The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1426: Anaconda

Faced with killing his beloved monster, Ma Yue's anger has erupted to the extreme. He knows that he has almost no possibility of living, but despite this, he still rushes towards the other party insanely.

Moreover, under this extreme horror, Ma Yue even raised a pair of flame wings behind him. At this moment, he was like a giant meteorite that broke through the atmosphere, and came down from the sky with circles of silver shock waves!

I'm getting closer and closer!

Guiyi could see the desperate and determined face.

At this moment, the realm of Ma Yue has repeatedly been promoted, and has directly jumped to the golden rank!

The change in Pak Ma Yue has surprised everyone present.

据 There are so many people in this base, naturally they know each other's situation very well. Although Ma Yue is a little talented, he is just an ordinary person, but what is going on now? How could such a terrible momentum erupt on the opponent?

At this moment, Ma Yue is almost like a shining meteor, which has attracted everyone's attention in an instant.

Many people seem to know Ma Yue for the first time, looking at the strong man in midair in surprise, his expression mixed with worship is shocked, and many people even seem to be jumping out of their hearts.

Those people are also thinking whether Ma Yue can really kill this python.

This may be what people like in the last days. When there is absolute despair, there are still some sporadic hopes.

Everyone is looking forward to Malaysia ’s miracle.


Under the burning of flames, Ma Yue's figure instantly cut through the heavy gas, and came towards the python like lightning. The python seemed to be a little uncomfortable by the sudden heat wave, and his body could not help gliding backwards.

When everyone saw this scene, they were shocked and couldn't say anything.

I want to know that this python is the originator of everything. I do n’t know how many cracks have cracked in the surrounding land. Just a moment ago, hundreds of humans and elves fell into the cracks.

The earthquake was too horrible. I did n’t know how many people were killed, not to mention how many important necessities were lost. I saw such a horrible python hidden under the land, even those who wanted to die before. Frightened, no longer seeking death, but ran towards a relatively safe place.

Bian Ke is such a python that has brought countless people despair and fear, and was actually a human. No, Ma Yue was a human before, but now he is a true strong!

I ca n’t rule out that Ma Yue has created a miracle, but if Chen Feng is here now, he can see that Ma Yue has actually squeezed all his vitality. This is a force that he was lucky to get after giving all.

Even if he is not killed by the python, after a while, the other party will slowly tighten, become an old man, and then become dead.

这一 But at this moment, for the kind of people, their attention has not been focused on whether Ma Yue will die. In the eyes of countless people, the impeccable python took a step back.

Does this mean that Ma Yue can really do wonders and kill each other?

All people feel scalp numb and don't know what to say ... Usually, some professionals participate in daily hunting missions, but this time, all professionals choose to be silent.

Compared with Ma Yue, they obviously still have the hope to survive, and don't want to die in vain.


The Great Earthquake only subsided for two or three minutes, and suddenly there was an extremely violent quake at the five or six hundred meters ahead.

Everyone jumped conditionedly and looked at the trembling ground. Everyone couldn't help but have a doubt. Is there any unknown enemy?

如此 And at the same time, Ma Yue ’s attack also hit the python. After burning all his vitality, Ma Yue is now like a sun, and fell directly on the python.

The unimaginable flame directly wrapped the python, and the python tried to extinguish it, but after several rolls, these flames were like ghosts and could not be extinguished!

How is this going?

Python's strength has already broken through the legend, and even just a little bit, it can be promoted to the epic level. It is reasonable to say that such a terrifying strength is completely suppressed in the face of a rookie like Ma Yue who has just awakened.

Why is this happening now?

为什么 Why can't I destroy this flame?

Although the python is very powerful, it also ignores human's most terrible energy, which is emotion.

That's right, the fire released by the energy can't cause damage to the python, but at this time, what emerged from Ma Yue was a flame composed of endless vitality. These flames directly wrapped the python and produced a terrible Burning, making the python impossible to extinguish.

The python is now extremely miserable.

At this time, no matter how the python struggles, there is no way to reduce the pain from the body. Slowly, it seems that the original source has been hurt, and it no longer struggles, but is completely united.

"Are you dead?"

"It seems to me that this abominable guy has caused so much trouble and finally paid the price."

还有 "And Ma Yue, look at the guy in the past, the other side is still with the python."

Just as everyone tried to rescue Ma Yue, Ma Yue's eyes became blurred.

In order to perform this terrible trick, he melted all his vitality. Before long, he would die and become a corpse, a corpse without any perception.

尽管 But despite this, Ma Yue did not show his fear, but a slight grin on the corner of his mouth. He was not afraid of death. To be exact, he was looking forward to death, because only then could he see his beloved.


Ma Ma Yue recited the name that accompanied him for a long time. He did not continue to live as the other party wanted, but he also killed the abominable murderer.

"everything is over."

I looked at the burning flame on the python and kept burning. Ma Yue's face showed a hint of relief, but he was too tired now and couldn't stand on the ground at all.

Ma Yue's consciousness began to become unreal. Just when he was about to close his eyes, he was surprised to find that the eyes of the python suddenly trembled. Then, it opened the closed snake eyes. People were shocked, and their pale eyes had apparently turned into a thin line.

Even though this thin line is extremely thin and slender like a needle tip, it still can make people feel a unique wild breath.

The next second, just when Ma Yue was surprised, the python's head was lifted up and pressed directly on Ma Yue's body.


With a sudden noise, Ma Yue was directly crushed to death!

The horse is dying!

This is a horror picture that everyone sees.

Not only that, just after Ma Yue died.


