Chen Feng quietly returned to order, not as vast as imagined, and even the number of people who knew it was very small.

The gods need to remain mysterious.

Chen Feng no longer positions himself as a powerful power-holder, but as the **** of awe in everyone's heart.

Compared with the person in power, the deity is higher and more mysterious. He is real and is also illusory. Few people will see the deity, but if you are fortunate to encounter, life and life are likely to change suddenly.

For bad guys, this sudden change is tantamount to an abyss,

For a kind person and a true believer, this sudden change will completely change the other person's life!

This is somewhat similar to some ancient myths. The wicked have their own evil reports, while the good people will be enlightened by some gods and gain many benefits.

This is the same as making stars in the peace era, creating public opinion, creating topics, and creating flashes of mystery and mystery.


Chen Feng was sitting on a chair, and in front of him stood a charming figure. The other person was a pair of leather pants and a long hair behind his shoulders. He was able to blend perfectly and charmingly, and became a real stunner!

This is the goddess that makes all men dream about, but few people dare to confess to him, not even the courage to pursue.

Because she is in order, her status and strength are at the top.

Xu Hongzhuang!

After two years of ordeal, the former girl has been sharpened into a true arrogant.

Even if the order now has a population of more than one million, the number of professionals has also increased by several times compared with the previous life. In this case, I don't know how many geniuses have jumped into the dragon gate and become more and more noticeable!

Those professionals also came into being and had their own luck. Not long ago, a shadow member went out to explore, and just encountered the opening of the dimension, a legendary Medusa fell from it.

The members of the dark part were kind and hearty. Instead of taking the opportunity to kill Medusa, they took good care of it. One or two times, who would have thought that Medusa was in love with her heart and willingly followed the other party to return to order to get married.

You know, the dark members are only silver ranks. When you go out for a tour, you will freely retrieve a legendary Medusa as a wife. This luck is not comparable to ordinary people.

This is the worst time, but also the best time.

Everyone is a worm, but everyone can become a dragon.

In addition to this abnormal assistance, there are also some professionals who accidentally swallowed different treasures, rising from the bronze ranks to several ranks at once, and entering the ranks of the gold strong!

All the memories of previous lives, from the moment the order was really established, have no effect!

Because Chen Feng can't draw any memory at all, this is a brand-new land, a land that has risen and built in the shortest time even if it has suffered a lot!

Both bugs, zombies, and dimensional creatures have become the nourishment of this land, allowing the crops buried deep under this land to grow wildly!

Talents that did not appear in the past are now endless, and there are even many popular characters in the previous life. Those who dominated the past life and were admired by thousands of people. Now, I do n’t know how much stronger the resources and environment are than the previous life Times, those originally shining stars bloom again, re-entering Chen Feng's field of vision.

However, perhaps because of this butterfly Chen Feng's wings flickering, the strong ones also have some changes.

The strength of the previous life is supreme, and the law is completely reduced to the toy of the strong. Do n’t say that forcible grabbing is killing and looting. The high-level will only open one eye and close one. Chen Feng still remembers that one of them claimed that The ruthless character, the other party ’s ability is weird. Wherever you go, there are hundreds of flowers in full bloom, pollen is diffused, several times stronger than ordinary drugs, and when the breeze blows, the petals are flying, and steel can be cut off in an instant. Not to mention.

The other party is also a genius. Chen Feng has just stepped into gold, and the other party is already a legendary strength. However, the other party is too feminine. A whole building has hundreds of beautiful family members in captivity, and even a hundred beautiful map is marked. Fancy women rarely escape each other's clutches.

Everyone says that this person is too possessive, and the woman she is looking for is going to seize it, but what can I do? The opponent ’s strength is huge. In a few years, he has already been a legendary powerhouse. At that time, the forces have gone through numerous disasters, a dilapidated appearance, and a legendary expert sitting in the town can naturally save a lot of trouble. In this case, the high-level How could you offend each other for a few women?

But it's different now ...

At this point in time, the flower-viewer still stands out, even if only the golden rank is still noticeable. After all, the moves that can make the flowers bloom are too magical, and anyone who reads it can't help but remember it ~ ~ but the order Orderly laws and rules, not to mention the golden strong, even if they are really legendary strong, they must abide by the rules here.

Chen Feng heard that there was such a talent, and even ordered the dark side to observe it. After all, he didn't want to see that the law he had built was trampled on by anyone. It is no exaggeration to say that once the other party was forced to rob people like the previous life, immediately He will be arrested and brought to justice and punished as a model.

Can anyone think that, under the constraints of morality and law, the safari boy did not repeat the same mistakes. Instead, he set up a business a year ago and gave birth to a pair of twins. The family had a happy life, and even he himself became a **** battle. A backbone of the Ministry.

The environment affects one person.

In the previous life, there was no restriction on the playboy. Naturally, relying on strength to make troubles and do bad things, just like those countries in the era of peace that were not constrained. Drugs and guns were doubled. For some peaceful countries, banning drugs and guns, and enacting strict laws, as long as there is stuttering, no one will be willing to go to prison or even get a gun.

Law is the backbone of the civilized world. Chen Feng is glad that he found the real path in the early days of the establishment, and developed the order to the present.

No matter how arrogant you are, chasing after me, how angry you are. Standing in front of Chen Feng, Xu Hongzhuang ’s status has not only declined, but has risen steadily. Not long ago, she was appointed as the city ’s first mayor.

Not for the veterans Lu Wei and Wei Xun who are only in charge of a department, Xu Hongzhuang, a girl with a hero template, in the true sense, has become a person in power over 10,000 people. With the promotion of the other party, Chen Feng , You can fade out the survivor's field of vision and concentrate on pursuing your own divine plan!

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