The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 884: Army advance

Just when Wei Xun was ready, the distant chief warrior nodded, and seemed to feel Wei Xun's gaze, glanced at this, nodded slightly.

Wei Xun looked away, his body mutated, and a green thick and scaly arm waved forward: "All people, follow me!"

This lift of the arm, above the arm, the brilliant Shenren gloss under the sun's rays of light, emitted a dazzling fine light, pierced the eyes of the people present.

Three hundred teams formed temporarily. Everyone walked across the beach briskly and entered the area of ​​the abandoned volcano.

At the same time, several other teams have also entered the search one after another, and thousands of reserve personnel have been rested in place and sent out at any time.

The Naya were pioneers in search of roads. They were responsible for searching. When they encountered beasts, they could be annihilated, and they could not be annihilated. They immediately released a whistle rocket to the sky and informed the army.

This time to kill the beast, although I know the exact location of the other party, the specific number and distribution of the beast is not so detailed.

However, the two armies, thousands of people, crushed them by a dozen times, crushing the beasts.

However, although the number of death beasts is not many, as the [Royal] on this island, they enslave many vassal monsters!

Just as the army entered the forest, a few screams came suddenly, as if the soldier had been attacked, which was creepy.

"Don't panic, everyone is bitten by a snake!" The roaring bellows then settled the hearts of the people.

The island is wet, and there are many snakes. So many people enter the area attacked by monsters, and they are bitten by snakes, which is nothing more than normal.

"Ordinary people step backwards, and professionals cover in front, putting as few flames as possible to avoid the danger of fire!"

Gradually deep into the jungle, the surrounding army also searched separately and entered the center.

A punch hit the shrubs blocking the road in front, and Wei Xun looked at the trees not far away. There were **** rolling around like black balls, buzzing mosquitoes, and grasses and rotten leaves nearby. The rotten taste, you do n’t even have to look at it to know that it is full of poisonous and horrifying poisonous insects!

You know, the creatures in this world are quite different from the human world. The so-called ants and spiders are just similar species. On the other hand, they are larger and have more severe colors. Even toxins are several times larger than ordinary spiders. Even a dozen times!

The world does not know how many years have existed. The dark-smelling, stinky spider, which is more than half a meter long, and hundreds of them are gathered together, makes the goosebumps all over the body, giving people a sense of difficulty.

Fortunately, there are Nayar physicians who are accompanying them. They were born and raised in this land and have already experienced living in this land. Long before they came, they sprayed the juice made of special herbs on their bodies every day. It will be overwhelmed by poisonous gas.

The more forward the front, the more poisonous insects, the slower the progress of the team.

This volcano has been abandoned for many years. Maybe it was because of the heat before. The temperature of this jungle is a dozen degrees higher than the outside. This environment undoubtedly gives the insects the best living space.

And this is the natural barrier of the death beasts. They are good at digging the ground and they don't make frequent contact with insects. In addition, as the hunter of the pyramid on the island, the so-called insects are just their food. .

"leave me alone!"

"My arm is unconscious!"

Suddenly, four of these hundreds of soldiers had been bitten by poisonous spiders falling from the tree, and their whole body became black. They immediately passed out. They must know that these soldiers in front are all occupations. Or, it has its own anti-toxicity, but even so, it still sorrows, which shows how terrible the worms are!

"Step aside!"

The accompanying Dr. Naya came over, and could not help but say, pulled out the blade of his waist, and chopped at the place where the injured was bitten.


Several blood flashes, and there are still promising professionals, but now they have become a few poor people with limbs.

"What are you doing!"

The soldiers also had friends and relatives. At this time, when they saw that Dr. Naya could not help but cut off the arms of his friends, he immediately became furious, and came forward to the theory.

"Don't delay me in saving people. This spider has terrible toxicity. It will flow to the heart along the blood vessels in ten seconds. Without blocking the flow, they will die!"

Dr. Naya didn't show his fear, but said coldly.

"Lord you ..."

The soldier didn't know what to say, turned his head and looked at the broken arm aside. Only a few seconds later, the arm had become completely black. This was a little frightening. The other party was right. If you delay some time, the consequences will be disastrous.

The physician lowered his head, squeezed out the black blood, and then fed the drug that understood the poison. It was finally rescued, but even so, the former powerful fighter was unconscious, and the other party was still a strength professional and lost The right arm can only play 50% of its ability, which is really a waste!

Chen Huan followed the team. At this time, when he saw the pale-faced soldier and a broken arm, he felt that his chest seemed to be blocked with a stone, and he didn't know what to say.

In the past, she was just an ordinary person, she didn't have much concept of fighting at all, but now, when she really saw all of this, she knew the terrible fighting!


Just at this time ~ ~ Wei Xun stepped forward, an illusory figure suddenly appeared above his head, the monster looked weird, there was a kind of strange and terrible inexplicable, the other opened his mouth and made a noise Sharp cry.

Suddenly, in the surrounding woods, all kinds of poisonous insects and poisonous snakes flew away, and even many mosquitoes like black clumps in front exploded and spread out, as if they encountered some natural enemies.

"Well? There is so much food here. If you eat it, it may help your strength!" The monster Xingying said.

"Don't delay, this time our goal is a local beast. The strongest has broken through the legend and devoured its soul, which will help you!" Wei Xun said coldly.


Leng Bufang appeared a creature that looked very different, not like any beast, but had many beast-like creatures. The soldiers around him were frightened. Wei Xun didn't look a little wavey. He held his arm firmly and whispered, "Don't panic. It is my condensed beast soul that has developed its own consciousness, and there is no need to worry about snake snakes in the presence of it! "

"Keep going, offenders, military law!"

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