The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 957: Eve of Transformation


A dirty and stinky body swept over, Wei Xun strained his nerves, his eyebrows were immediately raised, his eyes were thorny, and he tried his best to catch the terrifying giant worm that came on his face. He looked carefully and tried to escape!

The horrible monster has a tongue, and it's too long, right?

Wei Xun only felt that he was playing a clearance game, and this horrible monster was the last horror boss to clear the level!

It ’s impossible to kill each other like this without strategy and cheats!

The power of the horror giant is stronger than that of Wei Xun-big cut, so the head-to-head confrontation, Wei Xun was hit by the horror giant's pliers a few steps back before fighting for two or three seconds, and his body could not maintain balance. Almost fell to the ground!

The horrible giant chased after the victory, and while Wei Xun's unsteady underhand was violent, he swayed the tongue in his mouth. The tongue was dexterous and abnormal, like a thick and long forest. The surface was covered with hard down. Spikes are amazingly powerful!

The horror giant opened its mouth of blood basin, countless teeth exudes sharp cold mansions, and there is a great tendency to bite Wei Xun into a corpse!

Admittedly, Wei Xun's body of beasts is difficult to break, but he will really be bitten by a horrible giant. Although it will not cause bowel to rot, it will definitely hurt.

"Isn't it possible?" Chen Feng stared at everything in front of him. Seeing that, Wei Xun had reached the limit. Even if he persisted in this way, it would not help, maybe it was time for his own shot.

After all, in Chen Feng's mind, Wei Xun can also be regarded as a rare help. The other side supports himself to this day. He should not die so easily in the mouth of a monster!

Squinting as the tongue of the horrible giant approached, Chen Feng was about to shoot, just then! A sharp knife light wiped Wei Xun silently and slid away!

The next moment, the tongue of the horrible giant fell to the ground. It turned out that Wei Xun had been seducing the horrible giant. He had intentionally exposed the flaws before, just for this moment!

At this moment, Wei Xun stepped on the broken tongue with one foot, cracked his mouth, and laughed, "Come, bastard!"

Although Wei Xun's strength is not as strong as that of fear of giant bugs, but in terms of the flexible use of the battlefield, ten bugs can't be human brains!

His tongue was severed in this way, and the horrible giant anger suddenly became extremely angry. Even if it did not have any features, it still erupted a terrible negative emotion.

"His ..."

The sudden attack of the horrible giant worm made Wei Xun's heart startled. He did not expect that the opponent's speed and explosiveness were so fierce and exaggerated!

Looking at the horrible giant worm that is close at hand, Wei Xun had no time to think, and transported the long hidden knife to the palm of his hand. The next second, he was thrown directly by Wei Xun!

The long sword was like a meteor descending from the sky, dragging a Ray Mang to pierce the mouth of the horror giant, and the blade's tail was raised, just like a sharp horn grows from the top of the horror.


The razor blade pierced through the mouth of the horror giant under the impact of the giant force. Although not fatal, it also brought terrible pain to the horrible giant. It fell to the ground as soon as it fell, and the ground was instantly covered with dark blood.

"so close."

----- This is a gorgeous dividing line--

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---- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

Wiping the cold sweat from his head with his hands, Wei Xun's face became more dignified, and the last self-defense weapon in his hand also became a disposable consumable just now, but Wei Xun didn't feel any distress at all, after all, compared with life This kind of thing outside is nothing at all.

的 What he has to do now is to hold back the other side and not let it devour the flesh and blood of those worms, or wait until the other side recovers, and he will surely die!

However! At this moment, a weird scene appeared in front of Wei Xun's eyes. The horrible giant horrified the pain and did not devour the surrounding corpses, but instead straightened its body like a launch tower, and then hid in The underground body also rushed out in an instant, the speed of the horrible giant was too fast, and Wei Xun was too late to even have a little precaution.

At this time, the horrible giant worm also erupted. It had a larynx sac, brewed a black mist, and roared and spouted. It really took such a record, even Wei Xun was not optimistic.

no solution anymore……

It seems that I can only rely on the soul of the beasts that I have gathered!

"Woohoo ..."

