The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 951: Clear the road

Under the hazy night.

The startled figure flew out, shuttled through the dense tropical jungle, and advanced towards a distant location. He is not unfamiliar with such terrain, he is regarded as Li's guard, and his strength is in the legendary level, and he is regarded as a master of the ranks of the Naya.

Chen Feng moved quickly. After reaching cooperation with Li, he attacked the surrounding indigenous people on the third day.

Surprising is a proud genius. In addition, he is still a rare conservative faction, he threatened that human materials will indulge the people.

This is a person who rarely sees the essence of things, but unfortunately, he has not escaped the love network. He is a suitor of Li. He grew up on this island from an early age.

He can hate humans and hate Chen Feng as an exploiter, but he cannot ignore Li's demands.


Jing is not quite sure what this is, but one thing is certain is that he will use all his strength to meet the requirements of his beloved, even if it is against his will.

Growing up in the jungle from a young age, Jing naturally has a very powerful tracking ability. He can track targets through footprints, smells, environments, and so on. Even aside from his own strength, he is still an excellent hunter.


The startled toes lightly touched a large tree, and then slowly landed on the ground.

There are many chaotic footprints in front of me, although they are covered by weeds a lot, but the traces left after changing positions with high movement are still very obvious.

The indigenous people's strength is not very strong, but they have already been integrated into the jungle. The hiding of the whereabouts is not for the purpose of aggression, but the instinctive reaction developed during the usual hunting.

"It looks like a master!"

There was a gleam of cold light in his eyes, a cruel expression on his face, and he slowly said, "Take off these scouts first, it seems that they are all elites in the indigenous tribe!"

Jing is responsible for cleaning up, with the large army behind, he is like a scout, responsible for opening a road suitable for the army.

Jungle fighting is not the same as flat fighting.

The most common here are encounters and dormant battles. Even a gold-ranked powerhouse may die in the hands of several silver-ranked indigenous people.

During the last battle, Wei Xun suffered a big loss in this regard. Wei Xun trusted his strength and advanced weapons too much, so when he set foot in the jungle, he was almost ambush and killed on one side. In the end, it was forced to cover with artillery shells, which burned almost a third of the jungle, and won the final victory.

Even so, hundreds of professionals died in this battle, and this is also a rare defeat in Wei Xun's two-year doom!


This time they may not be so lucky, because Chen Feng paid a "high price" to hire a group of real jungle experts.

Shock flies along the trail of grass, his tracking ability is very good, his task is not those low-cost small characters, but the real strong!

Indigenous people are very cunning, and their living environment is also very bad. Because of this, they have developed their unusually cautious character.

But Jing's strength has reached the legendary level. If the indigenous people are the elves in the forest and are fully integrated into it, then Jing is the hands and feet of the jungle.

The bottom forms a whole.

Jing can feel that in front of himself, there are several powerful energies walking around. No doubt, this is the object he is chasing.

Startled to breathe calmly, almost to a shielded state, he could even hold his breath for an hour under water.

He saw two indigenous people smeared with oil paint. Those oil paints masked each other's looks. They were eating, long-term jungle activities, and they needed nutritional compensation at any time.

They were covered with dense black dots, and a gleam of cold light appeared in their eyes!

Those little black dots prove the number of people they kill, and every time they kill an enemy, they will have a dot shape on their body.

At first it was arms, legs, then chest, and finally above cheeks!

The two indigenous peoples were covered with black spots on their foreheads.

This means that these two indigenous people are real fighters. Even among the ethnic groups, they are the most powerful men. They have killed too many people, and some black spots have even been superimposed. endure.

The startled eyes gradually became vicious. If it was just killing humans, it would not be possible to create so many black spots in a short period of time, so there is only one owner of these black spots, that is, the Naya people as neighbors!

The strength of both of them is at the peak of gold. They are rare powers. In this dense forest, the legendary masters can't even catch up with each other, and even they will be slowly tortured by several indigenous people!

And this is exactly the prey I was looking for!

Jing's eyes were full of murderous intentions, and he quietly touched the past, and had reached out to the other side.

No sign!

A cold cold light suddenly appeared!

The astonished figure emerged in the shadows, and the sharp blade sharpened across a cold mang, which instantly pierced the neck of an indigenous person. The blade of the knife penetrated the neck from the back, and the expression on the other side was full of astonishment and could not change. Just stabbed to death in shock.

Even though he was stunned to say that human things are corrupting the clan, but after seeing the blade in his hand, he was still instinctively attracted.

He comforted himself and never touched those things that caused him to fall, but the sword was designed to make the best use of it, to better protect the people and his beloved girl.

To this end, Jing chose to take this long knife, and then, under the call of Li, participated in this annihilation battle!

Jing is a competent warrior. When fighting, he usually does n’t think too much about things. For example, after successfully killing an ace native, he did n’t pull out and on the contrary, he rushed straight up. !!

Be caught off guard!

This is the most common response to a sneak attack ~ ~ Many people have been caught off guard and have greatly reduced their ability to evade parries.

The remaining Indigenous also experienced hundreds of battles. He subconsciously sideways avoided it, and a tumbling stretched the distance. He did not know who the attacker was, but the opponent's strength was too amazing. In this jungle, such a horrible attacker came, and he must pass the news back on, so that his companions can make plans early.

The indigenous people raised their heads, and as they were preparing to defend and escape, a pair of dark eyes came into view, and then he heard the last sentence in his life: "It's over!"


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