The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 864: Assault

"It must be because of you"

The monster's voice became shrill: "Just kill you, my baby will be resurrected, I will kill you, kill you, kill you"


A gust of wind

Shenren's breath spread out from the Cyclops, and in that huge, rotten eye, it was extremely fierce at this time, and it was believed that Chen Feng prevented his baby from resurrecting.

Sacrifice ceremony

Chen Feng finally seized the key to the matter

However, the object of the resurrection is not the baby in the monster's mouth, but the parasite in the body.

"Really a poor worm" Chen Feng cursed secretly.

However, Chen Feng did not intend to communicate with each other. In a certain sense, this guy is crazy now.

Its consciousness has become chaotic and can be discerned from the words just said, it is completely crazy

Pathological love

In order to resurrect the most important person, he sacrificed a whole city, this behavior is almost unimaginable


The heavy footsteps trampled on the ground, and suddenly a rumbling sound was heard in the factory building. I saw a huge pit directly on the hard ground.

Started to attack

Chen Feng's height is only 1.8 meters, but the monster has exceeded 7 meters. Not only that, the opponent's body shape is more like a bridge pier.

Body size gap

A random blow is crushing fatal damage

The Cyclops rushed forward, and there was an earthquake around the ground, and Chen Feng and his party couldn't even stand at ease.


At this moment, Saruman stretched his fingers towards the Cyclops' body, his fingertips flashing cold coldness.


The dull voice reminded me that there was a thick layer of broken bones in the leg joints of the Cyclops.

The cracked bones wrapped the Cyclops' joints, limiting their movements at once


The stubborn **** stood up from the collapsed ruins, screamed, and then hit the giant's face like a cannonball.

The bad demon's charge was mixed with strong winds, and there was no extra move. It was completely a flesh-and-blood collision. Shaking the dozen fists on his body directly hit the opponent's face.

The one-eyed giant's cheeks were sunk all at once, and the bad demon's attack was not over. At this time, it was already stuck on the other side's face, like a mad man, and hit the one-eyed giant's cheek with those dozen arms.

Yin Hong's blood spattered all around.

Every hit of the evil monster is fatal, from the crazy bombardment of the legend, let the empty factory building sound through the impact of bones

But even so, it cannot be taken lightly.

The seemingly horrible attack of the evil demon has actually limited the damage to the Cyclops. The opponent is an undead creature. After some transformation, it stands here as an undead.


The Cyclops was a little annoyed by the goblin who jumped up and down. He roared, and then reached out and caught it directly on the goblin's neck.

Even if the inferior monster has been transformed, it is five meters in height, but there is still a certain distance from the altitude of the Cyclops. The Cyclops shows weakness to the enemy. When the inferior monster was immersed in the attack, its arms were as fast as lightning. He was caught in the neck of the bad demon

The arm of the Cyclops is like a loader, and slowly, the face of the evil monster changes from red to black-purple. It seems that the next second, the neck will be pinched directly

"one two Three"

Chen Feng watched the time silently in his heart. When the arms of the evil monster were about to collapse, he landed on his limbs, like a cheetah, and rushed towards the Cyclops.

sword of eternity

Chen Feng has been implicated in the endless sword. While charging, he stretched out his right hand. The endless sword that had been thrown aside before suddenly flew up, and then put it into the palm of Chen Feng.

Red eyes flashed

Chen Feng has always been watching, whether it is the attack of Saruman or the evil demon, he has been paying attention, and when the one-eyed giant holds the evil demon with one hand, Chen Feng knows that his opportunity is coming

Your own counterattack will guard the Cyclops

Maybe there is only one second left for Chen Feng

But one second is enough for Chen Feng now

The sharp figure of Chen Feng flew in the sky, disappeared without a trace, and when he reappeared, he was already standing by the Cyclops


A sound of cutting sounded, and the endless sword was chopped on the arm of the Cyclops. The outbreak of the sub-artifact was visible at a glance. The arm that restricted the bad demon's movement broke directly, and then fell on the land.

Monster strength is weird

Hovering between legend and half-step epic

The half-step epic is not full, and the legendary strength has overflowed a lot. Chen Feng will not despise any enemy that may cause danger to himself.

Especially, the other party is a parasite

Becoming a parasite has high requirements for strength

Don't look at Chen Feng's strength has reached a half-step epic, but now if he died, there is no possibility of becoming a parasite

what does this mean

Only the strongest above the epic will have the opportunity to transform the parasite, and thus get the possibility of a second resurrection

The Cyclops in front of you ~ ~ or the parasite in the other person, was a true epic power before his death.

Terrible existence

Just with a piece of flesh and blood, a city was completely destroyed, and Chen Feng didn't want to bet on whether the opponent had any other hole cards hidden.

There was a scream

It ’s not because of the pain. Even if all the limbs of the undead are torn, the opponent will not feel the pain. The Cyclops roared because its attack was blocked again, and even the arms were torn and lost. Offensive ability

Chen Feng will not be merciful to any enemy

The man said just now that the existence that affects his consciousness is in his mind, and the bad demon also points out with his fingers. The delicious thing is the position of the brain.

Chen Feng cast his gaze on the opponent's head.

There may be the ultimate opportunity to end it all


Cutting off the arm of the Cyclops did not let Chen Feng stop. At this time, the other party was in a weak state, which made Chen Feng kill his heart.

Chen Feng could not let it go

As long as the parasite is devoured, the bad demon can complete the transformation and enter a completely new state of life. As for whether the bad demon has sequelae, Chen Feng has no such worry.

Bad devil is the real god

As early as the silver stage, the bad demon could swallow a whole red dragon without being affected, not to mention it is now a legendary strongman. Although the parasite is strong, it is also worse than the bad demon devourer. One level.

At a close distance, Chen Feng didn't even think about it. He lifted the endless sword and waved it toward the opponent's head.


The indescribable voice came from the brain of the Cyclops. Chen Feng's attack obviously hurt the other party's true origin.

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