The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 925: The guests

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! What is the most important resource of this world?

Feng Chen will not hesitate to tell each other, the population! population! Still a population!

Port of Linlang!

This is a port of order expansion. Originally, sea beasts were pervasive here, and sea beasts were raging every three minutes. Since its construction, a total of 100 people have been killed. Among them, even the golden strongmen have died!

For any one of these forces, the golden strong are the pillars of the top pillars, and the sea beasts are raging. This undoubtedly makes Chen Feng very angry, so he has issued an annihilation order!

Before exploring the legendary giant whale plundered by the sea god's residence as a pioneer, then touched three hundred professionals, tens of thousands of blood war fighters, a month-long plunder, the **** red blood of the ocean, and I do not know how many sea beasts died here.

The emperor was angry, and there were millions of dead bodies.

Today, Chen Feng already has this kind of strength, and he no longer has to go out in person to launch a campaign. After all, order is now full of talents.

Xu Hongzhuang, Fallen Angel, Medusa, these three legendary powerhouses have been counted as pillars. In addition, the legendary giant whale and the mutant monsters studied by the Ministry of Biochemistry, the higher order of the entire order, It can be described as terror.

After all, the sea beasts annoy the existence that shouldn't be provoked. Because of their wisdom, those sea beasts are also assigned, and each faction has its own range of activities.

The dominant sea beast mingling around the order is a legendary giant shark!

The other party also used the awakening of the doomsday to make a step-by-step change and possess terrifying legendary strength. The original order and its wells did not violate the river water, but the legendary giant shark's territorial consciousness was extremely strong. The order to expand the port will undoubtedly pollute the surrounding waters. It was precisely because of this that it caused a huge hatred of giant sharks and began an attack on the expansion team.

Chen Feng is a man, always vengeful!

A month of slaughter, even if this legendary giant shark is extremely cunning, it has been defeated directly. Not only has his savings been lost for several years, he has also been captured ashore.

This is the culprit that caused the most bloodshed during this period of time. Instead of sacrificing his flesh, Chen Feng ordered him to drag it to the square, let it dry for ten days, and divide it by the death penalty!

In those ten days, the legendary giant shark mourned, the tragic cry rang out around the order, and even showed that his attitude wanted to obey, but there were hundreds of soldiers who died because of it. For Chen Feng, this is basically Endless revenge!

The suggestion of refusal was rejected, and the giant shark died in the square tragically. This is not the end. After all, the other party is a legendary creature. Even if it is dried for ten days, the flesh still does not rot, so it is cut by a special person, even if it is ordinary people. In part, even if it is not possible to take a promotion, but the soup is comparable to more than ten years old mountain ginseng, which has a strong nourishing effect on the body.

The resistance disappeared, and the port of Linlang expanded smoothly. There were already hundreds of moored ships. Every day, ships went out to fish, and the seafood returned would flow into each survivor's home.

The remaining seafood is dried through a special process. After these seafood become dry goods, they are stored in the warehouse.

The cold current will not be long before it arrives. Chen Feng's current purpose is still to hoard food and try not to let famine run rampant in the camp.

After all, in addition to the survivors of the local order, Chen Feng also recruited a group of workers like Silver City.

Focus on!

Recruitment is not trafficking. Order does not require too many slaves. Even if most of the survivors from Silver City are poor people who have no choice, Chen Feng still respects it enough!

Chen Feng gave the survivors a stable home and food, while Silver City reduced the burden while obtaining a batch of demonic slaves, which was a satisfactory transaction for both parties.

However, in the eyes of Silver City, this kind of cooperation between the two parties is a bit inexplicable.

The top of Silver City is not a fool. Naturally, professionals will not be allowed to participate in the recruitment. Even if the recruitment operation is opened because of demons, it is still a small number of ordinary people and most of the elderly, the sick, and the disabled.

For Silver City, this is a perfect mobile phone throwing conference. Not only can it reduce the local pressure, but it can also get a lot of endurance efforts. This is nothing but harmless!

It's just unclear, what is the purpose of the order, and why it accepts those cumbersome, isn't it ... some kind of unknown dark ritual?

For two years, the native humans have also been in contact with other dimensions of life. Naturally, they know some evil means and think about it. Everyone only thinks that order requires so many living people, most of them are used for sacrifice.

This makes most people think in the apocalypse. After all, this is the apocalypse. No one is stupid enough to be helpful.

However, even so, the senior management will not interfere.

Those old, weak, sick and disabled were originally on the abandoned list, and death was an inevitable end for them, so it doesn't make any sense to die in Silver City or die in order.


Order provides too many benefits, not only free houses, even food supplies, everyone can even find a job suitable for them, described as a paradise.

It ’s not good to go on like this. The senior members of Silver City do n’t mind the lives and deaths of the victims, but they ca n’t let this kind of [expect to breed]. When the time comes, it ’s not just the poor who ca n’t eat, maybe even the professionals. Will be tempted, and even make refuge.

The old, the weak and the sick are almost gone. At this time, the recruitment of public opinion is curbed!

In just a few days, news of order spread.

People were spitting and talking about the scene of visiting the order that day, but as the news spread, it became more and more outrageous. Some people said that there were terrible sea monsters guarding the bottom of the sea. Some people say that it's not that humans are in charge, but a group of lives from other dimensions.

There are also all kinds of messy news spreading, and there are more and more outrageous signs, like everyone has stepped into the land and saw it with their own eyes.

In addition, many unscrupulous guys vowed arrogantly that city has a beautiful and charming succubus!

Those succubus look charming, compared with human beauty, there is no comparable at all.

of course.

