The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 808: Symbiosis

There is something under the sea!

At this time, Chen Feng glanced forward, watching the tumbling black sea water, and condensed to himself:

"The mermaid that has just appeared is just a silver stage. Naturally, it can't show that powerful charm. What does it mean? There must be some strong person under the sea who is manipulating the mermaid."

Chen Feng had just finished his thoughts. Instantly, he went up with goosebumps and instinctively realized that a huge danger was approaching!

At this time, Chen Feng strained his nerves, extremely tense, staring closely at the sea water ahead!

At this moment, "Hula"

There was a loud sound of water, countless water splashed up in the air, a huge column of water dispersed, and then a huge monster shadow!

A nightmare-like black body, the amorphous body emits a foul odor, creeping forward, flowing ... a mass of amorphous protoplasmic swells, with a faint gleam. Tens of thousands of green-emitting, pus-like eyes keep forming and decomposing on its surface.

The most terrible thing is that the other side is covered with gray rough scales. The scales are sucked one by one, and they also exhale the cold atmosphere, which seems to be able to freeze the entire sea level into a glacier.

"Is it controlling the mermaid?" Chen Feng looked forward with surprise, only to see the other person's mud-like body, and there were dozens of mermaids. Those mermaids were handsome and rare, but this is a rare beauty At the time, the opponent's original fin position was trapped inside the monster's body.


Not caught in it, but directly grown in it!

Mermaids have long been merged with monsters. At this time, those mermaids just looked around blankly, and there was no excess emotion in their eyes. This means that in the process of integration, the will of the mermaid has been destroyed. These beautiful people today, It's just a bait!

What is a fishing lure?

Those creeping worms are fishing baits. The worms have no thought. When humans need them, they will use iron hooks to penetrate the body and throw them into the river at will, waiting for the hooks of their prey.

But now, this monster that suddenly appeared on the surface is actually using mermaids as bait. Those girls with good cheeks are like being penetrated by hooks, and are limited to the place. When needed, the monsters will Let the other party surface, then seduce the passing crew.

Who would have thought that the so-called mermaid was only half-length, which made people feel scalp numb. Once it fell to the surface, don't think that the monster in the deep sea would drag it into its mouth and devour it completely.


At this time, the sky was suddenly violently stormy. Who could have imagined that the appearance of the other party changed the weather and suddenly made the surrounding area rain.

"Woo ..."

Facing the storm, the fierce monster sent a loud roar to the sky, and the sound waves that spread out were substantial, not only shaking the sea to the waves, but even the falling raindrops changed their trajectory.

The opponent has super strong elemental control, and even masters some ability to manipulate the weather.

The next moment, this monster even rammed towards Chen Feng aggressively, and those two tumor-filled eyes radiated murder and violence!

Chen Feng raised the wings of the demon behind him. In order to test the depth of the opponent, he gathered a fireball in the palm of his hand and threw it towards the opponent in the back!

At this time, I saw a blue glow on the body surface of the monster, which is a layer of armor composed of seawater magic, not only has excellent protection, but also has high flexibility, which can offset the attack . Absorbing the damage, after the fireball sputtered on the body, it can only leave a faint white mark on the monster's rough and hard skin!

Just when Chen Feng was lamenting the defense of the other side, the huge and rampant monster had rushed to the front of Tiantong Python, just like the Taishan peak, and a "bang" hit the waist of Tongtian Python fiercely. The body was sunken, and the whole body was shaken violently, almost turning over!

The Tongtian python is also a rare species, but in front of a monster, it is extremely vulnerable like a baby.


After receiving such a heavy blow on his body, Tongtian Python finally woke up from the illusion, but at this time don't expect the other party to take revenge, because this huge monster with an ugly face is a real legendary creature. The other party lives in the deep sea. Relying on mermaids to attract prey, once the prey is close to each other's waters, the monster will jump out and swallow it completely.

Just before the Tongtian Python tumbling, many creatures in the surrounding waters were spreading towards the surrounding area. They seemed panicked, and wished to stay away from this storm of war now.

