The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 856: Element world

at dusk.

After a busy day, Chen Feng was preparing to take a break, and suddenly felt a strong energy wave in the void, and the wave was no stranger, and it was transmitted from the damaged plane.

Before strangling Mara, Chen Feng gave a ray of divinity to the broken plane. After such a long time, the plane apparently has completely merged the divinity.

Chen Feng reached out a little, and saw a gap with a blue halo opened in front of his eyes. Before he went into it, Chen Feng had found some differences.

The broken plane did not know which world it came from. When Chen Feng found the other side, all the vitality inside had disappeared, and there was no trace of life.

It is conceivable what kind of disaster the other party suffered, and the whole world ’s creatures are all extinct. Now, all that remains is a barren land and a horrible environment.

Don't look at consuming oxygen and energy before the damaged plane. It is just like a patient relying on an oxygen machine to survive. There is no virtuous cycle. Once the oxygen is removed, it will instantly die.

But now it's different. Chen Feng is here and feels alive. It's not foreign oxygen and energy, it's more like a sudden change.

Chen Feng was intrigued by curiosity, and one flashed into it. As soon as he entered the world, Chen Feng was completely stunned by everything in front of him.

You know, the storm that broke the original plane was raging. Even if it sucked air and vitality, it opened up a large living space, but that space was also gray, like a grave on a cloudy day. , You will feel unwell.

And with the increase of time, there will be more gloomy and angry emotions. In order to conduct experiments, Chen Feng previously put hundreds of bugs and monsters in it. Under the influence of that emotion, those originally in a strange environment were still shaking. Monsters, they started to kill frenziedly, and they were still endless.

But now, the gloomy atmosphere has changed dramatically. Even though the surrounding storm is still raging, Chen Feng can feel it, but the raging wind speed is 20% weaker, not as destructive as before.

The biggest change is the pure land opened by absorbing vitality. At this time, Chen Feng stood in the land and felt no longer cold and dull, but a kind of warm and pleasant feeling.

I saw around the opened pure land, at this time, surrounded by a layer of white halo, Chen Feng felt a ray of warmth from it

That halo is the only warm and bright existence in this dark and chaotic space. Chen Feng has strong senses. He slowly exuded his consciousness, and suddenly felt a shock and awe in it.


That energy is so magical, even though it has been fused into this broken plane and has become extremely incomplete, it is still powerful enough to be breathtaking. Every layer of halo it emits at this time brings to Unimaginable beauty

There is still no sun, moon, flowers and trees here, but Chen Feng feels a real vitality.

This is the power of divinity

And precisely because of this energy, in a certain sense, it also imprisoned the raging storms in the void.

No wonder, the divine house will fight for divinity. That ’s because that divinity is not only the key to promotion, but also a vital hub for the creation of the kingdom of God.

For the divine residence, the kingdom of God is its own facade. Having a true kingdom of God means that he can give believers a stronger sense of belonging.

This is the prototype of the kingdom of God

It is the place where the believers are going to go after the death of the believers. The believers have done a lot of crazy things in order to go to a world without sorrow and trouble.

The emergence of the kingdom of God no doubt satisfied the hopes and dreams of believers.

The kingdom of God is not a false world. Compared with the world created by spiritual power, the kingdom of God is real. However, if you want to perfectly imitate the state of the kingdom of God, the divinity used will reach a terrifying number.

And this is what makes Chen Feng really surprised. A ray of divinity has undergone such a drastic change. If it is thrown to the plane to devour some divinity, it will not be clear what will happen at that time.

The divinity cannot create life and the sun, but it can be simulated by the divinity, like the halo above the head represents the sun, and the air and energy sucked from the surroundings are perfectly integrated with this pure land.

Compared with the previous plane, there was no intemperate swallowing. Large-scale deaths would occur where it appeared. At this time, this plane no longer swallowed jujubes as before, but it has a tendency to squirt water, little by little Get energy and life elements from the air.

In this slow smoking process, the plane also further abandoned the harmful substances remaining in the air, but kept improving to keep the damaged plane at the highest energy value.

