The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 893: "The True God is Coming!" (3)

Wei Xun devoured many beast souls, and his mental strength has reached a certain level, but even so, a distance of more than ten meters, he was still engulfed by energy, and blood leaked out of his nose, nose, and throat!


At the moment of the explosion, the legendary death beast uttered an unimaginable roar!

It is because of this that Wei Xun is so disoriented. Imagine that even Wei Xun is so, let alone the soldiers around him, those guards standing beside Wei Xun, all like being When the siege hammer hit it, it suddenly receded a dozen meters and then fell heavily on the ground unconscious.

The previous werewolf was also among them. The opponent was a talent. Otherwise, he would not be specially cultivated by Wei Xun, and even the legendary beetle would be given to the other. Originally, after the end of the war, the other party was likely to be promoted to the golden stage. Get on the higher stage!

However, the roar of the legendary death beast was not a physical attack, but a pure soul deterrence. The beetle on the werewolf had no defense at all and was hit at once. At this time, the opponent fell heavily on a stone with eyes. Lazy, extremely stagnation, it looks like this is too fierce!

Wei Xun sighed, forcing the pain in his body and fled to the rear, rushing away dozens of meters away. Then he dared to look forward. He was wondering, how is the situation of the legendary death beast now?

As for death?

He can only comfort himself by changing his grief. Like this, he should take it seriously and not be distracted at all. Otherwise, the battle in front of him will only evolve towards a worse situation!

Between thoughts.

Just as the legendary Death Beast exploded, countless flames rose into the sky, condensing into a full-scale fireball in the air.

Wei Xun estimates that such a ball of fire can directly fill a volcano.

The legendary death beast swallowed up all the surrounding flames, and condensed such an attack!

This huge fireball emerged, getting smaller and smaller, and then shrunk to the size of a washbasin. This extremely condensed fireball was flowing and shining, shining brightly, reflecting the glory of the moon. Moon. Have lost their luster!

Everyone felt a sense of oppression.

It is the dangerous feeling of powerful blasting force after the flame is extremely condensed!

Everyone at the scene looked at the fireball that tarnished the moon over the sky. Everyone had no doubt that if this fireball exploded, all the people present would be wiped out!

Moreover, not only the soldiers present, but also the entire forest and the surrounding beasts will be destroyed together!

The fleet present will wipe out the entire army.

"How could it make you wish!"

Just as the fireball condensed into a sun-hot, the fireball suddenly stopped.

In her arms, a tiny yin wind rushed out, and then condensed into a large net in the air. Li wanted to embrace the sun and protect everyone!

After all, not only are humans around, but also the Naya forces. Once this forest is destroyed, the Naya people will be wiped out. This is a situation that Li can't face!


Li's voice was hoarse and coughing. After exhaling a **** sputum, his voice became much clearer.

Like just now, she consumed too much energy, even a little overdraft, and she knew that this was too much physical loss, but there is no way, once the legendary death beast conspiracy is really successful, the Naya will suffer unimaginably but die out. Plague!

After all, this is a forest, the easiest place to catch fire!

Li's body and blood were very depleted, as if he had a serious illness, and his body was extremely weak.

At this time, she was even worried about herself, how could she avoid the order fighters? All she can do is remind her to run away!


Two shouts in a row, sober the order soldiers!

In this endless panic, everyone's fears are agitated. Where can I take care of the order and start to run away towards the back!



Li didn't do as he wished. To be precise, the legendary death beast not only used his own power, but just now, he concentrated the collective attack of the order forces in the fireball in front of him!

In the face of this horrible force, the silver net weaved by Li slowly burst. Seeing like this, it won't take long for it to be completely on the ground in front of you!

The impact is comparable to a real meteorite. Once it hits this land, no life can survive!

Chen Huan didn't run away, because she knew that even if she ran away now, there would only be a dead end!

Because this attack is terrible!

Scary to imagine!

Just now, Chen Huan foresaw the crisis of death, and all this in front of him undoubtedly confirmed his thoughts!

I will die!

Everyone will die!

Will die in the face of such an irresistible disaster. Chen Huan awakened the demon body. It stands to reason that he can be immune to most flames, but after seeing this fire ball like the sun, Chen Huan knew how small he was!

A person's power is quite small, even a powerful legend may be trapped in it. Only the power above the mortal can crush the legendary death beast and lift the immediate crisis.

"The power above all things!" Chen Huan flashed lightly, she thought of the supreme deities. In this case, she prayed even more sincerely, because she knew that no power other than God could save her ~ ~ Your humble servant praises you, you are a merciful God, you can sympathize with my weakness ... "

Chen Huan's spirit was completely immersed in the sound of prayer, over and over again, as if she had been stared at by the beast of death, this is also her most critical moment!

Maybe even Chen Huan didn't know that when she kept meditating, the figure flew up from nothing, and her voice became a sacred moment now, echoing directly above the battlefield.

Wei Xun, who was in panic, seemed to feel something suddenly, and hurriedly looked in the direction of Chen Huan!

What did he feel?

Even if he becomes a ghost, he can recognize the master of that energy at the first time!

Chen Feng!

That is the power of the Lord!

At this time, the glory of the divine emerged in Chen Huan's eyes, watching everything in front of him, and slowly said, "Follow the ancient contract! I will use the power of the **** ..."

"I am in the name of God! Use my strength to help me fight back strong enemies!"

Chen Huan's petite figure looked down at everyone in front of her like a god. Her gaze passed through the space, pointed a white slender finger towards the sky, and slowly said, "No!"

As soon as the words fell, the drooping fireball suddenly stopped. This was not the end. The fireball seemed to be pulled by some irresistible force, and even broke the **** of the legendary death beast and appeared beside Chen Huan.

Neither Li, Wei Xun, the Order Warrior, or the Beast seemed to feel something at this time, looking in the direction of Chen Huan.

Everyone saw an unthinkable picture.

Above Chen Huan's head, a sacred, powerful figure appeared in the void, it was so terrible, so mysterious, so ... invincible!

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