The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 928: Extranodes

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Chen Feng stood on the deck, gazing into the distance, turned his head and glanced at Xu Hongzhuang behind him, and slowly said, "What's the movement of the bug?"

Xu Hongzhuang leaned slightly and said, "They have been very honest recently."

Chen Feng nodded and Shen said: "Let the dark part keep watching the movements of the bugs. If there are any special circumstances, send them to me immediately."

"Yes." Xu Hongzhuang retreated in response.

Wormland failed several times in a row, and the behavior of the bug became cautious.

The first few times were just temptations, so did Chen Feng just leave the skeleton army awakened by Saruman, and then stopped the first wave of offensive forces, forcing the Zerg world to retreat and regroup. Using the flesh and blood of the insect emperor, Chen Feng signed a contract with the demigod mummy and completed a fair call. After that, their morale has dropped a lot. Recently, the worm hasn't moved much. I'm afraid it's afraid of being hit again. However, the worm will not give up like this!

Before Chen Feng was only legendary, I felt a few terrible breaths from it. Being able to possess such horrible strength is by no means what the legendary worm emperor can have. Obviously, the opponent's strength has entered a higher level. Only the epic worm can release that kind of oppression.

Bugs are accumulating.

They are waiting for a chance to counterattack, but Chen Feng will never give them such a chance!


Silver City

Teams of demon laborers are working hard. They chopped down the trees in the forest under the call of the supervisor, and then transported the logs back. It is already busy near the temporary camp set up by the demons. Many demons are busy working, and the outline of the foundation has been established nearby. Relying on natural strength advantages, the devil is very efficient. Only a half day, a rough outline of the fortress appeared.

Silver City's efficiency is very high. Don't underestimate any base that can form an influence in the end time. The first time that the demon is obtained, the senior officials of Silver City regard it as the object of slavery. Soon, those demons are scattered. Different jobs.

Silver City

The hall was solemn, and many professionals talked, and one of them said, "What? Order even wants more population?"

The people present were all worried.

Because the public relations image of the order is so good this time, even if high-level officials have begun to target it, there are still many people who believe that order is the true paradise.

If the order continues to be recruited like this, Silver City will one day become a real empty city, and everything that it has now is no longer important.

"It must be stopped!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"


"There is also Silver City, tell Xu Zhe not to be rushed. I said before that this is like boiling frogs in warm water. This recruitment is only a transaction and does not involve the true core of each other. Wait patiently for the cold current At that time, order will move forward. "

Chen Feng watched the river in the distance and whispered: "It's too expensive to do it now. Even if the order doesn't fear any enemy, it's better to have such a useless sacrifice."


The gentle sea breeze blew on.

Flocks of seabirds can be seen in the distance under the blue sky. From time to time, flying fish appeared on the surface.

For Li Kanghua, who has lived in the inland areas since he was a child, everything is so new and so shocking. He feels a wider world and even has a little more hope for life on the sea.

"This is order?"

I do not know when it started, Li Kanghua's mind had such a sentence.

There were a lot of people like Li Kanghua, and soon others came to the deck and looked forward with astonishment.

Linlang Port is a built port. It can be said that this newly built port is full of the blood of sea beasts, even if it has been a long time, but it may be due to the death of too many sea beasts. It has a pungent **** smell.

Order is like a legendary treasure. Li Kanghua has to admit that there is enough wealth here to keep digging.


The quiet Yaju small building is located in an elegant courtyard, which is elegant and luxurious. Even mutated plants are carefully decorated. The air is filled with a sweet smell.

A remote area in the courtyard. There is a beautiful young boy with red lips and white teeth leaning on the rocking chair and staring forward.

In front of him, there are many kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables rarely seen outside, various fish and shrimp in the pond, and many mutant beasts hunted. These ingredients are processed and cooked. The steamed barbecued pork with oil and steam is steamed with all colors and aromas.

