The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 958: Minions

At this moment, Wei Xun's body was like a bullet that blew out, "Boom", strode directly to the side of the horrible giant worm, and ran violently. Wei Xun vomited a blood red, his body trembled. He blurs his eyes, stretches out his palm, a horn sticks out from the palm like this, and then stabs towards the horror giant again!

He felt his heart beating fiercely! He felt his blood boil!

Fighting against the horrible giant for half a minute, Wei Xun found that he was always on the line, every moment, he could die undead, but somehow he always felt that there was a heart-feeling heart in his heart, and he could not remember How long has the deadly stress of survival never been experienced!

It was a feeling that the realm had to be loosed. When Wei Xun once again broke through the top of the giant worm with his horns, an indescribable power suddenly appeared on his body!

If the power is absent, then it really exists. Not only Wei Xu, but also the monsters on the side are changing at this moment. The originally broken body is restored instantly, and the speed is not compatible with the resilience of the horrible giant. up and down.

The monster can swallow the blood of the beast to strengthen itself. There is no doubt that in the process of devouring that horrible giant, the monster has also completed its own transformation!

Perhaps my fate is on this battlefield of life and death limit!

Just after Wei Xun completed a cognition of his own, suddenly, there was something broken in his body, and then a horrible pillar of energy came into the sky!

Wei Xun only feels that his strength has been unlimitedly improved, and the final transformation has been completed in almost ten seconds, and he has entered the legendary rank!

It was also at this time that Wei Xun's palm suddenly had a huge horn of horns. Compared with the previous shape, the horns of today are undoubtedly terrifying, as if they can support the entire world!

The moment it appeared, like the same divine punishment, it stabbed towards the top of the horrible giant ...


A sore voice sounded, this horrible giant that pushed itself into despair was evenly divided into two, the internal organs and blood were like rain, and covered the surface!

"I've finally been promoted!"

Even though Wei Xun was covered with plasma, at this moment, he laughed loudly. He had waited for this opportunity for too long. Today, he finally got his wish, and for him, it is of great significance!

"Yeah, you finally did it."

Chen Feng has witnessed this from beginning to end. From now on, he will have an extra hole card, not to enter the legendary final ants. It seems that it is time to let Wei Xun go out from here. After all, let him manage the place, which seems to be a little overkill. .

And while Chen Feng was thinking, the house in front of him suddenly shook, and even if a small creature appeared in front of him, he was wearing a robe, but it was covered with dust. Although it has a human appearance, But there was no breath of living creatures. After it appeared, it roared silently, and even if it hurled towards Wei Xun, he raised his palm and slapped him!

Chen Feng Chen Feng's palm is not big, but it gives people a sense of deterrence like a mountain!

At this moment, Wei Xun was completely stupid!

In the beginning, he was still an undefeated warrior against dozens of bugs and a legendary King of Bugs, but now, after facing the suddenly appeared skinny indigenous man, he is like a rabbit facing a real The male lion, the whole man crouched to one side, could not rise to any sense of resistance at all!

Dangdang block!

Chen Feng naturally couldn't let Wei Xun face this enemy, because in the moment when the indigenous people appeared, Chen Feng realized the strength of the other party, he was a real half-step epic!

Chen Feng's figure appeared instantly, and then he calmly said, "Your opponent is me!"

This Aboriginal may be one of the true patron saints in this camp, and there is another Aboriginal who has not appeared, and their mission may be to protect the statue, even if the enemy is not present, as before, the terrifying giant When the worm did not die, the two indigenous strongmen entangled in the room like stones.

The reason why it appears now is probably because the giant worm is dead, and they have no choice but to shoot, and even then, only one person came out to fight, while the other person still guarded the statue of the dead body!

The more so, the more curious Chen Feng felt. He felt that the statue had a huge secret hidden in his heart, and even a thought rose up in his heart. The thought became more and more intense, and he couldn't let it go!

In order to draw out the remaining indigenous people, Chen Feng did not summon the evil spirits, but chose a single gun. If it is really like thinking, then the wood inside will only appear after killing the indigenous people in front of him!

And don't look at this indigenous man's short stature, but his strength is very powerful. The palm he shoots can actually set off a wind, which makes Chen Feng startled!

Moreover, the speed of the other party is extremely fast, coupled with short stature and explosive power of terror, it is not what ordinary people can face!


Chen Feng dodged the opponent five times in a row, and was finally forced to a position close to the dead end. You must not just raise your arms to attack the opponent for one attack!


The figure of Chen Feng flew upside down, and the man had not landed in mid-air. There was already a spit of blood. His body hit the back wall, and it directly bumped the earthy wall into a human-shaped pit. It was unimaginable that even Chen Feng couldn't parry it, but at the beginning, he fell into the wind and was forced to such a point.


