The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 947: Old forces

人们 Over time, people can often adapt to a new life.

The prestige of the name Chen Feng in Poseidon's residence is unquestionable. Its legendary personal strength and the land that currently leads the people are enough to convince the old forces of Pang Mu to be loyal, but there is still a final test before them.

That is whether they are willing to give up their outside life and obey Chen Feng's orders, and settle here.

These people who have come here from the sea are no strangers to this land. After all, they have lived here for some time, and during this time, with the help of the Naya, they have built their own homes. A home built in a strange world.

Except for those who dare to resist, after being cleared for the first time, those wall-weeds and the "Junjie" who took the lead in it still enjoy the due respect.

Chen Feng ordered Wei Xun to guard this place in order to win people's hearts. In this regard, Xu Hongzhuang was too upright and considered a person who could not rub the sand into his eyes. As for Lu Wei, he was still old and in charge of the dark part, because the dark part was order. The product of Chen Feng is Chen Feng ’s guarding legion, who is leaning against the mountain of Chen Feng. Who dares to act rashly?

Chen Feng knows too much about the path of water without fish. The emperor here is far away, and because he just killed the leader of the other party, he has brought more than 100,000 people into a strange land. If it is too harsh, it is very likely Will cause a rebound, and of the three, only Wei Xun is qualified for this position.

Wei Xun's work is informal, and he has seen all kinds of survivors, and placing them in this position is a decision that Chen Feng has been thinking for a long time.

In fact, Wei Xun did a good job. For half a year, he granted sufficient rights to the old part of the Poseidon House, and did not press it blindly. As long as it was not too much, most of them opened their eyes and closed their eyes.

Of course, Wei Xun also knows that he is the commander of the bare pole, so this period has also attracted a group of people. These people started at the end of the sea, and did not receive much attention in the Poseidon House before. It can be said that with the help of Wei Xun, Become a man in one fell swoop, so we will take Wei Xun as the leader. In addition, Wei Xun also contacted the Naya people. It was ridiculous to split the Naya people for half a year, but it was also an investment. Under the bombardment of sugar-coated shells, the more More and more Naya people are familiar with the products brought by the human world, and even some powerful people with good strength are slowly accepting the convenient enjoyment brought by human beings.

But in this world, the most difficult thing to satisfy is the human heart.

Under the pressure of Chen Feng, they did not dare to act lightly, but now that Chen Feng has disappeared for a long time, they will inevitably have some other ideas.

Among them, there are many veteran forces in the Poseidon House. They were loyal men of Pang Mu before. It can be said that, just like Wei Xun and Lu Wei, there were many left and right arms of the other party, but it was previously hindered by Chen Feng They did not dare to act lightly. They can't forget that Chen Feng's terrifying strength and Pang Mu, who was so powerful in the past, were killed because of angering the other side.

It is precisely because of Chen Feng's deterrence that even if there are so many thoughts in these people, they are still holding them down and dare not expose them easily.

But one month has passed, two months have passed, and half a year has passed, and the demon haunting his head still does not appear.

"Did you say that the devil is dead?"

"This is a strange land, maybe once you leave, you will never get back here!"

"Does this mean that we are back to freedom and can do something we want to do?"

[Old forces] are thinking in 忐忑, just one week later, a golden-ranked powerhouse is drawn, and several responders agree, the old forces gathered together.

坐在 They sit together not for anything else, but to discuss where the future is going.

Everyone knows the purpose of everyone gathering here today, so they put on clean clothes. These mighty professionals gathered in the hall of the commander with a little anxiety, and whispered from time to time.

The main content of their discussion is whether the demon hovering above himself will still appear?

"I heard that Wesson had a new move, and he wanted to conquer new lands and try to enslave some indigenous people!" Said a young professional to his companion next to him. Man, my brother died in this battle. I didn't expect that it didn't take long before he started a new round of crusade! "

Another professional was even more worried: "Last time I participated in the crusade, those indigenous peoples were not strong overall, but when they entered the forest, it was like a fish. The 30 people in our group went in. Only three people survived, even I was also seriously injured, and it has only just recovered. "

"Wei Xun has his own plans, and most of the people involved in the attack are people who have not truly loyal to him, such as ... us."

A tall and thin professional frowned: "The rest of the so-called logistics personnel and guards are all mutinous assholes. They have turned to Wei Xun wholeheartedly. Because of this, they were basically in the previous battle. There are no casualties! "

"We can still maintain this status, not relying on His Majesty's soldiers? If all our men are dead, how can we maintain our influence? Over time, we will one day become cannon fodder and be slaughtered by others. . "

Professionals are worried, and someone whispered: "We should express our attitude. Even if Wei Xun is an adult's spokesperson, he is too smuggler. If this goes on, some people will not be able to resist!"

This sounds inevitably a bit harsh, there are always people who are not talking about the few present here? After all, in this new land, with the exception of these ten people, there is no power to make moves against Wei Xun.

Speaking of which, everyone has moved their eyes to the center of the position ~ ~ That is a professional in his early fifties who looks very stable and his strength has stepped into the golden peak. It is the mind of these people .

The watched professional was silent for a long time, frowning slightly and shaking his head: "Depending on the situation, take a step and count."

答复 This answer is obviously not reassuring, so professionals are gradually discussing it again and again, whispering.

All this, until the man in black, with a majestic face, and exceptionally tall and strong, entered the hall.

Their whispered discussion stopped immediately, and everyone looked away involuntarily.

Everyone here is a little uneasy, because it is not others who come here, it is the nominal leader of this human city, and the object of crusade among all populations, Wei Xun!

怎么 How did the other party find this place?

Does he already know what we are talking about?

人 This man is ruthless, and it is better to take the initiative to attack, otherwise, leave him here and completely take over the sovereignty here?

Everyone's thoughts were surging. For a moment, there was a faint killing in the entire room, but Wei Xun despised it all. He looked around, and when someone was eager to try, and almost started, he said aloud, "New A round of expeditions will start tomorrow. This time, adults will lead the team, offenders, kill! "

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