As soon as a giant octopus emerged from the water, the monster stared at the scarlet giant eyes, opened the blood disk and swallowed the weird octopus into its mouth, and bit it into a smash with a gabby, splattering, and a splattered sticky corner Thick blood ...

"Sir ... what the **** is this?"

As the monsters began to attack, the charm of the song stopped, at this time, Lu Wei and Wei Xun also awakened from the previous illusions. A few seconds ago, they were still in a dreamland, or a beautiful cloud, or It is so powerful that it makes both golden powerhouses fall into it and cannot wake up.

And now, when they opened their eyes again, the surroundings were no longer beautiful, but turned into a giant monster with a foul smell, and their faces suddenly turned gray.

Especially when they saw a giant octopus being bitten by one bite, both of them felt a bitter chill, as if there was a basin of ice water dripping from head to toe in the winter, and goose bumps were all over!

"This is the culprit of all ..."

"What the **** should I do ..."

For a while, both of them were a bit panicked. Just now they were still ambitious to create myths, but the ruthless reality immediately slaps them, letting them know that they are a weak person in this vast world. No halo at all.

A deep sense of despair suddenly struck the hearts of the two, fear and anxiety, and a sense of powerlessness that made them feel that the saliva in their mouths were bitter, and the raindrops dripped on their faces. Up, like a whip fluttering, inexplicable pain!

At this time, the two completely lost their confidence, just like a woman who complained and felt pity. She looked pale and swaying, and seemed to jump into the sea in the next second, ending her timid life.

In front of this monster, the so-called gold power is not worth mentioning at all. It is like a piece of papyrus, which is crushed and crushed at will.

Lu Wei and Wei Xun seem to have been drained of all their courage. In a matter of tens of seconds, they fell from a good dream to the dog of today's bereaved family. Such a gap is simply not acceptable to ordinary people.

But just then ...

In the distance, there is a huge wave that is ten meters high, carrying a landslide, which is more like a galloping horse, which almost changes the color of this small sea area!

At the top of the raging and rolling waves, the white flowers are like white snow pouring down ...

It's nothing strange, but it's strange that a petite figure stands on the spray, and Fura with a pair of cat ears is summoned!

The monster's strength is good, especially this is the sea. The opponent's strength can multiply. Because of this, Chen Feng did not dare to take it lightly and summoned Fura to start the challenge.

"wake up!"

Just as Fura was walking on the waves and crushing over the monsters, Chen Feng suddenly woke up to Lu Wei.

The two felt that a thunder exploded in their ears, and their pupils returned to their normal state, looking a little blank and flustered around.

The monster in front of him is invincible in using magic. Originally, he thought that destroying the other party ’s singing voice could put an end to the illusion. However, even without singing, the monster could still give Lu Wei and the two serious inferiority complex. Just now, monsters magnified the horror of this world in their hearts.

"Huh? In the ocean, you can even encounter such a monster, who can tamper with perception and spirit at will, and it is impossible to defend at all, but it encountered itself!"

Chen Feng gave a smirk, and suddenly, the sea water suddenly turned upside down, and the next moment, he shot a silvery arrow of water, and a few hundred meters away, the monster raging towards the sea went through.


Where is the water arrow? It is basically a huge water wave formed by Fu La's foot pedal, which drives the water source to flow in midair. At this time, the water wave is irradiated on the monster's head impartially, with a strong force. Pierced the water armor, hit him heavily, the monster roared and screamed in pain, no longer paying attention to Lu Wei, but raised his head, roared and turned around, the fierce eyes were filled with endless cold and murderous!

Chen Feng looked carefully. This monster was not an evolutionary creature of the human world at all, but a stowaway from a certain dimension. The other party lurked in the deep sea and relied on fishing baits to frequently start their prey. All the people on the ship will die. After all, the monster is huge in size and proficient in mental attack. Like Lu Wei's humble mind before, the crew is likely to have negative psychology as well, like jumping dumplings, and actively jumping into the sea. Devoured by monsters.

