The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 962: unexpected surprise

An unprecedented sudden change took place in the damaged plane. Chen Feng's original idea was to put the statue here and seal the dead body permanently, but who can think of it, this has now become the case.

The energy storms wandering around, suddenly seemed to be stimulated, and suddenly horrible waves broke out.

The speed of these storms is unimaginable. Ordinary people are parasitic inside, just like being subjected to countless handle knives, and they will be twisted into minced meat in an instant.

When Chen Feng just acquired this plane, these storms saw him as a nail in the eye, a thorn in the flesh, and he wished to twist him into flesh. After all, at that time, he had just acquired this plane, and those energy instincts treated Chen Feng as an enemy.

But now it is different. With more than a year's reserves, Chen Feng has poured in 80% of the power of the faith he has collected over the past few years.

At this time, the horrible energy storm was entangled in his body, but Chen Feng felt a sense of connection between the energy in the hurricane and his body. This feeling was wonderful, as if the storm had become part of his body.

Chen Feng also felt the same after sacrificing the endless sword.

What's even more weird is that during the storm, Chen Feng felt it. The storm seemed to tremble lightly all the time, as if a person was breathing slightly. ?

The wind is breathing. ?

Yes, the feeling that Chen Feng has in his heart is that this storm has its own cry. It seems that as long as he waved his hand, the storm will dissipate, and it is completely "controllable"!

"This storm is the energy transformed by the destruction of a world, in which there are countless grievances. Therefore, this twisted hurricane can not only destroy the physical body of other people, but also the soul may be directly destroyed, and those flesh and soul will be destroyed. Become a new nourishment for hurricanes to take shape! "

"This hurricane is the product of this broken world, and I relied on the power of faith to create a pure land here. It was regarded as my own label in this world. Therefore, this hurricane no longer excludes me, and even considers me the owner So I can easily "manipulate" this energy. "

Chen Feng stared at the hurricane, thinking quickly in his head. This energy was terrible, and it was a real force of destruction.

When this power was destroyed, I do n’t know how many souls were buried here. The resentment and resentment of life were superimposed, and the resentment generated was wider than the ocean and surging than the volcano!

Like elsewhere, it is impossible to give birth to this kind of power. Even though the human world is now full of scars, it is still very solid in nature, so there is no possibility of destruction.

It is for this reason that this energy is even more valuable. Not to mention the legendary powerhouses, such as the dark elves of the epic rank and the natives, which can not persist for a long time. If they enter the eyes of the storm, the epic is immortal. Existence is likely to fall from this.

When Chen Feng faced it in the past, he was cautious, for he was afraid of a storm rolling over his body. What he didn't think of was that because the faith created territory, the storm even regarded himself as the master, and even offered it. Driven.

To this day, Chen Feng's biggest card is not the Burning Demon, the Inferior Demon, nor the overlord Saruman in the Bone Plain, but the horrible storm in front of him!

These storms are local energies. Even if Chen Feng can release them, once the outside world is contaminated, Chen Feng's control over them may weaken or even disappear completely.

But outside, just in this damaged plane, Chen Feng is fully capable of standing on the undefeated ground.

Even if it is a god, like Rose's pointed deity, because of the dimension wall, at most, it only has the power of an epic, and if you use more powerful energy, you will most likely be rejected by the dimension wall. , Completely turned into a meatloaf, was squeezed to death.

Chen Feng's previous life has survived for a few years in the last days, so he knows that the third energy storm is unlikely to erupt in a short time, which means that the epic stage is the ultimate tipping point.

And this storm can even cause harm to the epic. It is no exaggeration to say that at the critical moment of life and death, once Chen Feng enters it, safety is guaranteed and life is not threatened at all.

Moreover, if the enemy who is chasing is strong enough to tear the plane and follow Chen Feng all the way here, then Chen Feng can fully guarantee that he will regret the choice.

He put in too much effort here, and "fucked" the storm, if Chen Feng enters it, the strong man under the oracle will not pose any threat to himself!

Feng Chen has always been in awe of Doomsday. In his impression, Doomsday means destruction. This awe, even if he has created order and has several strongholds, he himself has been promoted to become an epic power. There was no dissipation, but it was getting worse.

Because the stronger he is, the more Chen Feng knows what kind of dilemma the world is facing.

The third energy storm is only a matter of time. Only after the two storms, the dimension wall has become slack, as before, at most, only legendary creatures can come, but now, the epic strong can already walk naturally on this land. .

I dare not imagine that if the energy is more intensive in the future, will it be possible for the gods to actually come through the four, five, and six times?

That day may be far away, after all, the world itself is also being repaired, and every time it experiences an energy storm, this land will suffer some blows, such as the direction that Chen Feng suspects. Maybe it will happen one day, but it will take decades or even more. century.

Tomorrow and tomorrow are not suitable for chanting on the last day, because no one can know whether tomorrow will still survive on this wasteland.

Too many people see the morning sun but can't see the sunset. One accident may cause life and death.

It is for this reason that Chen Feng remains in awe of this doomsday, because he has never been truly safe.

But now, with this broken plane, Chen Feng is truly the basis of life-saving. Although this storm cannot fight the enemy, he can protect himself and let himself be relieved from the burden of his heart, thereby going to a new level of mind shock!



And just between Chen Feng's thoughts, a broken voice suddenly heard in the ear of UU reading, he calmed down and saw the dense cracks on the surface of the dry corpse statue wrapped by the storm!

The statue was so hard that even the epic power could not be shaken, but now it began to burst in this storm.

"Is the mark left by the corpse finally ending?" The corpse went dying, and Chen Feng, the culprit, said with some sighs.

And just when Chen Feng looked intently, and wanted to see the death of the dead body with his own eyes, the next second, he was stuck in place.

What did he see? I saw a broken line of "color" in the broken statue.

"This is ..." Chen Feng was stagnant. After a while, he couldn't believe it, and said, "This is the" **** "of God ?!"

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