The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1445: Sad bug

The rat **** came.

For Wei Xun, what he has been waiting for is the rat god, because in his opinion, these guys are a big hidden danger in shaking order and sovereignty.

Killing each other is nothing but harm to the order.

Can't just let the other side continue to grow.

In the land destroyed by the fear rat, Wei Xun smelled a strange breath, those breaths can not be left behind by the beast of terror.

It's a species that possesses wisdom just like humans.

But today, after seeing the appearance of the mouse, Wei Xun realized that he didn't think much about it. This guy is indeed as ordinary as he imagined, not an ordinary fear rat.

Unlike other fear rats, naked, the other party was wearing clothes, judging from his manners, what looks like a mouse is just a human.


With this speculation in Wei Xun's mind, his eyes couldn't help narrowing.

"It's human."

Wei Xun was certain again, because he saw that the other party stood up very standard, nothing like those fear rats just learned to walk on two legs, and also revealed the breath of the beast everywhere.

And this rat **** seems to be fully familiar with the anthropomorphism of this body, and even fights against his back. The appearance is like an extravagant man, watching his prey just beheaded.

This word was actually used on a mouse, and Wei Xun frowned, only to think that the rat **** was more mysterious than he thought. For a time, his mind was tense to the extreme.

But it cannot be denied that it was precisely because of the appearance of this mouse that the surrounding situation changed completely. The original mighty giant spear hedgehog almost had no defense posture and was cut off by the sharp claws. neck.

Just now, in Wei Xun's sight, the claw light drew the wind, the light shone, and the wind and thunder turned out to be extremely fast!

"call out!"

Many spear hedgehogs had not responded yet, and the scratch was severely chopped on the king's head!

It is even more tragic that such a life beyond its limits fell directly, without even struggling, as if a small and incomparable stone was thrown into the lake, which had no impact on everything around it.

The giant beetle just took a breath, but saw the mouse's body moving in front of it, and the next time it appeared, its claws had penetrated into its body.


Ju Er immediately screamed with a heartache, struggling fiercely as if he had been killed, but he saw a shocking huge scar on the top of his head, diagonally extending from the left side of his head to the right side. , And even blinded one eye, the scar was so scary, and even the gray-white sticky brain plasma sprayed out "cooing" ...

This claw is obviously ferocious!

The giant beetle had been severely injured before, and at this time, it was suddenly attacked by its allies. It can be said that it was unexpected.


At this moment, the lance hedgehog was just resisted, and the insects with a certain wisdom were taken aback, and they set their eyes on the originator of the horror!

Haven't the two sides formed an alliance?

Why did you suddenly fight?

And looking at the situation at hand, it was the side that was injured.



The repressed voice came out from the mouth of the giant beetle. Who would have thought that under constant evolution, the beetle had the human language.

The giant beetle is repelling the betrayal of the rat god, and there are some secret agreements between them. Because of this, the giant beetle was the first to die, and as an attacking party, it fought with the spear hedgehog.

But can anyone think that after the Zerg has given so many lives, it ended up with such an ending. For the giant beetle, this ending is humiliating to the extreme. It is completely unwilling. Now there is only one expectation. That is to pull the despicable fellow of the rat **** together to Huangquan.

However, when the giant beetle tried to make a final counterattack, the glare of the rat **** suddenly flashed, like a little sun shining all over the world, dazzling, and those slightly weaker insects were stabbed by the strong light. Can't open, can only close the eyelids tightly, lest the eyeballs are stimulated by the strong light to burst out.

"call out!"

The rat **** blessed with this strange light, the speed soared, and he suddenly passed the distance and fell directly in front of the giant beetle.

The sharp claws on his hand began to move, almost for a moment, and the head of the giant beetle was completely cut in half.

Bug King, die!

A lot of viscous blood is like a lot of tofu flowers. Don't spray it out for money and drip on the ground. The land will be dyed light red!

Even more horrifying is still behind, seeing his king was slaughtered in this way, the worms around ~ ~ did not go completely crazy like the spear hedgehog in front, but issued a few roars, and The eyes of the worms in front of them immediately became extremely excited, and their eyes were burning with an unprecedented desire. Think of them, as miserable ordinary worms, if they can swallow blood and flesh into their mouths, maybe Can you get the power like a king?

Here is the worm, there is no mercy at all, and there is a little conscience compared to the beast. As the worm continues to evolve, the bad roots in the bloodline have also grown.

All bugs are self-interested, so long as they are good enough, what else do others do?

Just as now, when seeing his king was easily killed, ordinary insects not only did not sorrow and pain, but a few insect eyes were like searchlights, from the moment they saw flesh and blood, they kept blinking.

For the bugs at this time, there is only one idea in their minds, and that is devouring!

As long as those **** waters are swallowed, it won't take long for them to complete the evolution. By then, they will be able to unify the ethnic group and have the same power as the king.

Like humans, every time the evolution, the worm's head becomes clearer, which may be wisdom.

Ambition began to breed in the hearts of many bugs.

The worms wanted to evacuate the battlefield, but because they were too close, and the spear hedgehog was completely out of control, they fell into a situation surrounded by them for a while.

The rebellious fear rat kept hitting its former allies, and the other side, the spear hedgehog caught in anger because of the death of the king, completely lost his mind.

In just a moment, the sky was filled with green plasma and bugs, and they encountered two siege forces.

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