For a long time, Wei Xun used the soul of a beast to gather a monster, and the other side devoured countless lives, just like a real living life!

Like the evil demon, this is also Wei Xun's long-time feeding partner, but at this time, in order to survive, he has no choice at all, but only pin his hope on the other!

For almost a second, the monster condensed by countless beasts appeared in front of Wei Xun!

"help me"

I personally sacrificed my own long-term achievements, and Wei Xong roared like a fire, but at the moment when the monster appeared, he was sprayed with black mist and the skin was covered with corrosive carrion. I don't know if it ignored the venom or had the faith to protect the owner. In a blink of an eye, it did not recoil and came to the side of the giant monster!

I didn't give up!

In the momentary charge, Wei Xun saw the unwillingness and anger of the monster's gray pupil with his own eyes. As Wei Xun feeds his little buddy little by little, Wei Xun's feelings for it are extremely complicated.

This is just like the first chief disciple received by the master, and he has given the other party too many expectations from the beginning. Similarly, Wei Xun is no exception to this monster.

As he walked along the way, one person and one monster supported each other. It is precisely because of it that Wei Xun has been able to save himself several times!

虽然 Although this monster cannot express emotions clearly, since it was created by Wei Xun, it has dedicated all its loyalty to the other party.

He is not so much self-improvement, but rather a chaotic attachment. From the moment he was created, the monster knew what his mission was.

Compared to other real beasts, this monster is even more simple. Even if it was very greedy in the past, it ca n’t wait to swallow all the beast souls it sees. Just like the current, the horrible giant has almost no threat and fear in front of the monster. At that time, its eyes radiated a terrifying light, and it looked like it was about to tear up a horrible giant!

The horror giant used these weird methods to beat Wei Xun by surprise, and the monster's attack was unexpected to the horror giant!

The horror giant has great confidence in its venom. In its known memory, no one or monster has ever survived this terrifying energy!

But the monster that looks like hundreds of wild beasts has actually scared the horror giant.

--- This is a gorgeous dividing line ---

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----- This is a gorgeous dividing line-

The maggot jumped, and it was too late to defend when it was attacking. As for the black fog, it needs at least three seconds to brew, but will the monster give it three seconds?

The answer must be negative!

The monster felt that the ankle was no longer conscious. The bones on his body seemed to be shocked. He was weak and weak. He wanted to fall down and fell asleep. But the thought of Wei Xun's danger had not been lifted, and it became extremely irritable. Because he was forced to pass out, his teeth were almost bitten, but his fangs shouted and yelled, rushed to the horror monster, waved his claws and fangs, and bombarded the horror monster!


The weak flesh of the horrible giant was a weakness. Under the monster's bite, it was directly pierced, and the monster's offensive was intensified instead!


The monster roared angrily, and got into the bones of this sneaky attack. His claws suddenly inserted, and the sound of "噗嗤" sounded dull, and it was easily inserted into the body of the horrible giant!

At this moment, the creature, which is completely transformed by the spirit body, began to devour the flesh and blood of the giant monster when it was constantly attacking the horrible giant. At the same time, its body became more and more substantial, as if it were real. Like a beast, it is using its flesh and blood to complete its transformation!

At this moment, the horrible giant trembled as if it had suffered a fatal injury, and did not care about hiding its own body. The horrible tail flew high from the ground, violently shook the monster's body, and caused the sheep to be driven by pain. Madness seems to have lost his mind. I saw the sticky stinky blood constantly leaking from his mouth, and the blood and water were mixed with broken meat pieces and organs ...

How terrible the terrifying giant's tail is, it is no exaggeration to say that it is a stormy sea, and the monster's nose, eyes, and ears seep blood, and the internal organs that have just turned into fantasy have suffered boundless trauma, but at this step, It still has not let go of its prey!


The intense pain deeply stimulated the monster, making it fiercely gushing like a volcanic eruption, and a more violent power broke out in the bone marrow!

A gap of brown aerosol was sprayed between the gaps of the beast's claw, and at the same time its energy exploded, and the horrible giant tremor flew to a few meters away for a while!

The creeping monster was burning with a fierce firework body, flashing in shape, the flash of light flickered to the side of the horror giant's neck, and then a bite, the steel teeth collided with each other's flesh and blood, a harsh tearing sound broke out!

