The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1455: Fleshy

The dragon's blood basin opened wide, and the color of the whole world seemed to be dyed with a layer of gray.

All colors disappear.

The undead are trying to resist, and they are still making meaningless resistance.

But as the undead fled and fled, a huge suction suddenly spewed out of the dragon's mouth.

Just one sip, those undead were swallowed directly into the abdomen by the dragon like water source absorbed by the water pipe.

Wei Xun looked aside, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. Don't look at how much noise they usually have, but after such a long time, they have known each other for a long time.

Shadow is the root of Wei Xun. It can be said that the more energy the monster has devoured, the faster the injury can be recovered.

When Wei Xun fell before, countless professionals rushed forward, many of them were Wei Xun's confidants, and they knew who the power was in order to be seen high in order, so at that time, he was really worried What happened?

While many people were healing for Wei Xun, the naked eye could see that the energy on the other side's body began to recover at a very fast speed.

Almost just in a blink of an eye, Wei Xun's injury has been restored to 1978. Feeling this peculiar scene, the eyes of the professionals seem to fall out. It is a miracle, and it is amazing. !!

After feeling what happened to him, Wei Xun grinned, and finally couldn't hold back anymore, sending out a series of huge laughter.

Wei Xun has felt the change of his body now, his body has entered a wonderful change, his blood is boiling. Now, the whole body is like a volcano about to spit, full of extremely rich energy.

Wait a few moments, and it won't be long before Wei Xun can truly step into the realm of his dreams!

"Hurry up!"

"Give me more time!"

At this moment, Wei Xun's eyes seemed to be staring out, and his voice was extremely urgent.

The shadow dragon on the side also devoured enough energy attributes at this time. The entire body is no longer illusory, and every inch of scale is so real.

The dragon knew that this was due to Wilson's change, and they complemented each other. It gave Weison enough energy, and Weison fed it back in another way.

The shadow dragon knows that this moment is the key to his transformation with Wei Xun, so the firepower is fully opened. In order to better devour the soul, the dragon's mouth seems to be torn apart and cracked to the extreme!

Under this terrifying power, the last energy breath left by the monster was also swallowed directly into the abdomen by the dragon.

Wei Xun, who felt the energy burst again in his body, didn't know if it was painful or refreshing. He opened his mouth and immediately burst out a sound that deterred Xiaoxiao.

In the roar of Wei Xun, the whole world seemed to tremble slightly.


The original wind and sunny weather are now completely overcast, and at this time, a thunderstorm suddenly sounded.

Wilson is promoted!

At this time, the energy of his body was completely exploded, the breath produced, so that the surrounding air seemed to burn.

Not only that, but now the shadow dragon on his body is constantly twisting, just like the human spasm, but he started to tremble for no reason.

A drop of dragon blood dripped from its mouth.

Informed professionals are all hell, what's going on? That shadow dragon is plain, but it is a transformation of energy, which is basically a dead thing. It is a shocking thing to have wisdom, but now ...

A more bizarre scene appeared.

In the mouth of the shadow dragon, there was a spit of dragon blood because of pain!

Although I don't want to admit it, a crazy idea can't be suppressed in everyone's mind.

That is, at this moment, the dragon was born and reborn, and really had his own life.

This ... is simply a violation of human perception!

However, as soon as this idea surfaced, many people could not help but burst out laughter. What is this called?

The world has become like this, what else is within the scope of human cognition?

Zombie? How can monsters or horrible bugs use these cognitions to prove and explain?

"What are you still doing stupidly? Hurry up beside me and bathe in dragon blood!"

When many people were surprised that the shadow dragon had changed, a sound of Wei Xun's reprimand suddenly appeared.

Many people looked blankly at Wei Xun, but saw that the other party's momentum is now long, and the entire momentum has changed.

No one knows what happened to Wei Xun now.

He was originally connected to the shadow blood, but what he never expected was that after his promotion to the epic, the body of the shadow dragon also changed qualitatively.

The shadow originally had no entity, that is because it has too much impurities in its body, and if it wants to fuse, it cannot be done with legendary strength.

It ’s different now ~ ~ Weixun was successfully promoted. The boiling energy in the body is comparable to magma. At these thousands or even tens of thousands of degrees, the original impurities are completely melted.

In this melting, the shadow dragon has also made an important decision, which is to live in the world in the way of the dragon in the future.

The dragon is a symbol of human beings. All Chinese people call themselves a descendant of the dragon. The dragon knows what it looks like. It is far more affirmed by others than a tiger or a lion.

In addition, the dragon is indeed a collection of hundreds of strengths, and the body is integrated with countless beasts, monsters, whether explosive or means, are comparable to ordinary creatures.

In a short period of time, the shadow dragon put forward this opinion to Wei Xun, Wei Xun did not hesitate at all, and directly agreed.

A life that hasn't been created yet knows the significance of the dragon to the Huaxia people. As a native Huaxia man, Wei Xun is undoubtedly more profound about this matter.

It can be said that once the shadow dragon turns into a Chinese dragon, then this matter is nothing but harm to Wei Xun.

In order to better promote the success of the dragon, Wei Xun even gave part of his essence to the other party.

Smelting the body of the shadow dragon with blood, this may be a miracle that can only be achieved at the epic level.

The energy of these blood is no less than that of a real western dragon, and it is even better than that.

In the past, Chen Feng did not hesitate to kill the dragon in order to exercise his body. He did not want to kill or kill the dragon deliberately, but to make his body stronger.

On the other hand, the soldiers who were guided by Wei Xun seemed to remember something. A little surprise appeared on their faces. The next second, they couldn't hold it anymore, and rushed towards the place where the dragon's blood dripped!

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