After Chen Feng fell on the ground, he coughed, and a trace of blood leaked from the corners of his mouth, but the indigenous people in front did not hesitate. After smashing Chen Feng in one palm, he rushed over, and his attack was intriguing. He even opened his mouth and bit it in the direction of Chen Feng's neck!

— "Shadow Shuttle!"

— "The Devil Transforms!"

The figure of Chen Feng disappeared in the spot for a moment, and he fell into the shadow as a whole, and then the indigenous body rushed over. Due to the sudden loss of the target, it could not stop the momentum of the forward rush, and actually hit the ground directly out of a large pit. In the just battle, the surrounding blood and mud were conflated. At this time, a blast occurred, like a sea of ​​blood being thrown into a The boulder sputtered a blood flower


In the mid-air, Chen Feng's figure appeared again, but this time, he turned into a demon form, with a pair of red wings behind him and his right hand opened, a bit like delaying the big explosion of fireballs. Instantly, countless fireballs were facing With the indigenous body, it lased past!

The explosion was like the preparation of a large amount of strong powder, the gravel, and the smell of nausea and powerlessness. When Chen Feng turned into a demon, he even smelled a little affected, and didn't know how many bodies were buried here.

After a period of contact, Chen Feng knew that in terms of single-handed combat, he was not the indigenous opponent in front of him, so he chose to use this long-range attack, first bombing the opponent for half a death, and then killing!

Chen Feng raised his hands, and when he was trying to radiate a series of fireballs again, he was in the muddy mound, and suddenly a deafening sound came out.


This roar suddenly appeared, and shocked Chen Feng. The whole person was stunned. He had a feeling of venomous eyes, and the eardrum actually leaked a trace of blood. The feeling seemed to suddenly hit the legendary lion. same! This roar formed a tangible air wave, spreading like ripples. Except for the wooden houses in front of it, the surrounding thatched houses trembled, and then all collapsed!

Chen Feng did not expect that this guy's strength was so powerful, not only the speed was amazing, the melee and explosive power were not weak, but he even knew the sonic attack!

Quick decision.

Chen Feng didn't want to delay so much, but in order not to cause the indigenous peeping inside, instead of using the endless sword, he waved his wings and swooped down at a very fast speed, with a loud noise and a spiderweb-like four-sided turtle on the ground. In a landslide, the small indigenous man defended his blow with his arm!

"Pure power ?!"

There was a layer of shock on Chen Feng's face, and he could feel emotionally that there was no extra energy on the indigenous body in front of him, but he carried the blow entirely by his flesh!

"Sword cut!"

Chen Feng's pupils shrank, his arms trembled, and he held in his hands the superb weapon that the forging department had forged himself. Although this weapon was not as good as the endless sword, its sharpness was also extremely amazing. Chen Feng suddenly jumped, and his body suddenly became one. Afterimage.

Almost instantaneously, Chen Feng appeared in front of the indigenous people, screaming and slicing his head with the blade!


The indigenous people did not sit still, and several bloodthirsty scratches were scratched on Chen Feng's head, like a fishing net, and there was nowhere to hide.

Sword spin!

Chen Feng showed resentment, withdrew a sword, and then, after turning back in place, with a burst of tears, the indigenous offensive was instantly disintegrated.

You and I come and go. It ’s the same as the hard-to-deal battle. This is a half-step epic. Even if Wei Xun has entered the legend, in front of the two, he can only be regarded as a small role. Not too big!

Chen Feng did not give the indigenous man any respite, because he knew that if he was negligent, he would most likely be overtaken. At that time, there was only the way to summon or use the endless sword, but at that time , The indigenous people in it are bound to notice.

After all, at this time, Chen Feng couldn't be sure whether the two people would have an unpredictable chemical reaction once they were merged together. Therefore, they should be cautious.

And just as Chen Feng used the weapon to gradually gain the upper hand, the small native abruptly took a step back, and then he began to hit his chest with a sudden madness, and his original low height even began to swell, terrifying muscles He Qing's green tendons appeared, accompanied by a crackling sound of crackling, his height climbed up, almost instantaneously, he became a giant about two meters and five.


This gap is amazing. Just now, he was still a skinny figure, but now, under the trigger of unknown energy, he turned into a giant.

At a height of two meters and five, he wields a sledgehammer in his hand. He is like a **** in heaven, and is full of infinite strength. His horrible muscles permeate the whole body.

"Dead to me!"

A roar came from his mouth, like an anti-aircraft gun, and even the air was shattered with a break.


The feromagnetic porcupine coming fiercely sent out a painful tragic horror, and a body weighing a ton was hit and fly, and the force generated in an instant even broke its legs.

Broken bones!

The blood-red breath covered the aboriginal body, he continued to sprint, and the two fists turned away towards Chen Feng, just like two huge hammers!

"Stop it!"

