The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 823: Violent kill


The Burning Demon stepped out, and even more terrible energy was thrown out, strangling towards Pang Mu!

At this time, the golden brilliance on Pang Mu's body was a little bit broken. Although there were still no cracks on the clothes, Pang Mu's body was seriously damaged. Under the clothes, dozens of scars had appeared on his body.

Although these scars are very small and far from being fatal, they still make Pang Mu miserable. The important thing is that it is not physical pain, but mental discomfort!

The invincible offensive that burned the flames made Pang Mu tremble. He was pretentious, and once awakened, he had the ability to absorb the soul. The so-called zombies and insects did not pose any threat to him. Instead, he became one of his steps. Shi, make him such a powerful man today.

Pang Mu firmly believes that one day he can absorb the divine house in his body and then enter a new realm. From then on, Tian Gao Ren Fei Fei will walk out of this bound land and take a look outside.

Chen Feng is a disaster star and also a blessing star. For Pang Mu, the feat that could have been completed in a few months was completed because of Chen Feng's offensive. The divine house in his body was eventually crushed and then swallowed up by himself.

Pang Mu was very upset and believed that he was about to take that last step. As long as he was given some time, his power would be horrified to the point where he could freely move anywhere in the world, but Chen Feng's next series of actions, but Let him fall from heaven to **** again.

At this moment, the clothes on his body are evenly matched with the endless sword. It can be said that one side cannot be broken, and the other side cannot break the defense of the other side, but Pang Mu is still in it. If the previous weapons are blasted, the clothes can make defenses and offset The power passed on.

But Burning Demon is holding an endless sword. Even if the clothes have offset 70% to 80% of the power, some of the power is passed to Pang Mu for special reasons!

Although one or two times are not known, Pang Mu's vitality will be weakened. Once this continues for hundreds or even thousands of swords, Pang Mu will even be killed directly!

All this is a huge shame to Pang Mu, who had always despised everything!

Just now, he was very motivated and was revered and worshipped by countless people, but now, like a bereavement dog, he can't do any counterattack at all, he can't fight, he can't escape, he can't escape, anyway, he is very aggrieved!

"How could I be defeated in such a place!"

It seemed that he didn't want to be defeated like this, Pang Mu drank angrily, his voice trembling in his mind.

Looking up, a flash of madness flashed in his eyes.

"Refund me!"

Behind Pang Mu, the divine figure appeared again, but this time, the features of the ghost image were clearer, and there was even a faint smirk on Xu Ying's face.

Chen Feng looked carefully, his face became a little dark, and things became more and more uncontrollable. He could see clearly that the divine house exuded a completely different atmosphere from Pang Mu!

If it is said that Pang Mu still has a little humanity, then the atmosphere above the virtual shadow is full of ignorance and contempt for human beings. That's right, that's the vision of a real god's residence!

This is simply a chaotic game!

Pang Mu believes that he controls everything and relies on Chen Feng's offensive to successfully melt the divine house into his own body. However, the clams compete for fishermen's gains. Perhaps all this is also the plot of the divine house. Allowing the other party to devour themselves is actually relying on special abilities to attach to Pang Mu's soul.

And when the time was ripe, Shendi began to pick the fruits, and think about it, perhaps from the moment Pang Mu became the other person's appearance, the big plot of Shendi's conspiracy began. For Pang Mu, all this was just The moon in the water, the flower in the mirror, all the purpose is just to make him rely more on the power of the divine house!

In the face of the horrible offensive of the Burning Demon, Pang Mu once again chose to rely on it, letting the power of the divine house fill his limbs.

Even if Pang Mu has a destiny, compared to the mansion that has lived for countless years, it is still a thousand miles away, especially for the mastery of the human heart. The two are not on the same level at all!

At this time, with Pang Mu's body as the center, a large amount of blue breath rushed out, causing the surrounding space to vibrate violently, and then the harsh sound of 'whine' spread in the air from the blue energy, accompanied by this storm Like a riot, the air roared.

"Woohoo ..."

Then I saw the strange energy flashing in the sky energy, and finally turned into a giant snake with nine heads. The whole body is black, the light spreads, and the breath is unpleasant to the soul. At first glance, I know that there is a horrifying drama. poison.