This scene is hardly reminiscent of the teenager's doomsday. Because in the refugee camps outside, people are starved to death every day. Not to know how many people can only eat the roots of sawdust to satisfy their hunger, and their hunger is so thin that they have no energy. But he lived such a luxurious life, and watched him pick up a loaf of bread that could furiously scramble for refugees outside, and threw it at his feet to shake his bee.

Cloud marten has no outstanding ability, except for its cute appearance and fast speed, it is not useful at all.

This is the living Zhumen wine smelly road with frozen bones.

It is the collapse of society, the crisis of human existence, and the explosion of power that will cause such an abnormal class difference in this world.

"Zizi ..."

The pure white cloud marten screamed happily as he chewed the food in his mouth. It didn't know how many people behind this fence had paid for such a bit of fresh food.

The teenager looked at the joy of eating, smiled, showed a simple expression, and then handed up a piece of cake, then glanced at his head and stared at the front, and continued to watch his show at the critical moment.

With the eyes of the teenager, there was an empty field the size of a basketball court, surrounded by a fence around the thickness of a baby's arm. Looking deeper, I saw a burly giant with a horrible face standing in the center of the field.

This is a bald giant close to three meters, with red eyes, a beast-like roar in his mouth and saliva, and rushes forward like a mad monster.

This is truly a giant rock beetle! From its physical appearance, it can be seen that this giant rock beetle has not evolved at one time, but has evolved multiple times. It has reached the point of a ghoul, but it is just surprising. Why has this evolved ghoul been captive? it's here?

At this time, a fence was opened on the wall in the open space, just like the scene of the gladiators entering the ancient Roman Colosseum. Six men in ragged clothes came out one after another. They were different in age, from teenagers to four. They range from adolescents, but they look the same. They are thin and boney, like they haven't eaten food for a long time.

The men were released. They were surprised not to be afraid of the corpse eater near them, but instead turned their heads towards the teenager outside the iron fence, and ran towards him like crazy, they waved their arms as if crawling out of **** The fierce ghost who has been wronged so much has completely twisted his features, his arms crossed the fence, and he is tearing in the air.

Yun Mart screamed quickly when he saw this. He dropped the food on his mouth and jumped on the boy. He was frightened by everything in front of him.

The teenager flew it with his hand raised, and he didn't look at the pet dog that was just still petting, but looked at the crowd standing beside the fence with interest, as if waiting for something.

A bowl-shaped fist suddenly appeared in front of the boy's eyes, his pupils were shrinking, his arms were shaking slightly, as if he was overexcited, and there was an inexplicable smile on the corners of his mouth. The corpse eater's eyes are red. If the six people in front of him are like the unjust ghosts in hell, then it is the bottommost evil in hell. The pale and fistless fists are thrown sideways and smashed into the crowd. The blood mist explodes. The two iron arms staggered to the crowd over and over again. At the beginning, there was a scream of screams. For a moment, the screams came to an abrupt halt. Only the dull sound of the iron fist hitting the ground was mixed with the crisp sound of bones bursting. .

The teenager looked at the people who had been smashed into pieces by the horror with disgust. "The garbage must have the perception of making garbage. They are also a pain to live, and my responsibility is to help them alleviate the pain."

Where does Yun Shou understand the meaning of the boy, he just looked at the host who had been treating himself fiercely one second ago and turned his head towards himself, and he ignored the pity and flung his tail to the boy and tapped.

The teenager looked at his feet and smiled at the coquettish cloud marten and was very happy. He hugged it in his arms and stroked his hair. He said, "Every one is not as good as another beast. Do you still want to live? Thinking too much. "

Su Tan.

The teenager with this daughter's name is actually a full-fledged dark man. Putting the living person into the corpse to watch the tragedy of the corpse is just one of the abnormalities of this Silver City 纨 绔.

As we all know, Silver City is composed of multiple forces, the most dazzling is the Brotherhood and Dragon Gate, and there are also many forces under the two shining stars.

The leaders of these forces are not weak, and they also have their own means.

