The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 2 Chapter 828: Negotiator

Suspended in mid-air, the evil demon saw it all, his mouth opened slightly, showing an absolutely surprised expression. It felt an uncontrollable fear on Chen Feng. At this time, the little girl muttered to herself: "Master ... is stronger again!"

The Burning Demon exhaled a hot breath at the same time. On Chen Feng, he felt a familiar atmosphere. There is nothing wrong with it. Chen Feng has the same strength now, and he has successfully been promoted into a half-step epic!

This annoys the Burning Demon. If the elixir is taken by itself, it will certainly make up for the loss of divinity and step into the final state in one fell swoop.

But Burning Demon is also clear. It ’s good to think about this kind of thing. The elixir belongs to Chen Feng, and it must belong to Chen Feng. The identity like himself has only one meaning, mainly Chen Feng, and everything is for the other party. Think about it.

In the dark eyes, the bright red tangles entangled, and after a short while, suddenly surged up, it turned out to cover up the entire eyes for a while. Chen Feng's pupils turned red, and she looked vaguely strange.

Opening his eyes, Chen Feng slightly twisted his lower neck. Suddenly, when the bones collided, a crackling sound was made very smoothly. Listening to this crisp sound, Chen Feng took a deep breath, his face relaxed and intoxicated.

"This is the realm of a half-step epic?" Feeling the flowing power in his body, the corner of Chen Feng's mouth could not help but sculpt an arc. He had never felt so powerful before!

At this moment, Chen Feng clenched his fists, and after a moment, a breath that was several times stronger than before, suddenly burst out of his body.

Until this time, Chen Feng was really sure that Pang Mu was just his own blessing. Not only did he get a secondary artifact, he also stepped into the realm of dreams!

Half-step epic, this is a stronger realm than the legend. It was also at this time that Chen Feng knew that no wonder Pang Mu had started before, and several legendary monsters were not the reason for each other.

That's because the lives of both sides have transformed again.

"Master!" Seeing Chen Feng's successful promotion, the evil devil finally couldn't hold back the miss in his heart, rushed to Chen Feng with a jump, and flung into the other's arms.

When fighting with Pang Mu, the bad demon once transformed into a second form, a body full of carrion. Chen Feng was already used to this, so he didn't say anything, just patted the opponent's head to let the bad devil take care of him. Come down first.

"Congratulations to the master, the strength goes further." On the other hand, the Burning Demon appears to be much more formal, standing on the side and not dare to have too close actions with Chen Feng, but just praised.

The devil never understands flattery.

The Burning Devil can do this step, it has been regarded as a local custom.

After appeasing the evil spirits, Chen Feng focused his attention on the side of the sea god's residence. After battles, the most severe fluctuations were precisely this force.

Under the gloomy aura of the Dark Son, a large-scale fighting took place in the Poseidon House. At this time, each deck was filled with blood, and from time to time some corpses could be seen falling aside.

In addition, several powerful people blasted together, causing many changes in the environment. Those tumbled waves were several meters high, even if the ships were connected, but because of the horrible waves, some ships were destroyed. Washouts, injuries, and casualties cannot be estimated.

Any fluctuations in this world, the most injured, will always be ordinary people.

"Woohoo ..."

At this moment, a wailing suddenly appeared in the distance. It was the legendary giant whale. It was previously hit by a bad demon attack and lost its ability to move. Now, when I see the loyal partner who died in the past, I think of my life. Soon, this made the giant whale inevitably produce a sadness.

According to Pang Muzhi's previous statement, perhaps the other party was originally a human. In order to pursue higher survivability, he was willing to abandon his body and become a sea monster. Even so, it still cannot escape.

The thought of throwing away the human body for the sake of so-called strength is no different from being truly reborn. As a man, even the most basic happiness is not realized. The only attempt is to allow the family to have shelter in the last days.


In the end, it is still just a dream, and this blow is even more unbearable than the so-called tragic death of the former Lord.

So much so that the legendary giant whale began to mourn from the heart and kept mourning on the sea surface.

This is really an ironic look that the smeller is sad and the viewer is crying.

"It's really noisy!" The evil devil struck Chen Feng's legs and was coquettish. At this time, he just wanted to spend more time with his master, but the wail of the giant whale made him a little restless.

"Look for death!" The evil demon frowned and his face swelled angrily. At this time, it stretched out a pink finger and pointed forward, apparently to cast a spell, and completely point the legendary giant whale to death!

"Wait!" At the critical moment, Chen Feng held down the evil spirit's head with his hand, stopping the other party from killing his heart.

Chen Feng looked forward. The legendary giant whale is now very weak. If the evil spirits shot, the other party would definitely not survive, but Chen Feng would still be useful to keep it.

They have to go home!

And return to order!

Compared to the golden-level Tongtian Python, the legendary giant whale is undoubtedly stronger.

If it was before, it would be more difficult to subdue the other side ~ ~ Pang Mu, the son of fate, was behind him as a backer, and it wouldn't even care about Chen Feng's peace.

But now it ’s different. Pang Mu is dead, and the whole sea **** has no heads. In addition, Chen Feng has entered a half-step epic, and his strength is not as many times stronger than before. This repeated pressure is exerted on the other side as long as it is not foolish Loyal, there is no reason to refuse.

However, with Chen Feng's current status, naturally, he wouldn't be anxious for himself. After all, it was too worthless. He fumbled with his palms, felt some smooth hair, lowered his head, and the evil spirit was looking at himself with a good face.

Chen Feng smiled suddenly, and he found the most suitable negotiator.

The legendary giant whale was hit hard by the bad demon before. It can be said that the other sees the bad devil, just like the mouse sees the cat. It has long scared the soul. Therefore, it is probably the most suitable person to let the bad devil send the opponent. Already.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng said a few words to the bad demon, the latter nodded, then raised the wings of the dragon and flew towards the giant whale.

The process was unexpectedly perfect. The bad demon went up and punched the opponent a few punches before expressing his meaning to the other. At this time, the legendary giant whale only wanted to survive, and he would refuse to hear the bad devil's devil. , Hurriedly responded and agreed to this request.

After reading the demon battle, but conquered a legendary sea creature, for Chen Feng, the loss was not great.

After solving the current situation, Chen Feng re-focused on the sea god's residence. For him, in addition to the secondary artifact and elixir, these populations are also one of the biggest gains this time!

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