Even though all this serpent is illusionized by energy, the breath is like real existence, and what makes Chen Feng notice more is that the ghost image of the divine house is no longer limited to illusions. It is also revealed on the face of Pang Mu With this smile, the strangest thing is that the other side is still nervous looking ahead, that is, Pang Mu does not know what happened.

Chen Feng also did not know whether the laughter was an attack on the Burning Demon or a simple one against Pang Mu, but in any case, the matter has reached such a degree, it is impossible for him to choose to leave!

Whether it's Pang Mu or the god's real resurrection, today they must all die!

This time, Chen Feng has paid too much too much. Once he fails, it can be described in terms of no return of blood. The death of the demon is read, the promotion of the burned devil fails, and the power of the inferior demon and the son of darkness is also hurt. A lot of resources are added, I don't know how long it will take to recover!

Because of this, Chen Feng pinned all his hopes on Pang Mu's body. Only by killing the other party and sacrificing the other person's body can he get some compensation for himself!


The nine pythons stood up and sprayed a mist of blood towards the Burning Demon. The mist was pouring, and no one dared to contaminate it. It landed on the sea surface, and the sea surface corroded with bubbles, and a large area of ​​the ground was black. Apparently poisoned!

Under the spread of this toxin, the water surface soon began to roll, and then, countless fish were killed and injured!

This is not the end, the python leap forward, accompanied by the toxic mist covering the flames of flames, Lu Wei and Wei Xun in the distance suddenly breathed in coolness, worrying.

It is not that they are worried about the safety of the Burning Devil, but because once the other party dies, then Pang Mu will have no opponent at all. By then, will he not only have a dead end?

"Hey ..."

The two breathed in the cool air, and the monstrous python shrouded the incinerator with the poisonous mist, and wrapped the incinerator's body directly in it, but the terrible poisonous mist was useless to the incineration magic silk. The poisonous mist could not corrode and invade under the flame of flame spreading around the Burning Demon.


However, at this instant, the Burning Demon's wings flapped, and one hand stabbed at the python with a sword. In a moment, the terrible flame burst out like the next day.

In a short moment, the python collapsed in size, and finally turned into broken energy. The flame spread, letting the poisonous mist dissipate like encountering a nemesis.

"how can that be……"

Seeing this scene, I saw that the energy that I condensed was destroyed by restraint, and everything could not be done. The flame of Pang Mu changed drastically, and my mood seemed to suddenly fall into **** from heaven. , Immediately want to flee.

But at this moment, Pang Mu was too late to escape. The image of the Burning Demon had already appeared lightningly before his death. His eyes were fighting and indifferent. The words of indifference and coldness came from his mouth: "The master wants you to die ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ you will die! "

When the voice finally fell, a golden swordman fell like lightning, accompanied by an overwhelming amount of energy that swept the swordman like a thunder, and finally fell on Pang Mu severely!

"Hey ..."

When a sword fell, Pang Mu's body suddenly burst into a small mouth, and at this moment, the terrible Jian Mang fell and swept into his body. At the moment, the blood in Pang Mu's mouth burst out, his eyes were terrified and screamed. Before the sound could be shouted, the pupils began to slowly dissipate.


The incomparable Pang Mu finally died in the hands of the Burning Demon!

The phantom on Pang Mu also slowly dissipated at the same time. At this time, the phantom was condensed in mid-air, without any relief, but full of anger and looking towards the Burning Demon. In his view, he was barely near You can succeed, but because of this devil, everything is lost!

The hatred did not end because the ghost disappeared. Instead, some weak energy fell on the Burning Demon. It was like Chen Feng's first blood sacrifice summoning the Burning Demon. The other party left a mark on himself, but now Feng Shui turns, and the Burning Demon is also imprinted!

The entangled energy began to dissipate, and Chen Feng waved the demon wings forward and swept away. At this time, his eyes were firmly pinned on Pang Mu's body, and his breathing became somewhat cramped. This is not just a matter of Having a corpse is even more a key to help you lead to a powerful one!

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