? These are actually insignificant matters.

What is really troublesome is that I don't know what started to spread a vague statement inside Silver City, which is the degree of danger of order.

What is the purpose of order envy survivors?

The person in power is not human, but the true identity is an evil heresy!

The original people, who were still full of order, became cautious after knowing this information. They no longer pinned their hopes on the nihilistic forces, but calmly began to judge and recruit the hidden secrets behind them.

"Is it ... this is really a terrible blood sacrifice?"

Most people raise such questions with the implied hint.

The evil rhetoric of order has spread to many places, which has led many people to fear, even hostile to Chen Feng, who has never been faced, thinking that the emergence of order may threaten their lives.

There seems to be a new round of struggle in secret.

However, such a trivial matter Chen Feng will not waste too much energy, because as early as three days ago, he received a reminder from Erwin.

An important thing related to the gods.

Rose is coming to order!


this day.

Chen Feng's mansion began to be more vigilant. Although there was nothing on the surface, the secret guards increased more than twice.

The survivors outside are still busy, and even the guards don't know what happened, but only Chen Feng knows that a big man will come to order on this day!

Even though he was ready, but when he saw the young woman with a smile in front of him, his face was incredible, but in the end he slightly leaned down to show respect, and slowly said: "Ms. Rose, order welcomes you arrival!"

At this moment, Chen Feng was even more restrained.

Chen Feng hasn't felt the word restraint for a long time. As a leader of the mighty shores, he is already standing at some peak.

However, it was not others, but a real deity who stood before him and had the power to destroy order.

Rose's incarnation this time looks like she hasn't seen before, but Chen Feng still recognized the identity of the other party at a glance.

What is truly unforgettable is the breath of the other party, which is a terrible breath like being in countless poisonous snakes and scorpions.

Fear, caution, and fear are like an insect stuck on a spider's web, and the nerves are always tense, because I do n’t know how many predators on the side will appear for a while, and then pierce through his own body and allow himself marrow.

"Don't be so nervous."

Rose smiled slightly, and her smile seemed to freeze everything, even if there was no murderous effect, her soul was gradually frozen.

Rose is a well-known conspirator. The gods who have died in her hands have exceeded double digits. Therefore, when facing such an existence, Chen Feng will naturally be careful, for fear of neglecting the other party.

Rose expects her people to be savvy, to calculate, and to understand the dangers and advantages of herself. She considers emotions, weakness, and love to be completely useless. She expects her people to rule the entire murky area (the transition below the surface) and destroy all the weak enemies within the ethnic conquest. She also expects that they will eventually be able to invade and conquer the surface, not only to rule, but also to kill all the surface elves that they can see.

As a highly qualified evil god, Rose performs this evil behavior year after year. It is not terrible for a person to be bad for a while. The terrible thing is that the other party has been like this for thousands of years and has not changed her original intention.

The most terrifying thing is that, in the followers behind Rose, there are even several real gods ?!

Rose itself is a very powerful deity. In order to avoid being deprived of divinity, the deities also hold groups. Many gods will attach to Rose. No need to guess that all gods belong to the evil camp.

However, it is not the gods of the dark elves camp? They will choose to be loyal to Rose.

Elise is the Resistance, a goddess full of melancholy and sorrow. In addition to guarding all good dark elves, she also protects those dark elves who hope to return to the peaceful life of the surface world.

The heart of most evil dark elves is burning with rage against this kind goddess, but for those dark elves struggling to escape the spider god's web, she is a delightful dawn. Elise loves beauty and peace, but she also fights back against those who try to hurt her followers. Her appearance was a naked, tall, dark elf with smooth and soft skin, with long silver hair flowing up to her ankles.

I have to mention that Elise Cui is Rose's daughter, and her mother and daughter turned against each other. The story involved is not something that Chen Feng can relate to.

This involves a battle between two gods, which is too far away for Chen Feng. To really explore, you need to step into the legend yourself.

Do not mind Chen Feng's contemplative Rose sat down gracefully, glanced around casually, and slowly said, "I feel the power of order here, and your name is very meaningful."

"This is a great achievement!"

As a goddess ~ ~ her observational power is very subtle, and she almost sees the change of order at once. For Rose, there is even some curiosity in her eyes.

Looking at countless dimensions, it is difficult to find life forms like humans. They are not powerful, but in terms of construction, they have excellent abilities that other creatures cannot match.

"Thank you, you praise it." Chen Feng replied very modestly, and did not appear complacent because of the compliment of the other party.

Rose's moodiness is like the sea. The calm was in the first second, and it might turn into a storm in the next second.

Rose is a very dangerous god? Even if Chen Feng has seen both sides of each other, but he does not think that each other is an acquaintance, he must know his position, even if he has the legendary power, but in the eyes of Rose, it is just an ordinary Mortal.

"I heard you found a tomb of a god?" Rose's crisp voice sounded beside Chen Feng's ear.

Sure enough!

In fact, Chen Feng has already guessed why the other party is here. After all, for a **** like Rose, it is difficult to have other existences that can attract her attention.

The sleeping place is a dangerous place that Chen Feng cannot touch. After all, there may be a real **** sleeping there !?

Chen Feng was ambitious but not stupid. He knew his strength, so he told Rose through Erwin's channel.

It's been a while since the notice, and Chen Feng even thought that the buried god? Didn't attract Rose's attention.

Today, Rose's visit undoubtedly dispels Chen Feng's doubts.

Chen Feng did not rush to answer Rose's query. At this moment, his head started to run fast. He was thinking, how to say, to maximize his own interests.


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