The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 817: Skybreaker

Just now Chen Feng made a move, and with his thoughts, they all faintly covered the void in all directions, making the human soul have a twisted feeling.

Just when the murderousness was prominent, he even used his strength to condense a flame giant of the same height in the air.

Hot flames burst out from Chen Feng, and suddenly burst apart, blowing into numerous small winds, and falling into the sea on all sides.

The sound of the explosion was endless. With Chen Feng as the center, the sea water in all directions began to boil, and countless fish and shrimp died of boiling and floated on the water.

Chen Feng's move is not imposing! It was the flame that transformed into the extreme state. Half of the world seemed to be urged to orange-red.

At this time, the concept of time was gone, and the fire giant and the water giant collided together at once.

This collision!

It is truly amazing! The ripples faintly circled to the center and diverged out on all sides.


The whole world is now white and white. The flames collided with the sea water, and the mist generated was suddenly enveloped in the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters!

In addition, the two energies collided together and produced a loud noise that pierced the eardrum!

Lu Wei, Wei Xun, and other professionals turned pale and continued to breathe a few times before recovering. After all, they were good and not mortal. They just felt that the sound of the sound just a little greater. Sexual harm is not.

The ordinary people on the ship, however, are unstable, and some people near the center are even shaken with blood from the eardrums. The red blood plasma flowing down the ears is obviously deaf!

The aftermath of the collision didn't end there. Suddenly, a thunder exploded in the sea in front of the sea, and the air flow shook! There was a tsunami that shrouded towards a group of people.

It was just a battle between two legendary powerhouses, but now, this battle has completely deteriorated and turned into a natural disaster.

Between the whole world, a moist and sweltering atmosphere filled and stirred on all sides.

Even more terrifying is the tsunami. Once the tsunami hits, the Poseidon House not far away will soon be extinct. I don't know how many people will die from this disaster.

"I was born in the sea. This sea is my arm. This tsunami is just a godsend! I'll see how you defend!"

Watching Chen Feng summon a flame giant and break his own offensive, Pang Mu's eyes narrowed into a gap, with a single fist, pointing at Chen Feng, a word came out of his mouth!



As soon as Chen Feng stabilized his body and looked forward, he saw that the tsunami was suddenly imprisoned, and the waves of horror had stopped in midair.

At this time, Pang Mu violently operated the blood and blood in his body, boiling his breath, which led to breathing and vomiting. Like a thunder, his original ruddy face became pale.

In human eyes, Pang Mu just consumed too much energy, but in the eyes of Chen Feng's illusion, a white mist suddenly appeared on the top of Pang Mu's head. This white mist seemed to be a real sea, magnificent. Gives a feeling of boundless spirit.

At the same time, a strong voice oscillated, and it was conveyed from the tsunami.

Shocking around, the tsunami was like a big hand, and they patted towards Chen Feng!

In addition, the giant whale flashed into the tsunami, and its huge body merged into it, which strengthened the power of the tsunami. In short, it made people feel terrified.

"The other party is simply the incarnation of the sea. Even in the legendary ranks, no matter how strong the water element master can't reverse the power of nature, but the other party is different. He is the son of destiny, a powerful shore, and merged with the sea when he was born. , And not a slave, but a master! "

Just when Pang Mu waved his claws, and the entire tsunami changed direction, Chen Feng immediately knew that the capabilities held by the other party were simply beyond the imagination of ordinary professionals.

The opponent has even exceeded the ordinary power, and turned into some kind of mysterious care!

How mysterious the sea has given birth to so many creatures, so obedient to Pang Mu!

At the same time, Chen Feng knew that this might be the only chance to kill the other party!

If you let the other party continue to grow, it wo n’t be long before you become a giant. It will be even harder to kill the other party!

"No matter who you are, you must die here today, no, I do n’t want to kill you, I will extract your soul, throw you into a small fish, and then captivate you in a fish tank, let you endure losing everything pain of!"

"Everyone said that I was a waste before, I only know that sitting in front of the computer is a real waste. But look at who is the waste now? This is my world. I should have been in charge of it. Anyone who disturbed the game Exist, all **** it, everyone, all **** it! "

Pang Mu's five fingers were bluffing, and between words, the sound of each word was loud, shaking the sea level violently!

"can you do it?"

Pang Mu is terrible ~ ~ Raising his hands can turn the world around, because he has the blessing of a world behind him, but Chen Feng will not be afraid. He was born in adversity and was originally a rebel. At this time, Pang Mu In order to kill himself, let the legendary giant whale begin to attack. Faced with such oppression, naturally Chen Feng would not treat it alone.

Chen Feng suddenly pointed at the void, a crack opened, and then a figure waving a dragon wing fell down. The direction of her fall happened to be just above the head of the giant whale. This was not the end, and Chen Feng's fingers were pointed under the sea again. Then there was a gloomy breath overflowing all around, it was a kind of, one person woke up in the evening, and the outside became a sense of loneliness in the night.

Despair breeds, and people's minds become extremely flustered. At this moment, many dark emotions that cannot be restrained suddenly appear in everyone's heart.

At this time, Chen Feng could not control the survival of the so-called Poseidon survivors. He only knew that this was the only opportunity to kill Pang Mu. While the other party had not yet grown up, he would suppress it and deprive the other party of luck. Used, this is Chen Feng's personality! This is his anti- heavenly move!

The call was far from over, just when Pang Mu was a little surprised to look at it all, his eyes suddenly began to fall apart, as if he was controlled by some kind of power, without the previous sharp eyes.

Not far from him, the mind-reading demon with a tentacle on his face was also summoned, and the opportunity was no longer lost! When Chen Feng moved, the endless sword was held in his hand and pierced towards Pang Mumei's heart!

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