There was a loud bang, and suddenly a large amount of dust spewed out from the ground. Vaguely, people could see an extremely huge figure, which emerged from the dirt.

I am a python!

If Ma Yue can persist for a while, those flames are enough to cause fatal damage to the python, and this is human power, but unfortunately, Ma Yue has exhausted all his power.

It was for this reason that the python had found an opportunity and escaped all of a sudden. Not only that, but also directly divided Ma Yue by capital punishment and directly pressed it into a meat pie.

The flames on his body disappeared little by little, and the python only felt that it was extremely brisk at this time. It opened its mouth and made a trembling sound that would make the eardrum collapse!

"Om ..."

Everyone covers their ears!

An immense amount of momentum rushed towards the face, leaving those survivors who just thought they were lucky to escape and fell directly to the ground.

All felt the tremor from the soul at this moment. It was a kind of sense that the python didn't even need to destroy its own body, and the soul would be completely shaken by the other side.

The atmosphere at the scene was terribly depressed. The survivor stronghold established by Bahamut turned into a ruin under the horrible destruction, and the truly terrible was still behind. The python stood up and broke. From the half-step epic to the epic rank, this is unthinkable by everyone.

Some timid survivors were scared to the extreme by this sudden python, so they looked up sillyly at each other. If anyone approached, they would find that these people were actually scared to death. .

It is not that they are timid to this extent, but that this python possesses a terrifying spiritual attack, which erupts, and the terrible mental power is enough to destroy the ordinary human soul and consciousness.

It was at this moment that the python tasted the sweetness and actually got out of the ground.

The roar of the python was everywhere, and the sound seemed to be fully integrated into the soul, making people no longer hear other sounds besides this sound. At the same time, some professionals saw the full state of the python .

But is this still a python?

The whole body is tens of meters in length, and its thickness is like a water tower in the peace era, and the large mouth of the blood basin is still spewing poisonous smoke. Under the pollution of this poisonous smoke, all the flowers and plants around it have dried up and died.

It is hard to imagine how such a terrible and extreme creature appeared on this land?

Everyone thinks that they have found a pure land and can live a happy life here, no matter how miserable they were in the past, but now they have a new home, but unfortunately, the monster will not let them do it.

No matter how miserable the life of the survivor, a monster such as a python, will catch up to the door when the other is about to forget the pain, and then destroy everything that the other cherishes.

For example, the python has done all this. Its appearance has tarnished the eyes of everyone here. They sadly found that no matter how hard they tried, they could not escape the fate of being killed.

Suddenly, when everyone was about to hold on, a dragon roar suddenly came from the air.

I'm Bahamut!

He Bahamut looked up, and the bloodthirsty pupil stared straight at the eyes of the python, full of anger, anxious to kill the other side now, and to sacrifice his dead lord with his terrible body.

"Damn guy, I'm just retreating to recuperate my body, and you have come here to do so many evil things. I already found your trace long ago, but at that time I also knew that your promotion was difficult and I could not bear to kill. You, but who can think of, my goodness has caused so many disasters. "

怪 "blame me, it's all my fault!"

Bahamut's faint voice drifted into the air like a storm.

It is not difficult to hear from the other party's words. Bahamut knew about the existence of the python long ago, but as a kind divine residence, it did not eradicate the hidden danger, but today, he was injured by Mesque. Later, when he was being healed, because this python could not feel his breath, he even destroyed his camp in this way.

Bahamut simply burned in anger, and the pressure produced was like a boulder falling directly on the body of the python.

If it was before, the python might have escaped here as fast as possible, but now it is different. The python has been promoted successfully. Like Bahamut, they are all strong in the epic rank.

Anaconda awakened successfully from the early days of the doomsday. The other party had its own chance and slowly grew to this point. When it was weak before, it was natural to dare not refute Bahamut. .

Do I still need to escape?

The python asked itself like this.

Do not!

The python decided not to run away. At this moment, the python raised his head, but his eyes did not change at all, but his will became incisive, like a strong wall, trying to counter the oppression given by Bahamut.

Python chose to resist.

"You guy dare to resist?"

Bahamut's eyes seemed to be glaring out, and his muscles began to tighten, because the expression of resentment became even flushed, and a lowly snake dared to fight against itself.

Bahamut only felt that he had been insulted so much that the pervasive murderousness on his body became more and more vigorous, and instantly turned into a red magma ~ ~ Not only that, his human body At this time, it slowly cracked, and then a pair of huge dragon wings suddenly emerged from behind.

The dignity of the dragon **** must not be lost.

That's right, even if Bahamut injured some origins in the previous battle, this allowed the python to wreak havoc in his camp. However, the starved camel was larger than the horse. Even if Bahamut was injured, his strength was not as good as before. But it's not all compared to a python.

唯一 The only thing that the python did wrong is that it has miscalculated its own strength, overestimated itself, and underestimated Bahamut.

At this time, after feeling the wanton energy of Bahamut, the python's eyes flinched. There is no doubt that it was a little scared in the face of this power.

If the python knew that Bahamut turned out to be a dragon, it would never come near here. It's strange that Bahamut was too low-key on weekdays. When he came here, in order not to disturb the creatures living here, he has always been Are deliberately suppressing their dragon spirit.

But at this moment, after the dignity was challenged one after another, Bahamut could no longer bear it. The torture from the soul level was directly stacked on the python!

The python only realized the gap between itself and Bahamut at this moment. If it could give it another chance, it would definitely not be half a step closer, but all things in the world have no regrets.

The python doesn't want to die, so at this moment, it can only do one thing, that is resistance!

Only with resistance can there be vitality!

:. :

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