The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 960: Shocking plan

The eyes of the Burning Demon suddenly opened, and the pupils of the eyes were full of severe killing intentions. When it broke out, they were severely chopped down!

The endless sword contains horrible destructive power, as if inserted into the sand, and penetrates into the indigenous skull without any hindrance. The endless sword has extremely hot temperatures, in the voice of "Ziz" and thick blood The neck of the indigenous people was squeezed out of a huge hole, and their head fell completely on the ground.

This is not the end. In order not to leave alive, the Burning Devil even crushed all the indigenous brain's brain. Under the raging situation, Baihuahua's insect brain was also stirred into a pool of paste!

If only the head is cut off, the indigenous people who have entered the epic level can still survive for a while, but at this time the brain is crushed, and it loses the energy of life, just like humans lose their hearts!

The strong man on the epic level is hard to imagine, like the dark elf before, that was the original divine dwelling that met the dead body, so the dead is extremely lightweight, but the strong man in front of Chen Feng has unimaginable vitality, Even at this time, his fists were still clenched, and his mouth could not help making a roar, a scream of utter desperation, like a dying old giant elephant, sad and unwilling, as well as strong humiliation and injustice. She ...

But no matter how unwilling it was, the sense of weakness of power loss still flooded every part of its body in extreme time, the stern roar gradually dripped, and soon disappeared completely, and the desperately flicking legs also shook slightly. , In the end completely rigid, can no longer move!

The last guardian of the indigenous people, a true epic powerhouse, is dead!

With a half-step epic realm and a secondary artifact, the Burning Devil finally killed the insurmountable nature!

At this time, the lord from the abyss straightened his waist plate, and his hair fluttered one by one, facing the whistling cold wind, his body was covered with blood stains, and a cruel and violent smile was hanging between the corners of his lips. The corpse turned out to be a brutal and **** beauty!

Under the rendering of blood and lightning, its eyes even bloomed with a faint weird light.

This time, not only did Wei Xun taste the sweetness, but even the Burning Demon proved himself once again. It relies on the strength of terror to defeat the strong, and this is unexpected for its realm. benefit!

Maybe it won't be long before Chen Feng meets the other party again, then the Burning Devil can break through his own constraints and impact the realm he expects!

At the same time, Wei Xun's attention was also attracted. Even if he didn't say anything, his heart burst into cheers and unprecedented fighting!

My Lord's Summon Beast can challenge the limit and slay this powerful human monster in front of me. So, what about me?

As an adult's confidant, how can I be ashamed of him?

Work hard! Promotion!

This thug from the abyss can create miracles, and he can't be too bad, at least he must desperately achieve brilliant results!

The surging force, accompanied by burning blood, Wei Xun's heart screamed. Before he was still excited about the promotion of the legend, but after experiencing the legendary indigenous people, he knew that the legendary stage is not the end, but just a starting point!

At this moment, the blood and blood of Wei Xun's heart were ignited, and his soul was completely boiled, and an unprecedented warfare broke out. Just thinking that if he was able to step into the strength of the former indigenous one day, he would not lose his life. It's up!


The bad demon was a little wronged, and she got up poorly from the ground. Her recovery ability was even more terrible than the previous horror giant. Even though she was seriously injured just now, the wound had healed at this time, but the broken clothes had no memory function. Therefore, some fair skin was exposed, and the sky was a little dark at this time, and there were even some rain flowers floating in the sky. Looking at it from Chen Feng's perspective, it was like a broken doll, full of pity.

"Master, hug ..."

The bad demon stumbled towards Chen Feng, her acting skills were good, even though she recovered most of her injuries, she still pretended to be weak.

Looking at the evil devil holding his thigh, Chen Feng reached out his right hand and touched the other's head, but at this time, the evil demon's attention was obviously attracted by the indigenous body on the side, and he stretched out his small hand and touched his stomach, saying, Injured ... hungry ... I'm hungry ... "

In the process of evolution, the evil demon also has the power of a half-step epic. This alien from the abyss is under the careful cultivation of Chen Feng. Her intelligence is comparable to that of humans. In addition to evil and tyranny, she also has goodness, The cute side, of course, this side belongs to Chen Feng alone, and the others are out of enjoyment.

Looking at the "bad" acting skills of the evil demon, Chen Feng was a little bit laughed, the other party was still the same, and after seeing the food he wanted to eat, he would become this picture.


This food doesn't work ~ ~ The body of an epic powerhouse is not like the dark elf before, but a body with real epic flesh!

Compared to food, it is more suitable as a summoning sacrifice. Chen Feng summons the beast and has a final place. The body of the legendary legend has not been seen by him. Compared to the legend, there is only a half-step epic and epic-level call. Beast can attract Chen Feng's attention.

Whether it is the horrible giant worm or the indigenous corpse capital is the best sacrifice material, Chen Fengmeng has a crazy idea, he wants to use the bodies of the three powerful men in front of him to summon!

You know, just the one killed by the Burning Demon possesses epic energy, and the remaining two corpses are a half-step epic and a legendary horror giant. Once sacrificed, Then this will be the highest price call of Chen Feng ever!

No one knows what kind of powerful existence will be summoned after paying such a degree of sacrifice. No, it is not just this corpse. This indigenous territory is almost completely slaughtered by the coalition, except for the three powerful corpses. In addition, plus a whole tribe as a sacrifice object!

The source of all this comes from Chen Feng's sense of fear, whether it is a dead body, Rose, or just the epic native just now, which makes him feel a deep sense of weakness!

He needs a real hole card. If he can't promote the epic, then summon a terrible epic summoning beast!

At the same time, sacrificing this, even if it is a bit too luxurious, is all worthwhile compared to your own life!

Of course, Chen Feng will let go of the call, because now he has another important thing to do.

Perhaps something was felt, Chen Feng turned around and cast his eyes into the wooden house where the statue was placed ...

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