The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 860: Ask the Dead

"It's a living creature!"

Chen Feng instantly determined that the other party was a living body, not an ordinary zombie. The other party ’s strength was hovering at the peak of silver and silver. Even in order, this was a group of real tyrants!

They look very crazy. Although they have life characteristics, they are very consistent with zombies. They even have scarlet colors on their mouths. Obviously, they are just having a lunch, maybe because they are disturbed by eating, they will be angry. All vented on the body of Chen Feng and his party!


There was a loud noise, something unexpected happened. The iron rod projected by the opponent was caught in the hands of the evil demon. The inertia and the impact force were superimposed, giving the iron rod a moment of gravity. In this way, but did not let the bad monster take a step back.

The evil demon crooked his head and looked at the oncoming monsters in front of him. He poked his lips and was annoyed, "Interrupt the evil devil to find something delicious, **** it!"

After saying this, the evil demon rushed forward with a short step. Facing a group of giant men generally at two and a half meters, the evil devil was like a weak little milk dog, but it did not show the slightest fear. Instead, he held up the iron rod in his hands, and threw it towards the other side!


The iron rod bumped into the monster pair, but it wasn't the monster that broke off, but the iron rod, as if it was thrown on a thick stone pillar. The original hard iron rod became curved, but the monster It was just a few steps back because of inertia, and nothing more.

"It's not like the defense power of the silver rank." Chen Feng frowned. Even if the strength of these monsters is only the silver rank, the defense is enough to be comparable to the power of the gold rank.

Where did these monsters come from?

This can not help but make Chen Feng curious. Seeing the physical characteristics of these monsters are male and female, he observes the details, and suddenly feels a strong energy wave on the other side.


That's right, the other person has the energy that professional people have!

It is obvious that ordinary people can't do such a shelter in the last days. In this force, one hundred percent is supported by professionals.

Along the way, most of the zombies that Chen Feng saw were of ordinary ranks, and there were very few advanced zombies. At first, he thought that those zombies were entangled in the inner city, but looking at it like this, he only guessed half, professional. They are indeed in the inner city, but instead of being zombies, they have become such monsters.

The monster is very strong, deep in the flesh and blood, crackling sound of crackling bones, and the neck twisted rigidly like machinery. Looking at Chen Feng and his party, there is no fear, just a crazy will to charge.

That look, like a hungry jackal seeing delicious food, blooming with a fierce light.

Their physical bodies are very strong. They are obviously silver, but they are not weaker than the golden-level body. This feeling is like Chen Feng's face to the earth dragon, but the other party does not seem to be a human, but a cruel and terrible one. Monster!

The evil spirits grabbed the iron bars and launched an instant counterattack. It didn't seem to make these monsters feel disappointed. Moreover, the appearance of the evil spirits in the white monsters stirred up the deepest violence in their hearts. They snarled and rushed up to see the appearance. It is necessary to tear the bad demon in half before being willing.

It's just that the ideal is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Bursts rang out.

The bad demon has shown amazing destructive power. If it is calculated according to human age, its devil-like bear child can have a destructive power comparable to that of a white bear.

The legend.


Any name is not comparable to that of an ordinary monster. When the monsters rushed in front of the inferior monster, the white arm of the other person stretched out flat. The specific steps are as simple as tearing lettuce by hand. Grasp the opponent's stout arm and pull it hard, then it was broken in two.

The monster is terrible, but the bad monster is obviously better than the opponent.

The fighting did not last long, and it was less than five minutes from the beginning to the end, but the group of monsters had fallen to the ground before.

The blood reflected the whole land, with limbs and broken arms everywhere. If you stay in such a place for a long time, your spirit may become distorted.

However, Chen Feng and Saruman have long been accustomed to it, especially the latter, as a day-to-day corpse, as far as the existence of a corpse is concerned, all these are just a small scene.

But all this still reminded Chen Feng that here is more complicated than he thought.

But this did not stop Chen Feng from moving forward. For adventurers, they will always encounter a series of problems during the treasure hunt. Escape will not help them. What they have to do now is to be more cautious.

Facts have proved that this shelter has more than just the monsters in the past. In the subsequent exploration, Chen Feng encountered monsters transformed by several professionals.

Their actions are exactly the same. After seeing flesh and blood, they will fall into violent attack on Chen Feng like crazy, and among these enemies encountered, there is even a legendary mutant.

The other person ’s height exceeded four meters ~ ~ It is difficult to use the term human to describe the other person, because in a certain sense, the other person has become a real giant.

The legendary monster used a lamppost as a weapon and waved like a roller coaster in a playground, making people desperate.

Faced with such a role, Chen Feng naturally would not sit idly by and kill him completely in conjunction with the inferior demons. However, in order to quickly end the battle, Chen Feng used the power of a hot flame to completely burn it into charcoal, which was impossible. Calling was a big regret.

Chen Feng did not forget what the original intention of his party was here.

Their purpose is to look for [delicious]

The evil spirit walked along the way. In the past one and a half hours, the attack of the group was more than ten times. Finally, the evil spirit stopped at the door of an abandoned factory.

As can be seen from the brand of the factory building, this was originally a mechanical processing factory for parts, but it is now deserted. It is far away from the previous town and is more like a slum. The scene you saw an hour ago is just a day. One place.

The parks and schools I saw before were like rich people. Here, everywhere, there was a dirty, foul smell. Even zombies were a group of pale and thin, unclothed.

Without even thinking too much, Chen Feng made up a picture of a group of lonely and poor people living here. It is just hard to imagine that a base has two distinct classes. This is impossible for order at all. !!

Is it delicious?

Chen Feng looked at the gate of the factory building, stared for a moment, then nodded towards Saruman.

Saruman understood it, with a little finger, the zombies walked slowly inside and walked towards it. Be careful, it's always right. What Chen Feng needs to do at this time is to cast a dead body to ask for directions!

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