The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 851: Dalai Lama

At this moment, Chen Feng's erupting power is far from being comparable to the emperor octopus. There is a rolling gap between the epic and the legend in half a step.

Looking at the other side's huge, sloppy body, Chen Feng had no doubts about the other's appetite and food.

And when those tentacles broke on the sea, it was not red blood plasma, but black, which was the most disgusting foul thing!


These toxins have the function of destroying blood tissues, which will erode platelets in the blood, causing the blood to fail to coagulate and cause severe internal bleeding!

Once attacked by this toxin, the blood flow can be blocked and eventually the blood vessels will be ruptured due to blood clogging!

"Pap ..."

Chen Feng's attack obviously angered the emperor octopus. It swayed a huge body, like an aircraft carrier traveling in the deep sea, and rushed towards Chen Feng's body!

"It's not slow!"

Chen Feng drank, he keenly smelled the dangerous breath, and leapt up swiftly, striding over the emperor octopus!

Looking at the emperor octopus in front of the mountain, the tentacles were chopped off, not only did not let the other party give up, and even stirred crazy ideas!

This terror force immediately detonated countless air waves, bursting into bursts, like blooming thunder, blooming in the air, surrounded by turbulent blue mansions like rain!

Every marine creature seems to have the ability to manipulate the element of water.

At the moment when the tornado appeared, it was like a tidal wave breaking down, rolling down, dazzling blue air waves rushing down, carrying unparalleled speed!

Huge waves covered the body of the emperor octopus. What appeared at this time was also a dozen barbed tentacles!

This is a picture that appears in a mythical story. In the ocean, a horrible monster is making waves, and Chen Feng is like a small boat on the sea, and there is the possibility of overturning at any time!

The opponent's momentum is very amazing. It is indeed a deep-sea giant. If the legendary giant whale gives a dull breath, then the breath of this emperor octopus is even more overbearing!

In peaceful times, such deep-sea beasts can kill whales, and even after the mutation, barbed thorns grow on the tentacles, and there is also a highly toxic substance. Once it invades the flesh, it will immediately poison and die.

Waves of waves began to roll.

Chen Feng didn't have much fear in his eyes, but still felt some pressure.

The power of the emperor octopus was too terrible, and the other party even awakened a venomous vein.

The Lord of the 89th floor of the Bottomless Abyss-the Great Lord of the Deep Sea, one of the ancient demon lords of the Blessed Abyss, who rules those creatures living under the dark abyss.

Shadow of the Ocean, Lord of the Sea and the Sea Monster. As one of the most powerful demon lords ever, Dasao lives in the abyss.

It looks like a miscellaneous creature of fish, mollusks, and morays, and the son of a large tadpole, like the sinister devil fish and the terrifying deep diver, often submerge into the ocean of the main material world under its instruction as its priest.

In the mortal world, the big cult of cults prevails in coastal areas, and its humans or snail giant believers mate with half-fish creatures in exchange for the rich fish catch and strange gold jewelry given to them by the demon lord at the cost of tarnishing their blood.

Dasao is worshipped as a **** by some aquatic races. Known among the races worshiping the tadpoles are deep-sea squid, Jiafu monster, sea ghost, and Sinaga. Among the main material planes, the most ardent worship of the Great Cormorant is some ancient Kortao fishermen tribes living in the deep sea.

Worship Dasao?

This world has changed. In a multi-element environment, it is difficult to ensure that no evil person has come nearby.

Missions are not just intelligent creatures, humanoid creatures. In addition to the devil and humanoid deities, monsters also develop believers.

Just like the bugs in the Worm World, they have a slight wisdom. The human world is dominated by humans, and other planes may be other life characteristics!

Those creatures are also wise and have a distinct social status. They linger in other worlds to promote their beliefs.

This is the sea, and it is the first place for Dalai to develop believers.

The body of the emperor octopus is not like this. Even if it is huge, there is no reason to grow barbs in the tentacles. In simple terms, the blood of the other party has mutated and is in a strengthened state.

Can become this look in a short time, either after a long time of change, or by some blessing to complete the transformation!

From this point of view, it is very likely that this emperor octopus really believed in the evil lord.

Chen Feng looked at the emperor octopus in front of him, as if he saw a horror phantom falling in front of the other side in the deep ocean, and then using the means, the emperor octopus began to mutate.

It's getting more and more interesting!

Not only evil gods, but even non-humanoids are starting to watch here?

The sea is huge, and other environments naturally have the chance to be noticed by other elements of evil.

The energy recovery is a good thing for human beings to increase the number of professionals ~ ~ But this abundant energy is undoubtedly a ray of light in the dark night, which is too noticeable after all.

This is a good thing, and it is also a bad thing, because too many eyes start to look here.

Emperor octopus?

This is basically a **** buried in the ocean by the grandma.

When did those other powerful planes see the human world as their own back garden?

Chen Feng stood on Tongtian Python, with a terrifying mighty power coming from him. He worked so hard for a long time to expand his influence and increase the number of believers. In the end, human beings were either arrested or enslaved. slave.

This is basically fighting for resources with yourself.


Chen Feng roared, he stepped into a half-step epic, and has not released his energy to fight once. At this time, the emperor octopus appeared in front of him, immediately evoking a bit of anger from Chen Feng. The force is too terrible. The body of Tongtian Python fell into the bottom of the sea dozens of meters at a time, showing how terrible this jump was.

At the same time, a flame whip appeared in the palm of the hand.


The indescribable dull puncture immediately struck Jiuxiao, and the tentacles of the emperor octopus were instantly broken by a long whip, fleshy, blood splattered, and a huge wound that seemed to penetrate it loomed!

"His ..."

The emperor octopus was very angry, and it never expected that humans could ignore its protective energy in front of them, and did not expect that this human could hurt himself with his bare hands.

However, this anger did not last long, and it turned into a strong sense of fear. The emperor octopus hiding under the sea could see clearly. Above the sky, I do n’t know when there will be another sun. The sky is high and the temperature is too high. High, even a thick layer of fog rises on the surface of the sea, and the seawater ... has been evaporated!

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