The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 805: Tongtian Python

How to get out of here?

This is a situation before Chen Feng. Shuttle Abyss was able to return to the stronghold because Chen Feng was originally in order.

But now, they are in an absolutely unfamiliar environment. It can be said that if they want to go back, they can only rely on themselves, and they can't shuttle in space at all.


There is no need to think about it. Although the ships on the shore can still be used, but there is no maintenance and dispatch personnel on it. Even if it is successfully opened, it will stop at sea and even sink to the bottom. Vulgar, but not everything.

Chen Feng misses the bottom-dwelling demon fish a bit. If the other party is not dead, he is still here, so it is not a big problem for him to go back.

"Bottomless demon fish?" Chen Feng murmured to himself, at this moment a thought came into his mind.

Since the ship is unavailable, the creatures under the sea can use it. Those creatures also mutate. Some giant fish are not weaker than a real warship. Once they can tame one, the speed of returning several people will increase greatly.

"Wei Xun, you have the soul of a beast that can suppress the beast. I wonder if the fish can do it?" Chen Feng asked.

He is only a summoner, not a beast trainer or a marine controller, so he cannot order surrounding creatures. However, in this team, Wei Xun has the ability to suppress beasts, but he does not know whether the other party can control fish.

Wei Xun pondered for a while, and said, "I haven't tried it before, but there should be no problem. My beast soul is already majestic. It is not difficult to control the opponent for my use, but the higher the strength, the higher the failure rate. There is nothing wrong with the silver stage. "

Silver stage?

Chen Feng frowned, what could a creature of that level do?

"Well, just leave this thing to me!" Chen Feng stood up and set his sights on the sea.

Weiss was ordered to stay on the shore, while Chen Feng waved the wings of the demon and suspended on the shore. He was looking for a suitable mount.

The turbulent water kept rolling eastward.

These days, a large amount of precipitation around the surrounding area has undoubtedly caused the water level on the coast to skyrocket.


A mighty dragon, poached his head out of the river!


If ordinary people were here, they would be shocked to say nothing. This is simply the legendary dragon, in the legendary story.

Dragons are generally good, with whiskers and horns, soaring in the sky

A tadpole is generally evil, it doesn't need to have a corner, it can't fly, it can only "vertical jump", but it goes a long way.

The dragon has a pair of dragon horns and two pairs of claws. It has dragon **** under its mouth and jaws.

The tadpole is also a variation of the dragon. It has the ability not weaker than the dragon, but it is crueler and fiercer than the dragon. There are only one pair of paws with three dragon whiskers on their faces, and their mouth is like a broken door with a snake tail.

At this time, Chen Feng's eyes appeared to be a huge creature with sharp angles.

Is it really a dragon?

Do not!

This is just a mutant python. It is covered with white soft leather, and there are vague and indistinguishable runes and patterns on the leather. It also grows a pearl-like hardened substance on top of its head. On the top, there are two pairs of forked horns. From a distance, it really looks a bit like a mighty and domineering dragon.

[Tongtian Python]

This mutant creature does not have toxins, but possesses the ability to manipulate water elements. It can exert super strong attack power in the water, and can even control precipitation within a range of ten meters. Generally speaking, calling the wind and the rain is magical to the extreme.

Of course, this has not yet reached the extreme. The reason why Tongtian Python is called this is because the other party can grow endlessly. Every time you advance to the next level, your body size will double. When you reach the legendary level, you will not fly. Maybe no different from a dragon.

As for higher order? Even if it is really flying in the void, it is not impossible.

Tongtian Python is relatively rare, even if it is a large number of snakes, but only one of the 100,000 mutant snakes can only evolve into Tongtian Python. Now Chen Feng meets one, which was originally lucky.


The Tongtian python was screaming, and Wu Wu was tossing and encouraging in the sea water. The body was five meters thick and twenty meters long. It was extremely powerful!

"Just you!"

With a violent drink, all of a sudden, the whole world shook!

The Tongtian python was so frightened that he looked up and glared at the direction of the sound.

It is the overlord in the water. How could it have been so intimidated by the horrendous applause? The dignity of its overlord in the water is not a joke!


The Tongtian Python roared, and seemed to want to fight back, but in the moment of this electric light flint ...

"No matter how loud you are, it ’s no use. I searched for it. Either you are humble and useless, or you are too short to sit. You have gold and your body is not weak. You are suppressed first and then given to Wilson to tame. , Once I can return to order, I will naturally give you a great deal! "

The previous loud drinking sound again ~ ~ Immediately after that, an absolutely figure fell from the sky, and the pair of wings spread out behind him, speeding like lightning, suddenly appeared in front of Tongtian Python !!


The Tongtian python roared, caught off guard, and could only watch the other party appear in front of itself. It was unwilling to show weakness, raised its neck, and a water balloon was brewing in the mouth. This water balloon was compressed by the water element and defeated the enemy. Is not weaker than a real iron ball.


Suddenly, this water polo broke through the sky and projected towards Chen Feng!

However, in the face of this blow, the man who suddenly appeared did not frown, but spread his arms and wanted to take the offensive with his bare hands!

In an instant, he was already in contact with the water polo, and an astonishing scene appeared. The man's seemingly ordinary fist completely stopped the water polo. This is not the end. The air around the man danced continuously. A terrible wind blade tornado danced!

The tornado shrouded the Tongtian Python's body sharply, as if numerous long ropes were wrapped around each other. The Tongtian Python suddenly lost its ability to move, as if stiff, lying and floating on the sea.

The character who appeared here was naturally Chen Feng. At this time, he looked at the mournful Tonga Python, condensing: "It's your luck to be my mount."

Tongtian Python meets the hydrating dragon. If it is possible, Chen Feng would like to really train the other party to see if one day the other party can really jump out of the sea and change from a water dragon to a **** dragon that truly soars the sky!

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