The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 813: Devour everything

How could the turtle talk?

When Wei Xun transformed the beast soul into an entity and severely damaged those inspectors, no one could imagine that the turtle under them even spoke, listening to his voice like a middle-aged man. If the sub-view was invisible, instead, they asked the group if they wanted to kill themselves?

There are too many weird things in this world. Take monkey sperm, for example. Those monkeys have greatly improved their wisdom because of mutations. High-level monkey sperms are not much more than ordinary juvenile IQs.

Even, they also know how to build weapons and flip houses. They are simply a weakened version of human beings. Even Chen Feng knows that if the strength continues to increase and reaches epic realm, those beasts may also learn to speak, strengthen their physical strength, and improve their bodies to one. Unimaginable height.

Realm, decide everything!

However, the tortoise in front of him is just a golden order, and the distance between the so-called high-order and high-order order is still eighteen thousand miles. Some parrots could have uttered words. After evolution, they may be able to master human language earlier. Who has heard that turtles can communicate with people?

And now, this turtle is really talking, and there is emotion in the tone, giving people a feeling that this is not a turtle at all, but a real human!

Although the turtle body is not a heterogeneous species, it has evolved into a golden rank. The defense on the turtle shell can even rival the legend. As for the strength, it naturally controls a certain water element, can eject water bombs, or change the flow of water.


Shocking violently, waves of ripples rippling out of the water surface, and in an instant, a wave of deterrence filled the half of the sky. This was not only to pressure Chen Feng and his party, but also to inform the forces that the enemy was found here!

"Your gang of murderers dare to hurt people for no reason, and you will pay the price you deserve!" There was some gloom in the tortoise's tone. At this time, staring at Wei Xun, raising the turtle's neck, the water bombs blasted and It turns out that each of these water bombs has an amazing lethality, except that it will not explode, and there is no difference at all from the magic weapon shell!

At this time, Chen Feng was still aside, but he never made a move. Wei Xun knew that the reason why Chen Feng had shot before was because the monsters were so powerful, whether they were horses or mermaids, they could not compete. However, now that he is at the same level as the turtle in front of him, if he can't compete with it, then in the eyes of an adult, he is no different from a waste.

In Wei Xun's eyes, a flash of fierce light flashed, and the whole person immediately spun up like a gyro, and the ghost image of the monster above his head turned into a huge wild elephant. He took a sip toward these water bombs.


Wei Xun screamed angrily, and saw the giant wild elephant sucking hard, and then all the water bombs were taken into his mouth.




At the moment the water bomb was swallowed up, a huge shock occurred in the giant elephant body, and one after another the sound of blasting sounded, if the giant elephant was torn into pieces at once.

The giant elephant was crushed, and Wei Xun's body was bumped to a halt.

"Dead to me!"

The giant turtle saw this scene, and the scarlet eyes locked on Wei Xun's body. Suddenly, the huge body rushed forward, and he seemed to want to swallow Wei Xun!

In the eyes of the giant tortoise, he has completely closed Weissson's back road. What he has to do now is to kill the other party in an absolute posture. This is to give back teeth for teeth, and for eyes. Inspector, and now, the giant tortoise will use Weison's life as compensation to wash his shame!

This is simply unbridled.

And this is more in line with this force's standard of handling things, you know, even the children fight each other, like a madman to separate the winner and the loser.

Not to mention that Wei Xun has hurt his partner before, but now, this giant tortoise is to use Wei Xun's blood to wash away the shame just now.

The giant turtle rushed over to form an encirclement, covering Wei Xun directly.

Seeing all this, Lu Wei began to imitate countless bones on his body and tried to make a clearance for Wei Xun, but Chen Feng waved his hand. He looked coldly and looked at everything in front of him. If this situation could not be resolved, then Wei Xun had already There is no need to serve in the blood camp anymore.

This is destined to be an era of whoever goes, whoever is weak should not enjoy those glories.