But after all, the horrible giant has legendary power. Perhaps it feels that its life is passing by little by little, which undoubtedly inspired the anger of the horrible giant!

At this time, the horrible giant shook its head and shook its tail, and flung the monster aside with a strong shake. At the same time, the horrible giant lifted the broken body and pressed directly to the monster's body with the momentum of Tarzan. It is not difficult to imagine that once this massive dozen tons of body is pressed up, the monster may disappear immediately and become a thing of the past!

The body is extremely toxic, violently exercised, and suffered heavy blows. The repeated blows have drained the monster's last physical strength. Although it wants to escape the terrorist giant ’s offensive, its limbs are completely numb, and it can only be left to watch the terror. The giant bug is getting closer to itself ...

"Animal! Let me die!"

I wasn't an opponent of the horrible giant at all, but Wei Xun couldn't care less.

The urgent task is to rescue the monster, because Wei Xun knows that it is the existence of the soul of his beast. Once the opponent really dies, his strength may start to retreat. Once this is the case, he

---- This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Fiction netizens please remind: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes for a long time reading. Recommended reading:

--- This is a gorgeous division--

It is very possible to tune from the peak of gold to the golden stage, or even the silver stage!

If so, Wei Xun might as well die completely!

Now, when Wei Xun watched the monster almost be brutally killed, the moment of negative emotions erupted, almost breaking Wei Xun's head!

His eyes were red, and he didn't know whether it was because of extreme anger or the head that broke down on the ground and stained his eyes. When the monster was powerless to resist seeing to be pierced, Wei Xun yelled frantically and kept Since then, he has a calm and calm expression.

But at this moment, his face was distorted like a demon, terrible, and his eyes were cold and fierce. He could see the eyes of the monster. It was a nostalgia and a determination. This picture looked like Chen Feng had encountered in the jungle. To him in general, Wei Xun killed his former partner for food and to make himself better!

It was also at that moment that Wei Xun changed from a human to a beast, which is also the real reason for Chen Feng to blend the soul of the beast into his body!

Only those who are really ruthless and only those who are dark in their hearts can accept and fuse the blood of monsters!

"Go to death!"

Wei Xun is still far away, but the horror giant has no interest in him at all. After all, in the previous actual combat exercises, Wei Xun has already been regarded as a weak person. At this moment, the horror giant's attention is completely on the monster. On his body, he opened his mouth violently, and when he saw it was about to bite off the monster, he vowed to avenge himself!

However, the monster will not sit still, it roars upward, and suddenly shakes the tail behind the butt!

This tail is full of trees and the thickness of about one and a half meters. The tail is covered with hard black hairs ~ ~ It is like a sharp steel barb, the tail is broken and Here, the speed is extremely fast, and the strength is extremely fierce, but they have brought up a ribbon of air in the void, as if torn the void!

The terror giant stunned, but did not intend to dodge at all. It had seen that the opponent was at the end of the crossbow, and it could not pose any threat to itself.

It lifts up if it can swallow the giant mouth of heaven and earth, and bites against the monster's spine against time, destroying the horrifying force of horror like a violent storm, and instantly causing the wound to be torn wildly, blood, broken bones, and minced meat are like fountains Usually rushes to the sky and splashes around, so that the heavy damage suffered by the monster will be upgraded again!

However, how persistent is the monster's perseverance, it endures severe pain, the fluttering giant tail immediately tears the air, carrying the momentum of ten thousand horses, and **** heavily on the horror giant ...


The instantaneous power caused the horrific giant to directly hit the ground.

The body of the horrifying giant trembled like a thunderous body in a flash. The body fluttered and the lungs in the body bleed a lot. Under the huge force of the tail, even if it had flesh and blood protection. Body, but also unable to withstand the full blow of the monster's burning energy!

"Oh my God!"

Wei Xun's eyes seemed to be about to stare out. His bloodshot eyes were full of shock and bewilderment. He couldn't believe that the monster had burst into such a terrifying power!

"Okay! That's the feeling!"

Wei Xun's mind is full of an unshakable firm belief, much more firm than Jinshi!


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