The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1438: go away

To all the survivors, everything experienced today is like a dream, so unreal.

Some recognized the identity of the young man, who was exactly the same man that Bahamut brought back.

The other party came here as a guest, why now summon these terrible skeleton warriors? What secrets are hidden in the other person?

Many people are now looking at Chen Feng remotely, trying to give answers to each other.

But Chen Feng has already stated his intentions. He will give these survivors two options. One is to leave with himself to seek help from the outside world, and the other is to stay here.

"Excuse me, where has our lord gone?" Just then, a faint inquiry came in the distance.

Chen Feng looked to the back, but saw the lizard man who had a previous edge lying on the ground at this time. When the python appeared, he raised the stone that was broken by his head, and it happened to fall on the lizard man's chest. With the terrible destructive power, if not the lizard man has a good defense, it may have become a corpse now.

But despite surviving, it also vomited a lot of blood, and now she was pale and her back was deeply curved.

"He has left." Chen Feng answered truthfully.

"Do not!"

Chen Feng told the truth, the lizard man was distrustful, and the other person shook his head, as if he did not believe what Chen Feng said at all.

"The Lord will not abandon us. Although He has not said it, He is God. He will not abandon these believers in his faith. There will always be a man who will return. I will not go anywhere. I will be here to guard each other. Die! "

The Lizardmen's appearance now seems to disbelieve Chen Feng's words at all. As it understands, Bahamut will not deceive them, nor will he leave them.

But what about the facts?

Chen Feng is not a philanthropist. The lives of these people seem to him to be meaningless. He doesn't need to make some useless explanations, so he shook his head and said to the survivors, "Do you think so?"

After Chen Feng asked, some people didn't look at the lizardmen aside. They were like a team of players, and now they don't know how to choose.

If he rashly refuses Chen Feng, will he be punished?

There are too many dead people, and no one hopes to become a victim at this time, and was directly executed by Chen Feng.

As if guessing the thoughts of these people, Chen Feng said, "I said to you one last time that Bahamut has already left and will not return. No matter how much the other side guards this place before, from the moment it leaves, you should Know what dilemma you will face if you stay! "

"You have two choices. One is to continue to wait for Bahamut. The other is to follow me now. I will not embarrass you before I make a choice, but what you have to remember is that you have only the last chance to choose. once."

After speaking these words, Chen Feng stood blankly.

He has given these people a chance to choose, at this time, it is time to see how these people choose.

Chen Feng's last sentence gave survivors a lot of courage, and it didn't look like Chen Feng was cheating.

He will not fight these people, and this is also their only chance to choose.

The survivors moved most of them to the lizards. For them, Bahamut is the true deity, and Chen Feng is just a traveler who accidentally passed by.

These people lived to this day under the care of Bahamut, and they worshipped Bahamut immensely. They have already given their lives for it, and even vowed to be loyal to each other forever and never betray.

Until now, Bahamut has not appeared. They can't deny that Chen Feng didn't deceive them. Bahamut may have really left, maybe because of some things, he really needs to leave for a while, but for the survivors, the gods he believes in will one day come back to save himself .

So like the Lizardmen, they chose to stay here, no matter what the dilemma happened, they tried to wait for the arrival of Bahamut.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng said nothing. He has previously stated that attitude will give the other party a choice.

What's more, the order is not what it used to be, and the population has reached one million. Although this base has many residents, it is nothing compared with order.

For these people's beliefs, Chen Feng didn't take them too seriously.

And he used to talk a lot now, but only in the face of Bahamut, the other side left two divinities. Although there are reasons to compensate himself, the other purpose is to allow himself to take care of the other person's legacy. Subordinates.

Bahamut is contradictory.

As a human being, Chen Feng couldn't accept the almost cold-blooded state of the opponent, letting the human die, but just abandoning the opponent as a chess piece.

But as a ruler, Chen Feng understood one thing, that is most of the time he was involuntary.

If you are encountering a strong enemy, chasing an enemy for thousands of years or even longer, will you sacrifice the survivors of the rule in order to kill each other and even obtain some information?

For Chen Feng, he is bound to make this choice.

He can!

And will sacrifice the lives of some survivors without hesitation.

Here is the fate of the superior.

It is not just a matter of saying nothing.

Threatening Bahamut is more about peeping at the divinity on the other side. With the presence of Chen Feng, ordinary power has no help at all. Only the energy of divinity can help him to attack higher levels. Bit, become a myth or even an eternal master.

On the side, many people sighed when they saw that Chen Feng had not shot at those choosers. These people were speculators. They also expected to stay, but they were afraid that everything Chen Feng said before was just fraud. After Chen Feng didn't shoot, he moved his steps and stood beside the lizard man.

Although the lizardman was injured, although he was extremely weak, he still looked at Chen Feng with a victorious attitude when he saw the survivors around him.

That pair seemed to be saying, look, there are so many believers in the Lord, and your abacus sounds meaningless.

And just then, a weak voice sounded: "I want to ask, will the adult really not come back again?"

The question was about the girl who had used Dragon Dance for nine days. The other side was a Holy Light Master. Just now, she felt the gushing dark energy, so it was clear that Bahamut might have encountered an unimaginable enemy ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ After she asked questions, there were many sarcasm around, all of which rebuked the other party as a white-eyed wolf, and had no pure belief in adults.

At this time, he did not choose to believe his allegiance, but asked a stranger.

Some people are even overly verbal, and it is best to leave the other side angry, or else they will become marginalized if left behind, and will not be accepted by anyone.

The girl was at a loss for a moment, she looked at those familiar faces, but at this moment felt so strange.

Regarding the grievances of these people, Chen Feng didn't bother to answer, but just truthfully answered: "I said before that Bahamut is gone and will not return. I am entrusted to take care of you, but I will only take care of those who trust me People, if some people are still convinced that Bahamut will come back, then I will not force them. "

"I know, then I choose to leave!"

"And I!"

"I will go too!"

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