"The legendary sea monster is also the home ground in the sea. Don't watch Fura walk on the water, but the figures are different by dozens of times. This is originally Fura's short board. To deal with each other, naturally it takes some effort!"

However, she still stood on the sidelines.

A faint desire to fight has risen in Chen Feng's heart. He has always been fighting on land. Even in his last life, he was confined to order and rarely went to sea to explore, let alone face this weird appearance. Deep sea monster!

This kind of challenge naturally makes Chen Fengsheng a little excited!


In such a moment, the opposite monster has been riding the wind and waves, tearing open numerous seawater, and rushing towards Chen Feng with great momentum, that speed is much faster than rowing!

It grew a big mouth with **** mouths, exposed a bit of white teeth, and looked at that posture, it seemed to be swallowing Chen Feng on the tip of the wave, just like eating the mutant octopus just now!

"Oh, good job!"

In the eyes of Chen Feng, the cold light shone. The monster thought it was avoiding its sharp edge. Instead of attacking Fura blindly, it attacked and killed itself. This self-righteous intelligence was the beginning of a disaster.

With a bang, Chen Feng's hands raised the flames unique to Purgatory. The power of this weapon was too horrible. It just appeared. There was no rain any more within five meters. Instead, a white mist slowly eased over his head. Slowly condensing makes people dazzled.

The reason for all of this is clearly that the endless sword evaporates the rain directly, and a large cloud-like mist is formed in the air, giving people a sense of rising clouds and driving the fog.

"Kimmela was killed, Bone Dragon, Demigod Mummy exploded and died. The correct sacrifice around me was used to summon a new subordinate. I was really hungry. Someone sent dry food. You and I have a destiny. I was called by you across several miles. After you, come and satisfy me now, serve as my sacrifice, and bring me a new slave! "

At this moment, all the forces hidden in Chen Feng's body condensed, and a colorful mist spread out on his body, so that every drop of Chen Feng's blood condensed a powerful demon power!

A few hundred meters away from the monster, Chen Feng raised his endless sword with his hands high, and the raging flames broke out. Two meters long!

The next moment ...


Chen Feng and the monster collided together, and a golden light beam lit up in the sky, lighting the entire sea area brightly!

Blood, splash!

The blood flower was about to drip into the sea, but it had evaporated into a blood mist, suspended in mid-air.

Amazingly, it was a meeting between Chen Feng and the monster who had just strayed. He directly used an endless sword to severely bleed a huge wound on its head. When the skull was torn, even brain fluid flowed out, and a large swath of blood mist was even radiated!

"Woohoo ..."

Maybe something was felt, and the monster began to whistle and mourn ~ ~ And even more weirdly, the mermaids on the other side were also immersed, and each face was no longer simply curious, but became Pain, as if tortured in every way, every face is in a twisted state!

"Let me ... Let me ..."

The previous noise came to Chen Feng's mind again. The mermaids seemed to be awakened to some consciousness. Even though they hated themselves today, at this time, the mermaid and this monster have already been integrated. Once the monster dies, the mermaid will also be killed. Huang Quan, not wanting to die, naturally became the reason for their plea.

However, Chen Feng never messes with things. Although the mermaid is beautiful, it has been merged into a monster. The so-called bitter drama does not exist. Of course, in front of the interests, even if the real mermaid asks for help, Chen Feng will slaughter without any hidden danger.

"Sadness? It's the right choice to give you obediently!"

Chen Feng's face was fierce, and his tone was like a bandit thief who was murdering his wealth. His gloomy face even showed a strong sense of evil!

Shadow jump!

The next second, Chen Feng's figure appeared on top of the monster. A sword penetrated, the monster's head cracked open, and the brain inside could not stand the strong squeezing force. It's like a blowout of oil, gushing out!

At the same time, the mermaids' pupils became gray, their heads were paralyzed and perpendicular to their arms, and obviously they could not die anymore.

This is Chen Feng, who is really a pig and a tiger. If he does n’t do it, he will be bombarded by thunder. Once there is a sacrifice, it is time to make the next call!

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