The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 4 Chapter 1459: Devil's City Crisis

Du Jianan sat on the bed with an expression on his face, his eyes looked dull.

It's been three days since he came to this city, and he has changed from the former spirited look to the middle-aged and elderly people who are now disordered.

In fact, order didn't abuse him. He even had good wine and meat supplies for three days, convenient life and delicious food, even several times stronger than his stronghold.

As a result, many people in the industry already have the look of optimism.

Du Jianan was a little vigilant at this point. He thought it was an orderly sugar-coated shell, in order to let his party and his team comply, and then revealed the news of the camp.

To this end, he also specifically instructed his men to not disclose any information in any way. Once someone found a starting point and betrayed the big commander, he would never be softhearted.

Everyone knows Du Jianan's temper and methods. In the big camp, he is a well-deserved second leader, and even some people have rumors that the great commander is Du Jianan's biological son.

Du Jianan is now 49 years old, and he is considered to be middle-aged, and the leader is only in his 20s. Judging from the age, this news is not impossible.

After all, there are no walls that do not leak.

No matter whether the son is dependent on his father or the husband is dependent on his son, both of them have paid countless hardships for the base, and the reason why everyone lives to this day is also under the protection of the Grand Commander.

No one is stupid enough to confirm the truth of this news, whether it is Du Jianan or the Grand Leader, once it is verified in the past, the end is naturally a dead end.

No one cares about Du Jianan's threat. The other person said that he was famous in the stronghold. Because of this, everyone who came here visited carefully during this time, and even avoided daily communication. It was like A group of dumbs, for fear of inadvertently, were stolen information and fell into a different place.

However, what made Du Jianan somewhat annoyed was that after three days had passed, besides waiting for the party, they waited, and somebody came to steal the information they had done.

At this point, Du Jianan knew one thing, that is, the information that he thought was important, in the eyes of order, it was nothing.

Therefore, their own talents will be left out. No, it is not an outlier, but an alliance where people don't care what they do.

The strength of the order In Du Jianan's eyes, whether it is population or prosperity, is not comparable to the stronghold, and even ...

Du Jianan sat alone in the room, and he could not help spitting his breath. Although he didn't want to admit that he was inferior to others, he had to recognize the fact that the two were not comparable at all.

Look at the demonic cannons on the city wall. A few days ago, the demonic cannons were inspected. Du Jianan saw with his own eyes that countless lively jumps and horrible beasts turned into a pile of minced meat and stumps under the bombardment.

One thing to know is that among those beasts, there are a few beasts that are quite cautious, and if they fight against them, the outcome is within five or five points.

Even more frightening is that from the beginning to the end, the soldiers of order did not even have an offensive action. They were like a group of spectators, watching such monsters with indifference and facial expressions one by one to death.

At that moment, Du Jianan's heart inevitably raised a despair, making him a proud base, in front of others, like a ants, worthless to mention.

Du Jianan has his own pride, but at this moment, his pride is completely lost, leaving nothing but helplessness.

He originally thought that the legendary order was not much stronger than his stronghold. After all, the end of the last days and all destruction, they built their own territory on the original land, which is already a valuable thing.

But when he really came here, after seeing everything here, Du Jianan only knew what it was to sit in the sky and watch the sky. The difference between them and order was not at all small.

It's an unimaginable gap.

This kind of gap, completely sky and earth, is not comparable at all.

The stronghold is still under threat, and I ca n’t wait any longer!

Du Jianan suddenly got up from the bed. At this moment, he looked calmly and apparently made some preparations.

Du Jianan was a businessman in peacetime, and he was not a simple businessman. Even in the whole country, he could be ranked in the top 500.

In this position, a businessman cannot be used to describe each other. Du Jianan is obviously a real entrepreneur. He is good at doing business and naturally knows the rules and methods of negotiation.

His original purpose was to let order begin, but what about himself? Then disguised as a strong person passing by here, the two sides live together in the doomsday, naturally need to support each other, in this case, Du Jianan will slowly reveal his fox tail, take the opportunity of the visit and bring back A large number of reinforcements will, on the one hand, solve the troubles of the stronghold and rescue the people who are very important to themselves, and on the other hand, do not need to be taken lightly by the orderly people. After all, all this happens accidentally.

Don't look at Du Jianan who treats his men with a threatening tone, and do not let the other party leak, but this matter is originally a secret. Everyone who comes here can stand the test. He is the commander-in-chief and a very reassuring group of people.

There is extreme pressure on their shoulders. Except for a small number of people who have obvious signs of corrosion, most of them are obviously anxious at this time. If it was not for Du Jianan's prestige here, they would have opened the door to the high order and said .

Du Jianan couldn't wait any longer. Even if he really waited for the soldiers to return to the stronghold at that time, perhaps there would only be a piece of wasteland left, and there was no home in his memory at all.

During this time, order always perfuncated itself, saying that the true leader had not returned and could not make effective discussions, but Du Jianan knew that both Xu Zhe and Lu Wei had certain privileges to go out.

Can't be disguised!

Although knowing that this will be looked down upon by the other party, and even have a more negative impact, Du Jianan cautioned himself that such an important thing should always be tried!

If you wait like this, the stronghold will really fall into the boundless territories.

Thinking of this, Du Jianan no longer cherished his face, and said to the confidant outside the door, "If you go to the agent city owner to explain the situation, you will say I want to meet each other."


The sky was still grey, as if covered with a thick curtain. Countless tiny white dots fall with the wind, as if trying to fill the entire world.

