The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 882: Sequelae

Chen Feng's will came to a young girl!

This news caused a great uproar in this new land, which attracted the attention of all senior figures including Zhao Qiangdong and Wei Xun, because in a sense, Chen Feng was their only connection with the outside world.

Wei Xun was calm and did not rashly believe, because he had seen several cases like this in the order.

No matter what era there is always no shortage of speculative people, those people threatened to receive the attention of [God], but after a test, there was no change at all on the other side, no doubt, the other party lied!

Wei Xun is the current leader of this force. He can't assert the truth of this matter because of some rumors. Once something happens, his image will be greatly reduced.

Wei Xun paid close attention to this matter and conducted a personal investigation. Instead of directly contacting Huan Chen, he interrogated the only survivor.

"DaDa ..." Maybe he has been with Chen Feng for a long time, and Wei Xun has unknowingly got the same habit as Chen Feng. When thinking, he likes to use his fingers to knock out some light on the table.

The survivor's testimony echoed in Wei Xun's ears, and she saw a black figure appearing behind Chen Huan, wearing an imperial crown.

In addition, she said that in the following time, Chen Huan turned into a monster with a burning flame, almost killing the immortal beast with a crushing posture!

Numerous fireballs were fired from the palm of her hand, and she successfully broke the body of the beast of death.

In the end, the survivor's face could not help but a hint of envy, and asked Wei Xun, "Master, is Chen Huan awake?"

For the survivors, she instinctively believed that Chen Huan had completed his awakening and became a professional.

This can't help envying the girls, after all, Chen Huan has the strength to protect himself.

In this regard, Wei Xun didn't say much, just nodded, and let the survivors go out.

Even with no expression on his face, Wei Xun's inner world has turned upside down, and he can now conclude that Chen Huan is really taken care of. The iconic appearance is not the transformation of Chen Feng's signature!

Are adults stronger?

This was Wilson's first reaction.

After all, adults did n’t have this ability before. To be precise, Wei Xun has not seen this method of Chen Feng, but now they are far away from each other and in a real world, the energy of adults has been instilled in this attitude. In the body of a famous girl, all this is simply unbelievable.

Wei Xun checked the strength of Chen Huan, and he has even reached the golden stage!

Unlike the survivors' envy, Wei Xun is deeply jealous. He doesn't know how many sufferings he has to have today's strength, but this young girl has all this without any effort, which makes people's mind unbalanced .

As for the entire expedition of the expedition, this is nothing to Wei Xun. How can there be undead in land reclamation?

Even if the order is awakened and technology is grasped with both hands, each person even has special medicines. For example, a few centimeters of knife wounds are smeared for a few minutes, and the wounds will slowly heal, but even so, every time there is a mission, there is no death or injury. By?

In this world, as long as there is strength, everything is there. For Wei Xun, all his interests are now on Chen Huan!

No one knows whether adults have given certain orders when blessing young girls.

Wilson doesn't want to stay here.

Even if it is picturesque, the safety factor is not too big. Compared to the last days, this is a real dream land!

But Wei Xun still doesn't want to stay here. It's too plain here. He has been in a dangerous environment for a long time. In addition to the monster that devours everything in his body, he prefers the crisis-filled outside. nervous feeling!

Wei Xun was actually very worried during this time, he was worried, worried that he would need to stay here for one year, two years or even longer!

No challenge or pressure, sooner or later, you will become a real waste!

Wei Xun did not allow his life to be completely closed here, so he hoped that Chen Feng could one day leave him here.

Now, the appearance of Chen Huan has undoubtedly made Wei Xun see the dawn of departure!

Wei Xun knows that Chen Feng is a man, and the other party is good at using people, and will not waste extra power. If Chen Huan is really an adult who stuns the chess pieces here, he may soon be able to get out of here.

But on the premise, he needs to see this special lucky one!


In the room.

Chen Huan was sitting alone on the bed. She didn't know how she returned to the camp. She just remembered the unbearable sadness and despair!

She always wished it was a dream!

Chen Huanning would rather not have this terrible strength in the eyes of outsiders, but also wanted to fully resurrect Chen Zi and his party.

But this is obviously just an illusion, a useless spiritual consolation, everything is real, and he has a power that was unimaginable before, and Chen Zi and his partner leave forever!

The monster is dead!

Killed by myself!