Over time, the order is no longer a small village of two or three salted fish. On the contrary, the golden strong is no longer scarce because of the arrival of Chen Feng, and more than a million survivors have survived around the entire order. There are many geniuses in previous lives. According to the original life track, they should have died, but because of order, they have miraculously survived.

There is no worry about life, coupled with the second energy storm and the resource subsidy of order. In a short period of time, those geniuses who had not shown the mountains and rivers came into the sight of Chen Feng one by one. At this time, they were simply carps crossing the dragon gate. , All become Zhangya dance claw dragons.

Don't look at Wei Xun and Lu Wei in high positions, but in the world where the geniuses but the latecomers occupy the top position, Chen Feng will not pay much attention to emotions. If Wei Xun cannot conquer even a giant tortoise that he did not intend to meet, You don't have to occupy a high position and enjoy the glory that others have given you!

Without Lu Wei's assistance, the giant tortoise's shadow suddenly swelled and covered Wei Xun's body. Suddenly, Wei Xun seemed to be immobilized, and the entire person was sealed in place.

Wei Xun was completely caught in it.

At this time, the giant tortoise looked at all this with a victorious attitude. The other person's turtle face even showed a slight anthropomorphic smirk: "Haha, your companions have no intention of saving you. I want you to die today. Where there is no burial place, I will smash all your flesh and blood, and sprinkle it in the sea, and let the stinky fish and rotten shrimp swallow wantonly to anger the people of the sea god's residence, there is no possibility of survival! "

"Poseidon House?"

Chen Feng frowned, which may be the name of this place.

Destruction is happening all over the world. The name of the city is no longer important, but it has spawned countless base titles that satisfy the bad taste.

This camp was built on the sea, and it might be fine to call it Poseidon.

At this time, Wei Xun was facing the biggest threat. Without Lu Wei and Chen Feng's assistance, he could only face it all.

Once you fail, you will end up in nowhere!

"Do you dare to trap me? Do you think you can trap me? Devouring beasts! Swallow all things! You have to trap me with your body, this is delusional! Do you know why I am motionless? Because the monsters condensed inside me, It is the nemesis of all living things, all living things will be swallowed by me! "

But at this critical moment, Wei Xun was all over himself, but instead he was like a conspiracy, showing a sharp laugh.

"I'm waiting for this moment today. You are so rich in your origins, you are my treasurer! All your efforts are in vain! All your flesh and blood belongs to me!"

Wei Xun was trapped in the large array, not angry but smiling, watching the giant tortoise lock himself. In his eyes, there was a stern killing gaze. On top of his head, the energy was wanton, and the monster burst out fiercely. The storm was brewing around, and the breath collapsed inward again at a speed of a thousand times.


Wei Xun's monster ghostly inhaled again into the air.

Whoo, whoo, whoo ...

The world around was trembling, and it seemed to shrink indefinitely into his mouth. It even gives a person that the sea surface is infinitely compressed, infinitely reduced, and it is sucked into it by monsters.

On the other side, the giant turtle shivered desperately and wailed, and the scarlet eyes were closed, as if to be inhaled by Wei Xun.

And the energy in the empty space is like a hundred rivers returning to Wei Xun's head, and the monster's mouth projects.

Inside the monster's belly, there seems to be another space to load the universe.

At this moment, Wei Xun finally exhibited his supernatural power at the bottom of the box, and he was going to devour the giant tortoise in one fell swoop. It turned out that in his eyes, the giant tortoise was a boy who sent treasures. All efforts were made for him.

"Really? Do you want to devour me? I have to ask my strength first!"

The mysterious flash of the giant turtle has appeared in front of Wei Xun. The turtle's image is slow, but at this moment, he broke out with a speed of terror, not only escaped Wei Xun's engulfment, but also Within seconds, a counterattack was launched.

This gives people a feeling that the monster in front of them is not a turtle at all, but a peerless fiend with a turtle shell!

Wei Xun seems to have everything under his control, but in the eyes of the giant tortoise, he has already seen through the opponent's strategy, trying to pull the wrong into the quagmire.


The giant turtle bite at Wei Xun.