This is simply amazing

Of course, these are not the most exciting reasons for Chen Feng, and the real reason for his disability is that, because of divinity, the surrounding storm was strictly and steadily resisted from the halo, which means that the piece Opened up, the land is full of islands and can already be loaded with life.

Without considering the water source and materials, this place can meet the living space of about 100,000 people.

Chen Feng intentionally set this as his other hole card, trying to place some survivors in, but reason overwhelmed this impulse.

In this world, although the environment is very stable, it still lacks the vital necessities of water. If it is developed again, water cannot be evolved. This means that in order to improve the world, Chen Feng needs to use great strength. , Open up the plane, look for the legendary element plane

There are four different territories on the elemental plane. These four territories belong to the elements of air, earth, fire and water, and each territory is controlled by an elemental lord.

Chen Feng relied on spiritual power to mobilize some knowledge of the abyss. He found all the prerequisites for creating a world.

To build a kingdom of God, a plane that can guarantee believers' development, survival, and reproduction. In addition to a stable environment, it also needs air, land, flames, and vital water elements.

Qi: City of the Sky

This layer of air is located in the upper realm of the entire elemental plane.

A constant yellow sun hangs in the sky, clouds are floating around, and from time to time there will be storms and rain. Various birds and strange creatures have never seen flying in the air.

The space above the sun cannot be seen from the ground. There is the city wall of the elemental element. The thick stone walls built with the rocks stolen from the ground are supported by the persistent cyclones. float.

Soil: boundary

The lower part of the Sky City is the so-called territories.

Rough surface potholes are full of cracks and earthquakes often occur. Sometimes the underground fire element will break out of the soil and form a large-scale volcano, but the earth elemental creatures under Thracene will always try to prevent this blatant aggression and evil.

The boundary is full of various caves, tunnels and countless small passages, in which reptiles, burrowing animals and other underground creatures live.

Fire: Field of Fire

There is a space filled with high temperature and ashes below the ground and undersea land, and there is a field of fire.

In spite of the harsh environment, travellers who ran into the blaze can still survive. After all, there is such a law in the universe that can't be thundered, and it can't burn without air. The material in the fiery domain has a circulatory system, and part of the flame is extinguished to become ashes, and the ash is gradually transformed into a catalyst that promotes the combustion of the flame.

Water: Bottomless Ocean

The ocean in the elemental plane surrounds the entire land, and the violent waves continue to hit the rocks and the land.

The waters here are vast and deep, and sometimes the currents even rush into the realm of fire below the surface.

The water quality itself is constantly changing, sometimes salty and turbid, and sometimes clear and transparent.

Water creatures and monster-like monsters ~ ~ exist in these waters. Strangely, apart from them, the ocean here seems to exclude other creatures.

This is the world of the four major elements. It can be said that letting the plane blend into divinity is only the first step for Chen Feng to make a mistake. If you want to really restore this plane to the past, you must use Mo Dawei to interact with these The big element completes the contract, and by then, naturally has inexhaustible elemental energy, which can provide survivors with their own reproduction.

However, those elemental planes have powerful guardians who want to complete the contract with the other party, naturally need to fulfill certain requirements.

The names of those guardians are called giant spirits

Air giant, earth giant, or water giant

Giant spirits of the elemental plane have special rules. They follow the constraints of contracts and laws, and they will trade with the summoner when needed, including the issue of elemental giving.

And the weakest giant spirit has strength above the epic, the strength of the myth level or the eternal level is beyond the imagination of Chen Feng now.

This land cannot carry too many survivors, because there is no water element, and to maintain the expenses of everyone, Chen Feng needs to pour in enough water into it every day.

Chen Feng cannot spend time on such things every day, so the plan can only run aground.

However, even if it is not habitable, it can be used as a short-term load.

It's like this relocation. If the damaged plane can be merged a dozen days earlier, Chen Feng can finish the transportation work in almost three days.

what does this mean

It means that Chen Feng has a transfer station that can transport goods and life anytime and anywhere. Setting aside the creation of the world, the effect of this transfer station alone is not weaker than a real sub-artifact, and even worse than that.

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