonder the other party can recognize himself so quickly, or he hopes that he hasn't harmed them before, otherwise, this thing is really reasonable. clear.

Ignoring Bahamut's thoughts, Chen Feng re-hidden the exposed demon identity, and then said, "I just came here to ask you, what is the purpose of your stay here? Pure rescue, or one day, can Rule here? "

Xu said that at the end, Chen Feng's voice had become a bit cold, and he even had a heart attack. Once the other party could not convince himself, Chen Feng would really order his men to kill the other party.

Bahamut apparently felt Chen Feng's murderous instinct, but instinctively defended, but immediately put down his defense and then laughed: "Do you regard this as your imprisonment?"

"You don't need to care about this," Chen Feng said lightly.

"I only want your answer."

"What if I say to fight for hegemony?"

Chen Feng glanced at the other side: "Dead now."


For the directness of Chen Feng, Bahamut didn't know what to say for a while. He groped and touched his nose, but did not expect that Chen Feng's answer was so decisive.

I just didn't give myself a little face!

Bahamut leaned back and didn't seem to mind Chen Feng's threat: "I was caught off guard by you before. Do you think you could catch me if you do it now?"

Bahamut looked like a mule: "One thing I would like to remind you is that since I already know your strength, I will not be arrested. By the time you really ruin this place, I will still escape. Although I can't do any harm to you now, don't forget what my identity is. If I want to, I will find your power and make your camp chicken and dog restless. "

Said here, Bahamut's body is no longer the same breath as before, but suddenly became vicious, terrible, with an unimaginable killing breath.

In the final analysis, Bahamut is still a divine residence, holding countless lives. Once taken seriously, the terrible momentum even makes people's breath become a little unblocked.

But Chen Feng didn't seem to feel the same at all about this threat, and looked at the other with a smile: "You can try."

Bahamut repeatedly restrained his emotions, but Chen Feng did not seem to give the other party a meaning.

"You devil do things by your preferences, even after you go crazy, even if you have power? It won't be destroyed by you. I won't let you mess around on this land. If you really get there, even if you fight The Gu projection disappears, and I will kill you! "

Chen Feng is also a bit at a loss, why now it sounds like he is a villain, but the current dimension traveler has become a righteous party.

"I never intended to build my own country here. Although it is beautiful here, even though I have never felt such a strong energy, I am in a place of disaster and I am destined to stay here forever."

Chen Bahamut made his point clear, which undoubtedly made Chen Feng relieved.

而且 "And ..." At this time Bahamtra had a voice, then said: "Besides being summoned by energy, my biggest purpose is to chase my enemies."

"Your enemy?"

Chen Feng was a little puzzled.

"Yes, you know my name, naturally you know her name Tiamat!"

Bahamut seems to be remembering: "Tiamat is very evil, a creature like human beings, but for him is nothing but **** for random tramples. In fact, in order to eliminate this guy who brought shame to the family, no Stop and travel. "

"Tiamat is very cautious, always careful to escape from the dimension after committing a felony, so I walk around in order to get out this guy and give a fatal blow!"

Chen Feng stared at the other party, trying to find some signs of lies from the other party's words, but after careful observation, Chen Feng found that the other party did not look like he was lying.

In other words, what the other person said is true.

The good news is that the other party is not his own enemy, and he has no peep at this land.

But the bad news is that Tiamat also came to this land, because of the energy, more and more divine houses found it, and then found a way to land on this land.

It was more than that that made Chen Feng worry, Bahamut continued: "I followed the other side all the way to the human world, but in several battles, I discovered a very good thing."

Looking at the other person with a dignified expression, Chen Feng said, "What is it?"

Bahamut answered truthfully: "It's not just my old enemy. This time, the other side also found a helper, Asadron from the abyss!"

强 The strong who lives in the abyss?

He owns the altar, Chen Feng has all the knowledge of the abyss, his brain is running fast to try to find the news of Asadron, and after a few seconds, he finally reaches the news about the other party.

Assadron is famous for his dedication to life-no matter how hurt and frustrated. Upon receiving a fatal blow, the dragon tied a demon to his chest as a second heart.

Assadron looks roughly like an ancient red dragon in its heyday, but has some striking weird features. He has a demon-like face; his chest has a terrible scar, shaped like a large winged humanoid-an incinerator; his eyes are like two glowing burning flames; among his minions From time to time, a tiny light was constantly emitted.

Assadron's atrocities brought sadness and pain to the earth. The red dragon was worshipped by a cult, and they built a castle for the dragon to serve as a lair. But the enemy sank the dragon's castle into the dark underground, destroyed the cult and caused Asadron's fatal damage.

Residuals who survived the cult regrouped around the relics of their dragon monarch-the heart of Assadron ~ ~ using magic-and the same amount of skills, conviction and desperation, these cults re-emerged Activated the heart-but not life. This ritual imbued it with the energy of the Fallen Underworld and changed its form. It was reborn in the darkness of the undead and became the core of the cult's faith and psychic power. The cultists wanted to call Assadron back, but the dragon never responded to their call.

Assadron's blow was so severe that his heart injury could not be recovered. The dragon used all his means and all his knowledge in ancient rituals, and finally succeeded in replacing his heart with a magically bound demon.

In the information given by the abyss, the strength of this dragon is almost reaching the level of the gods. The specific strength is in the eternal level, which is two levels higher than its myth.

At this level, Assadron even thought of destroying tens of thousands of fortresses. This was a terrible dragon. Even if it was because of the dimension wall, his strength was limited.

But it is undeniable that the other side is following Tiamat and complement each other. This is not a problem of one plus one, but a qualitative change. Once the two sides really have any evil ideas, the human world is very good. Could suffer a disaster.

Chen Feng regards this land as his own wealth. Naturally, he does not want outsiders to show off his strength here, so he lowers his head and looks murderous in his eyes, staring at Bahamut and saying, "Tell me, where are they?"

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