Wei Xun's right arm suddenly unfolded, and hard-hit a giant turtle's blow. "It's useless! I devour all beasts and have great power! No matter how strong your bite force is, it won't break my defense!"

The giant tortoise did not speak. Suddenly, the body was reversed, and the giant claws hiding under him also waved. The strange thing was that the opponent's claws were not short. In a few seconds, they even shot dozens of claws. .

At this time, these dozens of claws waved, like a dragon like a tiger, like a wolf like a leopard, like a meteor hitting the ground, like a disaster in the sky.

The other side has been hiding strength, at this time, I feel that we have seized the loopholes, we must suppress Wei Xun immediately.

The giant turtle regards Wei Xun as a nail in his eyes and a thorn in his flesh. He can't wait to frustrate his opponent's bones. If he doesn't take any action, it's a cold kill.

Wei Xun smiled coldly. At this time, the monster transformed from his head also transformed into dozens of monsters, completely resisting the giant turtle's energy.

No one can help anyone!

However, Wei Xun's monster ghost image is still absorbing the energy of the giant tortoise. Although the giant turtle loses not much energy, Wei Xun still has a great advantage. We must know that the masters can almost determine the difference. Winning and losing.


Just then, Wei Xun suddenly, in the middle of the air, a ghost of a monster that never appeared.

The appearance of this monster can be described by horror. The characteristics of various animals on the other side are terrible.

This monster waved, and in the eyes of the giant tortoise, it reflected a void dream. At this time, the giant tortoise's pupils tightened, because when it saw the monster in front of it, its mind suddenly felt inconsistent, as if it had a certain feeling of unknownness. Signs of it!

This monster's huge shadow impacted the giant turtle's whole body's defense, and it disappeared at once, and then the surrounding restraints broke apart, breaking through the defense, and it suddenly bombarded the giant turtle's belly, and suddenly the giant turtle's body, He was beaten like a prawn and arched.

In his eyes, he looked surprised and seemed unbelievable. It couldn't believe it, its defense was broken.

But the next moment, the severe pain in the lower abdomen let it know whether it was true or false. Extreme pain, boundless suffering, seems to have fallen into purgatory.

Wei Xun's blow was accompanied by countless beasts. Those beasts' souls were extracted, then swallowed by monsters in Wei Xun's body, the soul twisted, and then fused in all parts of the monster's body.

As a result, the giant tortoise was hit as if it felt the pain of countless beasts. They were originally free and could be swallowed, but reduced to a ray of grudges in the other person's body. Those pains are naturally not ordinary life. Bear.


The giant tortoise's blood spurted out and was beaten to pieces.

"How can you break my defense? I give up the human appearance ~ ~ to become such a monster, so that this super strong defense! Even the shells hit me, only leaving some white Mark, why are you ... why can you hurt me? "At this time, a difference appeared in the giant tortoise's eyes, and it seemed that he did not believe everything in front of him.

"Abandon human appearance?" Chen Feng noticed some keywords in the opponent's roar.

From the meaning of the other party's mouth, we know that the other party was originally a human, but for various reasons, it has become what it is today.

From human to a sea beast? How did the other party do it!

But at this time, Wei Xun was already in a madness. He didn't care what the giant turtle said, but just sneered and stepped forward: "What the **** are you talking about? I have swallowed thousands of beast souls. The soul energy is strong enough, I can go one step further and devour you, my power will enter a new level, so let me die! "

At this time, Wei Xun had already gone violently. The monster behind him was like a substance, completely converging in the air. The monster opened his mouth and his mouth full of sharp teeth sucked hard, like a thirteen hurricane. Completely shrouded in a giant turtle!

The giant tortoise was already scared to be stupid. It wanted to step back, but was pulled by the hurricane. It couldn't take a step back. Its voice trembled: "Don't kill me ... kill me, Poseidon won't let you go, he must not I will let you go! "

"Poseidon?" Wei Xun didn't care about it at all. The monster's mouth was hard, and at once he pulled out a ray of soul from the giant tortoise.

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