The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Creation myth

Under the deterrence of Chen Feng, Tong Tian Mang was directly suppressed. Wei Xun and Tong Tian Mang were in the same level. If it is common, there is no possibility of tame at this time. However, at this time, Tong Tian Manu was already frightened by Chen Feng. After taming, I saw a monster floating above Wei Xun's head with a mouthful of breath, and a ghost of Tongtian Python that was reduced by many times was taken into the monster's mouth.

This is similar to a contract, once Tongtian Python violates its will, it will be severely punished.

On the sea, there was a magnificent scene. At this time, the three men were walking on a python. The speed was not only slow, but also more explosive than ordinary ships.

The Tongtian python is a rare creature, and it is also a golden stage. It has a good deterrent. At this time, after feeling the breath of each other, the small fishes and shrimps in the surrounding sea did not dare to approach, and fled to the side. .

"Sir, I can't imagine that there are such strange beasts in the sea, which is exactly the same as the legendary dragon." After all, Lu Wei is young. Even if the other party has the blood of the devil, he is still curious about everything, even if it has been a while, But he still couldn't hide his surprise.

Wei Xun didn't say anything on the side, but along the way, he did not touch the sharp corners of Tongtian Python with his hands. Obviously, he was also very excited to subdue a [蛟龙].

"This is nothing. Energy has tampered with the genetic chain of those monsters, and even caused the other person to return to their ancestors. Just like humans, as they advance, their strength becomes more transcendent, and creatures like Tongtian Python not only increase their strength greatly. , Even the appearance will become different. "Chen Feng idle and explained.

"Like the so-called four sacred beasts, White Tiger, Xuanwu, Qinglong, and Suzaku are just mythological creatures. No one has ever seen them before, but this is the end. As some creatures continue to evolve and mutate, maybe another day. Those so-called mythical monsters will really descend on this land. "

"This is a magnificent and magnificent era. What is the order of the region? The whole world has entered a new era. If it succeeds, it can become the so-called" God "to make countless mortals worship. But if it fails, only Be able to make wedding dresses for others and become stepping stones for others! "

This is the first time Chen Feng has spoken about this view, so that the information is too horrible, and Wei Xun and Lu Wei felt deeply panic and a little excited.


There are no so-called myths or gods in this world. Those are just virtual characters created in the story, but this land is different. Because of the mutation, a small python can become a twin horn with a long head. If a giant object of about 20 meters is allowed to evolve, isn't it the prototype of Qinglong?

The python can evolve into a green dragon, so the birds flying in the sky can also evolve, becoming the ancestor of the birds, and the Suzaku standing on the parasol.

Next, aren't the white tigers and basalts corresponding to mutant white tigers and advanced tortoises?

Chen Feng's words shocked the two because they were surprised to find that they were witnessing the birth of a myth.

What's even more amazing is that it is like those monsters have become so-called holy beasts because of mutations, and professionals like themselves will be crowned with the title of "God" once their strength reaches the sky.

The breathing of Lu Wei and Wei Xun started to become a little hastily. Who wouldn't want to worship by themselves if possible? They ca n’t absorb the faith, and they do n’t know what the power of faith is. The reason they do it is to satisfy the abnormal satisfaction in their hearts!

"How? You want to be gods too?" Chen Feng played with taste.

I heard that Chen Feng said, they just woke up, or Wei Xun was good at expressing, and hurriedly said, "Sir, I only want to work for you, fight the Quartet, and have no complaints ... Only the master is qualified to withstand this. call!"

Lu Wei rarely stood in the same trench with Wei Xun, and nodded aside.

This time, Chen Feng didn't reply. He just turned his eyes to the sea. How difficult is it to become a god? Only the strongest person in the world deserves this title.

The order is invincible, but it is just a lopsided one. Chen Feng has never really felt invincible because of order, and he regards those heroes and uncles who linger around as pigs and dogs!

But one thing is that Chen Feng is different from others. Compared with others, he is more for the title and face. For Chen Feng, he has the means to use the power of faith. Therefore, he needs a population, not only the order of millions. The population needs the obedience of those forces around it.

If we only rely on the survival of order survivors, it will take hundreds of years to support Chen Feng's enough beliefs without any disaster, and then enter the realm of God. In a state of a hundredfold avatar.

Chen Feng could not wait until then, and the surrounding areas were full of dangers and dangers could happen at any time. It was only the most foolish method to rely on order to multiply the population.

For the gods such as Marathi and Rose, they use the methods of developing believers to use aggression and conquest the most, conquer a force, destroy the belief of the other party, and then place themselves in the heart of the other party and pray for themselves faithfully ~ This kind of aggression is undoubtedly faster than the so-called reproduction!

Order today is like a beast ready to go. Why did Chen Feng urgently send a fleet to explore the surroundings, just like the American continent that was first discovered centuries ago, this is Chen Feng. This is Chen Feng. Urgent need to get something.

A failure is nothing, once it is done, you will naturally need to pay something to get it.

"La la la ..."

Just as Chen Feng was thinking about the future, a strange song suddenly came from afar.


This is the sea, not an opera house, how can there be singing?

This song appeared too weird, it suddenly appeared, there was no sign, there was no singing where the naked eye could see it, but the voice was real, and the melodious melody lingered on the sea, no matter who heard it, Would feel unbelievable.

"Wow ..."

At this moment, the Tongtian python under his foot suddenly swayed his tail and swam quickly towards the left hand side. This situation was like being out of control of the body or being called in some way, even Wei Xun repeatedly ordered, However, Tongtian Python still swam forward quickly, disobeying the other party's order.

"grown ups……"

Wei Xun looked a little flustered, apparently what had happened left him at a loss.

On the other hand, Chen Feng shook his head, indicating that there was no major obstacle. No matter when and where power is always his confidence, Tongtian Python is no longer under control and he ca n’t hear any order. Instead of persecution, the other person ’s spirit collapses It was better to follow each other on the spot of the tragic death. Chen Feng wanted to see what was causing trouble, and even the rare creatures such as Tongtian Python did not have any resistance!

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