Chen Feng's heart was beating suddenly and suddenly, the blood was tumbling, and the hairs suddenly stood up.

There was a loud blast, and suddenly a large amount of dust spewed out from the ground. Vaguely, Chen Feng saw a gigantic but extremely large skull, opened his mouth of the blood basin, and raised a tremble that was enough to make the eardrum collapse.

"Om ..."

A rush of momentum rushed towards the face, shocking Chen Feng's body.

The indigenous people were originally just a dwarf less than one meter three, but I don't know what kind of force drove them into a two meter monster!

Hidden underneath its stout appearance is the horrible explosive energy, because from its violent momentum like a mountain, Chen Feng feels that it has reached the pinnacle of life.

The atmosphere at the scene was terribly depressed, and Nuoda's world was suffocatingly quiet. It seemed that no sound could be heard anymore, only that thick corpse.

Chen Feng set his eyes on the opponent.

His expression was full of solemnity.

The existence of a half-step epic, given that extremely sturdy, sturdy body, gives people an extreme oppression.

And it doesn't have any weapons at all, just clenched into a fist, but even so, it still has an extremely strong violent gas. It seems that it can destroy the world with a random movement.

I saw its bloated body rushing forward, and every step out of it would make people feel trembling with fear, spreading all over the body like cold electricity, the hatred and hatred contained in those eyes were enough to tear Human soul.

When the native was only a few meters away from Chen Feng, he opened his mouth again and began to roar with all his strength. This voice was full of grief, just like thousands of crows hissing at the grave. The hoarse cries made people feel despair from the bottom of his heart. .

The roaring sound shocked his entire body, making him feel dizzy and swollen, as if a shell exploded directly next to him, like a shock wave that made his eardrums seep a little blood. Although he was not in a coma, but Chen Feng's current state is also very bad. It was almost too late to evade the attacks of the indigenous people, and he was slaped out!


Chen Feng's figure fell to the ground, his chest was slightly sunken, and his ribs were conservatively broken. If he is not in the state of the devil now, I am afraid that this will have a certain impact on life.

Under the recent impact, Chen Feng's chest cavity was completely sunken, bones shattered, and the severely deformed exoskeleton was distorted. Who can think of it is also a half-step epic, but the indigenous man in front of him has reached such a level of horror that he appeared from the other Since that moment, Chen Feng has been pressed, resulting in Chen Feng having no power to fight back at all. If it was not for the devil's body, Chen Feng would probably die like this!

This made Chen Feng recognize the facts.

Before, on the one hand, he didn't want to cause the siege of the remaining half-step strong, on the other hand, he also wanted to see his true strength.

But now, reality has given Chen Feng a head start, and he hasn't found out until now that there is a big difference between his strength and the other side, which is basically one day at a time, without any comparability!

"What a pervert!"

Chen Feng sighed and looked at the native who was charging towards him. At this moment, the native was completely violent. He regarded himself as the culprit who disturbed this pure land. Therefore, he simply let go of his reasons and he used That pair of fists like a sledgehammer smashed his head!

With a roar full of violence and destruction, Chen Feng can feel a sudden burst of heart, a breathless breath, and an inexplicable uncomfortable feeling flowing through the body!

He can now fully believe that the indigenous people are one of the hole cards left by the corpses, because the indigenous strength in front of them is not a simple half-step epic at all, but a strong man infinitely close to the real epic ~ ~ and this That is the ultimate reason why Chen Feng will be so miserable!

The ground suddenly shook violently. In the deafening roar, the dirt on the central battlefield crackled in all directions, spreading for five meters!

Chen Feng's pupils tightened, and his pores were widened!

During the charge, the indigenous man raised his head again and issued a roar, spreading out a circle of strong sound waves visible to the naked eye, which shocked Chen Feng and Wei Xu not far away.

For a moment, the breath of ferocity and death was intertwined into a huge shadow, and the entire battlefield was enveloped in an instant ...

However, just when the indigenous people rushed to his face, Chen Feng's face had a kind of relaxed and comfortable mood instead. He didn't want to think too much.


This indigenous fist is like an arrow off the string, thrown out in horror, and thundered and blasted down to Chen Feng at a short distance. Once it was beaten on him, it was miserable to meet Chen Feng!

And just when the indigenous people were close to Chen Feng's body only a few meters away, suddenly, Chen Feng's body rolled up with a choking energy storm. Unlike the common elemental energy, it was a lethal annihilation breath that seemed to be able to melt. Everything in the world!

The red energy turned into a turbulent mist, and the air around it suddenly became dry. Then, a more dazzling and horrifying figure was stalled in front of Chen Feng.


Unparalleled power!

Compete with the indigenous people, and even completely cover the opponent's limelight, and also have unlimited access to the epic Burning Demon, so they appeared in front of Chen Feng!

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