Chen Huan reached out her hand dullly, and she found that she was stronger than ever before, even stronger than most people in the whole force.

[He! 】

It is God who has given himself this power!

Chen Huan instinctively thought what she should do. She couldn't live such a turbulent life. She thought of the monsters that lingered in the wild, and thought of the humans who were killed by sneak attacks during this time!

She is not great. Chen Huan even thought of suicide to relieve the pain of today, but at the moment of prayer success, her life no longer belongs to herself, but Chen Feng's personal belongings!

Chen Huan had no right to commit suicide. This was confirmed yesterday. After killing the dead beast, she was desperate. After returning to the camp to tell everything, she attempted to commit suicide by cutting her wrist.

But the wound only healed for a few seconds, and the bleeding blood prevented her from leaving this world.

She is no longer mortal, but has become a transcendent being!

Even suicide has become a luxury, which is an indescribable feeling.

However, Chen Huan had a secret that she did not tell anyone. After seeing the blood, she felt an excitement in her heart.

This was an unheard of experience. She looked at the blood on her wrist, and the ghost made her want to lick it. By the time Chen Huan was awake, the blood on her wrist had been licked and cleaned!

Chen Huan instinctively retched, but what he felt on the tip of his tongue was not bloody, but an indescribable fragrance!

In the end what happened?

Chen Huan kept this secret, she secretly vowed not to confide it to anyone!

If Chen Feng is present, it can be seen naturally that these are just some of the after-effects of being transformed into a demon!

Demons are synonymous with chaos and evil. They like killing, and they prefer the smell of the stinky smell in the air. For demons, blood is the best violent medicine. The more blood, the more the demons can get into chaos.

To put it simply, the relationship between the devil and the blood is like a group of young people taking drugs at a nightclub. They will enter the state in the shortest time and reach the deepest state of madness!

This situation of Chen Huan is completely normal. Before she was blessed, she was just an ordinary person. Naturally, her mental strength was not particularly strong, and the demon's energy was too huge, so the subtle influence affected some of Chen Huan's living habits.

For example, she will become crazy, confused, and some bloodthirsty behavior, though. This is a normal situation. As the other party becomes accustomed to their own strength, the powerful mental power will slowly suppress those evil thoughts and let the other party return to normal!

However, habits are things that are difficult to change.

Even if the strength would put an end to Chen Huan's bloodline, but there is no guarantee that she will indulge in the pleasure of blood during this time!

Once the heart sinks, no one can drag her out of the quagmire!

"Well!" Just then, a knock on the door disturbed Chen Huan's thoughts.

"The leader wants to see you ..." There was a somber voice at the door.

Chen Huan is a little nervous. In this new force, only one person can be called a leader ~ ~ That is the executioner!

She did not have the right to refuse, and the fear given by Wei Xun was already ingrained.

Chen Huan hurriedly stood up to open the door, and then followed the guard toward the residence of Wei Xun.

When entering the room again, Chen Huan saw Wei Xun sitting in a chair, with no expression on the other side, his hands closed, and his eyes looked like a beast examining him.

The momentum of the other side is even more terrible than the death beast!

The other party is very powerful!

Chen Huan has just been promoted, she doesn't know to use professional terms to describe it all!

"Chen Huan, you have received feedback from God. Now I ask you, did God give you some instructions?" Wei Xun's cold voice came out.

"Feedback?" Chen Huan was a little cramped. She tried to think back to everything before. After confirming that no sound was heard, she shook her head and said, "No ... I didn't hear ..."

Wei Xun gave Chen Huan a deep look, and condensed, "Really?"

"Yes ... yes." Chen Huan lowered his head. "I did not hear any sound, but my body changed!"

There was a flash of disappointment in Wei Xun's eyes. He was still hoping that Chen Feng could lower his mouth to let himself leave, but he was obviously disappointed.

But Wei Xun quickly stabilized his emotions. He rarely smiled and said to Chen Huan, "You have good luck, even I feel jealous. You move here today, and I will teach you to control the energy of the body. Let you complete digestion in the shortest time! "

Wei Xun still didn't say something: "Then take my place as soon as possible."

Obtaining such a reply made Chen Huan a little overwhelmed, but thinking of the strange things on her body, she nodded, and she comforted herself and waited to digest the so-called energy, and then she could return to normal.


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