The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 891: "The True God is coming!"

The fire was rekindled.

Along with the madness of the legendary death beast, Li's restrictions produced a touch of looseness!

However, this is also normal!

After all, the death beast in front of him has reached the horrible legendary realm. Even if laziness is limited for a while, it does not mean that it will be arrested for it!

Death beasts originally occupied this land!

That's right!

The original owner of this land was the beast of death, but I don't know when, when the Nayars appeared, the beast completely lost the land.

Some of the racial memories circulating in the herd also recorded the pictures of their free life. At that time, they were able to walk on the ground with a fairness, instead of now, in order to protect themselves, to avoid the enemy's killing, and become A cave creature!

The legendary death beast is different from its companions. It has a little-known wisdom. It even has some thinking ability. When it is young, it is incompatible with the surroundings because it is smarter and better at using its own power!

The legendary death beast even thought of the other death beasts on the united island to invade the Naya people countless years ago, but because of wisdom, few death beasts of the same order accepted its olive branch.

In this case, the legendary death beast can only rely on itself, it is working hard to improve the realm, trying to really take back the land of the ancestors one day.


After all, it is old.

The age of the legendary death beast has exceeded 100 years. For a long time, it has been trying to find opportunities to win. However, relying on its own strength, the chance of success is still too small!

The years are waiting.

It's getting closer and closer to returning to its ancestors, and its life span should have been about 300 years. However, it has been fighting and injured all the time, which has greatly weakened its vitality.

The hero is late.

This statement also applies to the body of the legendary death beast, because it can not shake the Naya rule, the legendary death beast began to change its strategy.

Its life is short, and it can no longer defend and protect its companions. In this case, it is no longer committed to destroying the Naya, but it is trying to enslave more beasts!

Troop flow!

It is exactly this policy that the legendary death beast takes!

In order not to conflict with the Naya, the legendary death beast even evacuated its original site farther away!

a chance!

The purpose of the legendary death beast is only one, and that is to find an opportunity to make the people become strong!

Only by bringing together the beasts on the entire island can they threaten the Naya people and wage a full-scale war to regain land.

All the plans are to make the beast of death the king on this land again!

Taking back the land they will be able to go from one glory to another, and defeating them will once again meet the difficult fate of hundreds of years.

This is the war that determines the future of a race.

The ultimate purpose of the legendary death beast is so, but all this is disrupted by this sudden aggression!

Li simply could not imagine that her unintentional move accidentally destroyed the plot of the legendary death beast!

not far away.

The graceful figure stopped.

Chen Huan watched the legendary death beast in a rage before his eyes, and frowned!

She felt terrible at each other!

The horror was beyond what she could bear. It belonged to the strong's ability to perceive danger again. Even if they were hundreds of meters away, she felt a death threat!

That's a real feeling that I might die in the next second!

Chen Huan is scared!

Those who commit suicide once, it is difficult to have the courage to commit a second suicide!

Chen Huan committed suicide, but her strong recovery ability repaired her wound in a few seconds.

She didn't want to die anymore.

Especially along the way, Wei Xun instilled a lot of fresh ideas into him, coupled with the awakening of strength, she has completely changed from a guinea pig hiding in Tibet to a hunter who can truly control life!

Just now, she also relied on her own huge fireball to project into the herd, and the horrible beasts that died in her hands even exceeded hundreds of heads. This is something that I never thought of before!

These changes have subtly changed Chen Huan's ideas!

She wants revenge!

Originally, she was just an ordinary person. She could only choose to escape when facing dangers that could not be seen directly, but now she is different, she has the power to kill the enemy!

If she can ... she doesn't want to run away anymore, but she can really take revenge on them!

She wants ... these monsters who killed Chenzi are **** and bloody, and best of all, a race has disappeared in this world!

But the premise is ...

She has to live!

The sudden sense of crisis made Chen Huan's body numb. She didn't want to die, but she could judge from her feelings, and there was a kind of fate that could not be avoided.

When Chen Huan was desperate, she suddenly thought of God!

It is God who has given all this to him, that the other person can make himself as an ordinary person so powerful, and naturally he can also survive this disaster!

Thinking of this, Chen Huan closed her eyes silently, as in the past, some awesome prayers began to linger in her mouth ~ ~ At this moment, all her hopes were pinned on Chen Feng!


In the order, Chen Feng was sitting in the room with his eyes closed and thinking. Suddenly, an unfamiliar scene appeared in front of his eyes, and it was a familiar figure.

It is his own believer, and even Chen Huan who possesses the body of a demon!

She is seeking her own help!

In front of her, there is a huge cricket monster, even if separated by a dimension, Chen Feng still felt the terrible strength of the other party!

There is no doubt that the strength of the opponent has reached the legendary level!

"Looks like, Wei Xun launched an incredible battle! Is it to prepare for the next level?" Chen Feng fell into some contemplation.

However, the most important thing before her was Chen Huan's prayer, and she was asking for help.

This is the unique feeling of the gods!

For a moment, Chen Feng only felt that his style had expanded to a new level!

Out of instinct, Chen Feng tried to point his right hand forward, and then, an astonishing scene appeared. The power inside Chen Feng turned out to be a continuous flood of infusion to Chen Huan!

Really succeeded? !!

Chen Feng's pupils contracted for a while. At this moment, there was no word in his mind.

——God drop!

Under special circumstances, the shrine can rely on the believer as a carrier and descend on a certain land!

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