When Chen Feng conquered Mesquite, it was all for the identity of the other party's divine residence, trying to dig out something from the other party.

Yun Ke's excavation caused Chen Feng to frown.

Ancient evil beast would say that because of the dimension wall, after the ancient evil beast descended on the human world, there was no strength at all. Without Chen Feng's shot, Lu Wei and Wei Xun could kill them directly.

What Chen Feng did not expect is that in addition to the ancient beasts of Meske, the enemies of Mesk also include two divine residences!

What is the concept of Shendi?

Lenovo Naraku, but when the early days of the end came, the strength had reached the legendary level.

Now, as the energy is boiling, after the Shen Di passes, the strength will undoubtedly reach the limit. One Chen Feng is barely able to bear it, but the two Shen Di together, even Chen Feng can't help but feel awkward, and even give up wheat. Skea's plan.

After he spoke, he was silent. He had thought of concealing. After all, his relationship with Chen Feng was not good. Excluding his strength and the identity of the divine residence, his importance was not even as important as that of Erwin.

But Mesker also knows that if he hides for no reason and waits for his enemy to come to the door, he will be more passive. Instead of being killed without knowing anything, it ’s better to take a last look. Look at Chen Feng Will you abandon yourself.

Msk is betting!

He is betting on the importance of Chen Feng.

If he really loses, then he can't do anything about it. He can only let it happen and let it all happen.

But at this time, Chen Feng didn't say much, just stared at the other person like that, there seemed to be thousands of questions in his eyes, but in the end he just nodded: "I know, everything is careful."

He said, Chen Feng was lying in bed, taking a short rest.


When Chen Feng was trying to rest, there was a sudden roar outside, and then Chen Feng saw in horror that a violent explosion suddenly came out of the window, and a heartbreaking breath was rising wildly. Swept in all directions.

Suddenly, a terrible energy began to rag, like a wild horse with a runaway head, it was impossible to tame.

Terrible momentum!

为什么 Why is this energy so terrifying?

"What's going on? What the **** happened?"

"Oh my God, what's going on?"

"Why did we suddenly explode here, why didn't the tree giant take precautions?"

The linden giant has a burly body, which can be used as an interceptor, especially the talent of the opponent. Even if the enemy stays a long way away, he has already explored the opponent's trail, and then killed the enemy with falling rocks or giant wood.

But at this time, the tree giant made almost no expression, and the attack suddenly came.

"Look over there!"

The sound of horror sounded, and everyone looked up, and then horrified to see the mighty tree giants. I didn't know when all the roots were broken. This is like human beings, without hands and feet, has become a waste.

怎么 "How is that possible? That's Parker. The opponent's strength already has a legendary rank. Why did it become like this in an instant?"

"Yes, the height of the other party is ten meters, and the rhizome is extremely hard. How could it become such a miserable appearance in an instant!"


不少 Many charity survivors in this camp started yelling because it was so scary. After the signless explosion, the tree giants died in pieces.

what does this mean?

When everyone was attracted by the explosion, the tree giant had already suffered from rivals in order to make everyone lose the first layer of protection.

Everyone was scared on their faces, and the scene in front of them was too scary.

Many wood elves consider themselves superior, but they do not know that the development of the human world has exceeded imagination. If it is changed in peace, a series of gun baptisms will make it difficult for the wood elves to die.

这些 But these, these elves are also very worried.


A large head of rock, a small hill-like stone smashed down, fell to the ground, and made a loud roar. In this deafening sound, all the survivors in the stronghold felt a little fear.

Many survivors take this place as their home, and naturally they are grateful for Bahamut who rescued them. They like this place very much and regard it as their home.

But at this time, a sudden disaster, but everyone was dumbfounded, do not know what to do.

心理 This psychological shock is ten times, hundred times, thousand times more scary than the shock of sight!


Next, some explosions occurred in the building of the camp, some survivors hiding in the house could not bear it, they were torn apart and became a body.


People screamed and rushed out of the explosion. They were covered in blood, extremely embarrassed, and some elves with extremely good looks were disfigured at this time, and even more terrible, even their arms and legs were scattered, not to mention How cruel.

This is a scene that all survivors do not want to see.

This is their home!

Many survivors were angry and tried to attack the attacker, but the trace of the other party could not be discerned at all, and they acted rashly and only exposed themselves to obvious places.

尸 There are corpses and wrecks everywhere ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and this scene is too scary, just like the end of the world.

Is the end of the world coming?

The survivors were not only aliens, but also some half-orcs. At this time, human beings didn't believe everything in front of them. They could only watch the explosion everywhere, and the camp was in chaos.

Human beings have already experienced real despair. Many of them have their own business in the peaceful era.

But now?

Everything has turned into nothingness. They thought they could live well now, but the sudden disaster was so sudden.

Some humans are stupidly stagnant, looking at everything they can see.

In the face of this destruction, they seem to have forgotten to escape.

Despair is breeding.

Human beings have suffered too much, and now they just want to end it all.

Of course, except for the existence of some completely lost confidence, some survivors at this time are fighting against everything in front of them.

"What are you waiting for? Repression hasn't been done yet? Just watching? People? The team? Where are all dead?" The elf who confronted Mesker before was trembling with spitting blood, this is Her body was damaged. How could she rely on her alone to block the flames of the sky!

The camp has encountered an unprecedented disaster. Just a blink of an eye has caused countless people to die, and there are countless people who want to die!

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