No eunuch!

No eunuch!

No eunuch!

Say important things three times, Liang Xin really has no eunuch!

哪里 Where do I have the courage, in the case that everyone supports me all the way, without a word, dare to be such an eunuch?

I was just too tired during this time, and lost nearly 15 pounds in two months.

There are eight thousand words in the world, but love words are the most hurtful.

Desolate heart from the moment of writing to the present, there are millions of words written in the book, but I ca n’t understand the words of love.

Now I have counted, I have been with the subject for four years, and I have been in a long-distance relationship for two years. People think that they are good outside and have room for development. That ’s right. .

I gave myself a seven-day vacation. I'm sorry I didn't have time to tell everyone that I was really tired some time ago. I have insomnia every day and my body really can't bear it.

Desolate heart is back, with apologies and a heart to recover as much as possible.

We will try to make up for the previous updates during this time. Thank you, and everyone who has been with Liang Xin.

It was late at night, I wish Jun good dreams.

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