The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 845: Suppress all souls

"You are strong, if the body appears, you can blow me to death in one breath, but now you are just a ray of soul, unfortunately, it ’s a pity, even if there are a few more ray of soul, but now you, how can you be trapped I?"

Chen Feng was previously covered by the spirit of the deities, but only felt that the heavens and the earth were dim, time had stopped, and his thoughts had stopped working. He was almost trapped inside, completely lost!

However, Chen Feng never waited for his death. He transformed a dragon with his mental power, and with the endless sword, he directly broke through the other's spiritual envelope. At this time, everything belongs to the previous scene. Where is the demon phantom? With a sealed crystal wall?

Appearing in front of him is still a scene where Chen Feng pierced the soul of the god!

Chen Feng knew that this was the best time for him to kill the other party and create a real false world. The soul in front of him must have spent a lot of energy.

Kill him while he is ill!

At the same time, a hot breath suddenly rose from Chen Feng's body, and countless flames burned. These flames were not the kind of open flames, but a series of bright, dazzling, as fine as needles, sharp as wheat rays. Like a needle.

In addition, there was a strong sulphur smell on it, and it suddenly shrouded the soul of the deity. Seeing that, the monster's body began to crack, just like the glass was heated and grilled. The cracks were getting bigger and bigger. Began into chaos.


With a crisp sound, the oracle's soul shattered completely.


That is, at the same moment, there was a disturbing whine from the crack!

The atmosphere of terror is shrouded in the surroundings, like opening a demon world, and countless obscure energies flow out of it!

The world originally seemed like a clear spring, but at this time, I didn't know where the innumerable odorous water and sewage were flowing, and this Wang Qingquan was corroded at once!

This is not the end, and there are countless grudges in it. These grudges look very different, their limbs are twisted, and they seem to have suffered some unbearable pain before death, so that they still maintain this look after death!


These wicked spirits are like wandering outside the gates of ghosts. Those lonely ghosts who do not accept discipline will not live in the world at all, but they will kill and wash the whole world as soon as they appear!

Among them are the twisted Naya, terrible beasts, and countless weird birds. The so-called deity soul is just a shell. Who can think of it, the other person is so terrifying and terrifying inside!

These twisted souls are all victims of the oracle soul's engulfment over the years. He killed them, and then swallowed the soul into the body.

What is the purpose of the other party?

Chen Feng was a little surprised. At this point, he became more inclined to doubts before, what the other party did was like a real sacrifice!

The ways of offering sacrifices vary greatly depending on the oracle preferences.

Like Chen Feng, most of the regular blood sacrifices on weekdays use powerful flesh and blood energy to communicate the abyss and dark creatures in order to obtain promotion and allegiance to the beast.

The sacrifice is strange, and each deity has its own special hobby.

It ’s like a cat and a dancing goddess. She does n’t like blood and soul, but she is extremely sought after for the enjoyment of the world. Whenever a believer asks for her, there is no solution to a lecherous assembly. If there is, then Host two games.

The **** in front of him seems to have a soft spot for torture and soul. He will torture the poor who have strayed into this place, and then **** all the soul into himself.

The other side seems to be building up strength. Could it be said that if this strength is strong enough, can He really wake up?

God's thoughts cannot be conceived, even if it is Chen Feng, at this time, he is only thinking unilaterally, and cannot find the real situation at all.


Chen Feng stopped thinking, because those escaping grievances desperately wanted to use the killing to vent their suffering, and Chen Feng, as the only living person, was undoubtedly the target of those grudges!

Even if Chen Feng is a half-step epic, he can still feel a trace of fear in the face of this endless resentment.

After all, Chen Feng, the soul of the battle god, has already consumed most of his strength. At this time, his body is weak. Once surrounded by grudges, the spirit may be polluted. These grudges are the collective of evil in the world, which can naturally cause many negatives to the soul influences.

The souls came together, and then there was a strong darkness, a very strong evil breath, and the voice of millions of ghosts wept.

At the same time, Chen Feng clearly saw that the surrounding environment changed, and it became a lava-like **** world. Above the **** world, there was a twisted monster composed of countless grieving spirits!

At this time, the eyes of those grieving souls all gathered on Chen Feng ~ ~ revealing a pair of green eyes like phosphorous.

Smelling this breath, people's souls seem to feel that they have been dragged into the abyss of death.


A sharp laugh passed through Chen Feng's ears.

The sound was sharper than the knife, and it stimulated every spirit.

Chen Feng sneered at the corner of his mouth. He only felt that the spirit of this deity had a kind of perseverance. Even then, he still did not give up and tried to make the final struggle.


This is still an illusion!

But this time, Chen Feng didn't think about doing it himself. He had torn the other person's body, which means that the soul of the oracle now has become the purest energy.

The so-called illusion is nothing more than the obsession of the other party.

In this case.

The sneer in the corner of Chen Feng's mouth became more and more intense. At this time, he spread his hands and drew a circle in the void. Then, a breath that suppressed everything in the world permeated from this circle.

The division of work between Chen Feng and the altar was very clear. One side was responsible for defeating, and one side was responsible for devouring it and sacrificing it!

In the next second, a sacrifice broke through the dimensions in this way and came to the top of the head of that soul.

A huge vortex descended on the opponent's head, and suddenly sucked more than half of the evil spirit into the vortex with a twist!

"How dare you sacrifice me!" An unbelievable tone came from the void.

The deities with twisted bodies and strange green eyes had just opened their mouths, and they were devoured by the altar.

Even if he is a ray of deities, under the repression of the horror altar, there is no chance to fight back. The body can't stop shaking, shrinking, and then being absorbed into the whirlpool!

Then completely disappeared into this world!

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