The weather at the end is very abnormal. It was a long time before the real winter, but today, for some reason, suddenly a heavy goose feather fell.

Even before it was night, the entire camp fell into silence.

The soldiers who have been guarding for a day, have even fallen into dreamland at this moment, whether ordinary people or professionals, no exception.

Devil City.

The name may sound scary, but it is still a stronghold for humans, and Du Jianan came from here.

It is only one-fifth the size of an order, with hundreds of thousands of people. It used to be planting and raising monsters, and it was a bare day. Although there was no prosperity like order, the number of starved deaths was much reduced.

But just when everyone thought that a good day would finally come, two weeks ago, a dimensional crack suddenly opened around.

Dimensional cracks opened, and then a group of horrible monsters appeared. The opponent was like a half-orc, with an ugly face, strong muscles, and even a bronze-level professional confronted the opponent hard and hard. Fruit to eat.

Those monsters got out of the dimensional crack, and, like other cracks, were closed for a short time, the crack was opened for three days, and then it completely disappeared.

For three days, the monsters that were originally scattered were now tens of thousands, and the black pressure looked like the waves, which made people frightened.

Devil City also tried to launch an impact, trying to destroy the dimensional portal, but each shock ended in failure. The strength and solidarity shown by those monsters made everyone in Devil City undoubtedly feel a little fear.

Although I do n’t want to admit it, if you really fight, the devil city is not the opponent of the opponent at all. The monsters destroyed most of the fields and eat all the beasts and insects scattered around.

Under this influence, even if there is some grain in the Devil City, it is also a trembling heart, and the breath of fear permeates the streets.

Everyone knows one thing. The walls they build can't resist these monsters at all. Du Jianan can't, neither can Grand Commander.

The earth lay on the bed, always thinking about some bad hunches in his mind. He tried many methods to distract attention, but ended up in failure.

Moreover, even if you really enter the dream, you will still dream of scary images that are unimaginable. Those people you know all die in the dream.

This sense of confusion made him stunned. He lay down early, but often fell asleep at three or four in the morning. Even so, his short sleep would be filled with nightmares one by one, and he would wake up with a little noise. .

Lying on the side of the earth, a fluffy tail is scattered around. He is a werewolf, but compared to the violent personality of the ordinary werewolf, the earth is a kind of alien. The teammates who live around will not attack anyone at all.

The earth has a keen hearing, so in the camp, as an inspector, during this time, he has a lot of work, and sometimes even rotates, even without rest.

Today, it was difficult for someone to replace the class. The earth can rest early and replenish some of the body, but because of the complex thoughts in the heart, it is impossible to enter sleep at all.

He must come out and walk, only in this way can he calm some of the pressure in his heart.

The earth likes a girl. The other party is an ordinary human. They do some tedious things on weekdays. They know each other on the street. At that time, the girl was besieged by several thugs and blocked the way.

The old-fashioned hero saved the beauty, and the earth relied on its own terrifying power to successfully repel those thugs, thereby saving the girl.

Just like the plot needs of many novels, the earth and the other party fell in love. He wanted to give the other party a stable home, even if he gave birth to a wolf cub, he was also at ease, without any discomfort.

For this reason, the earth even resigned from the inspection work, the purpose is to find a relatively relaxed life in this stronghold as a professional.

Devil City is not as good as the order. There are too many forces here and there, those little puppets lingering at the bottom, have no courage to open their teeth to professionals, but it does not mean that they will not bully those weak humans.

This is very common in Devil City.

The girl thanked the earth, and if there was no other party, she did not know what terrible things would go through that night.

It is just that the sky is not what people want, just when the earth is ready to start a family, the sudden future of the monster breaks his plan.

As an excellent warrior, the earth was specially called up. There is no possibility of rejecting this situation. Because of this, the earth has returned to the battlefield.

After coming here, the earth only knew how powerful the monsters it needed to face. If it weren't for its good power, it would have been unknown how many times it had been dragged away by monsters.

The earth hates those monsters, because it's because of these guys that all plans to harm themselves have been defeated.

Of course, the earth's favorite thing to do is occasionally flip through photos of his wife.

This will make his tired body a little bit relaxed.

The earth was standing in the snow, and her eyes were still at a certain point, not knowing what was in her mind.


However, ~ ~ When he wanted to return to his hometown, he just felt a sudden change in the surroundings, only felt that the sky was spinning, and when she returned to God, she found that the land in front had already appeared A deep hole.

The deep pit is like what was shelled. Not only that, the surrounding land has also been severely corroded. It can be said that if there is no legendary angel to bless it, this land will not be built at all.

After that, several similar sounds came from the direction of the camp, completely breaking the tranquility of the night.

This is ... an attack!

The earth seemed to feel something, but when he was about to go back and tell his teammates, a series of bombardments had sounded, and then hit the camp directly not far away.

At this moment, the earth's eyes narrowed directly into a thin line, what he saw, in the camp where he lived, under this horrible attack, it was like a piece of melted chocolate, which turned into a pool.

There were quilts, stone bricks and human remains inside.

The earth took a deep breath. At this time, he really didn't know what he should say.

Sadness came from the bottom of his heart. In that stronghold, there were his mentor, his friends, and his comrades in arms, but he melted so quietly.

Everyone was dead, except for him in the huge camp.

The earth can't believe his eyes at all now. If not enough bombs can still be heard in his ears, at this time, he must doubt whether he is still asleep. Everything here is a dream.

But the earth is not stupid. He knows that he will not be so awake in his sleep, so the monsters outside the city are here after all!

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