Su Tan's father is one of the backbone of these forces. His father is a legendary name for the entire Silver City. When he woke up, his consciousness was chaotic. Because of hallucinations, he killed three people, including his parents and his wife. , Leaving Su Tan alone for a life!

Maybe it is a shame in his heart. For Su Tan, Su father took care of him, and the other party put forward any conditions to be met. When Su Tan was just found out, this kind of abusive means was also blocked by Su father, but Su Tan used self-harm to practice himself Over time, one is that others are not as good as Su Tan, and the other is indeed ashamed. Therefore, for Su Tan's habit, most of these forces open one eye and close one eye, and no one dares to go to the face of the young master.

"Su Tan, my lord told you to go to the study." Just as Su Tan watched with interest how the corpse eaters, a man said openly.

"Uncle Li, what do you think of this corpse eater?" Su Tan asked without smiling before turning his head.

What Su Tan called Uncle Li was a lean bald man in his thirties who looked ordinary, but his eyes were striking, sharp like a hawk and a vulture. Fierce light flashed at any time.

Su Tan ’s father was originally the gangster around this silver city. In peacetime, he had a group of bodyguards to play for himself. In front of this person, the special forces stepped down, and after a few years in order to make money, he even fought underground. The man's strength is naturally not weak until he can survive in an environment where human life is used as a bet.

In particular, because of the strong physique of the other party, it was regarded as the first batch of awakened talents. Now the strength is already the golden peak, and only one step can be sold to the legendary level. By then, the power of the Soviet father's leadership will naturally be on par with the Brotherhood.

Men seem to be accustomed to the scene in front of them, without raising their eyelids, and said lightly: "Of course, the mutant corpse fed by several professionals and born by hundreds of ordinary people is not bad, but it only has the strength of the silver peak in one month. Your cultivation The way is getting more refined. "

Su Tan stood up and smiled from the rocking chair, and she couldn't see the joy or worry in her face. It never had half a word. Whether it was a professional in the other person's mouth or hundreds of ordinary corpses, it was like grain to him. It was so simple that it didn't interest him at all.

Su Tan came out naked, and when walking to a small yard full of vegetables, he saw a middle-aged man wearing a straw hat and bending over to weed.

The middle-aged man is about forty-six years old, and the hair of the horns is slightly bald, and the eyebrows are thick and neat. His eyes are sparkling and brilliant ~ ~ When he looks at people, he pays great attention; when he smiles, he reveals A neat white tooth; thick fingers, dark mud in the nails, an old green cloth jacket, and a blue cloth apron around the waist.

It is hard to believe that it is such a man like Tanaka's old farmer, who is behind Su Tan. It is because of him that Su Tan can rely on his weak body to call the wind and rain in this Silver City.

Su Tan stood neatly with a look on his face.

One year ago, Su ’s father was very inferior in spirit and spirit. All his hands were left to Su Tan to take care of. Do n’t look at Su Tan's bloodthirsty, but he is not bad in management. During this time, below There are many rumors that there will be more forces in Silver City in the future, and the role played by Su Tan is huge!

Seeing his son coming, Su father waved his hand and ordered the followers and all the people around him to spread out. But in the room, only Su Tan and Su father, and at this moment, Su father made an order. The man felt extremely shocked, and saw him step forward in two steps, then leaned over to signal, the hoarse voice resounded throughout: "Master ..."

Lao Tzu called him like this?

In contrast, at this time Su Tan did not have the more exaggerated movements before, just like a professional actor, countless complex expressions flashed on his face.

"Get up." Su Tan nodded and said.

After hearing all this, Father Su stood up from the ground, but he just reprimanded his son's expression, and at this time he became extremely respectful.

Su Tan sat in a chair beside him, staring at his father, saying, "Plan aground first, order? Because of its arrival, a year of planning failure, but we are not failures, just dormant ..."

"This land still has a place for us!"

"I'm going to take a trip to order myself. Knowing oneself and knowing one another can never be frustrated. What about human wisdom, I understand!"

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