The Abyss Summoner of the Last Days

Vol 3 Chapter 966: Capture memory

Set up anti-theft and it will return to normal after five minutes.

This choice is about life and death.

Chen Feng is also very clear that this may be the most important choice on his own life path. In order to become stronger, he must bear tremendous pressure that others cannot, or even dare to imagine.

Of course, Chen Feng can also distinguish between the urgency of the matter, cutting materials is not afraid of the sharpener, even if he really wants to be the enemy, Chen Feng's first thing to do is to sharpen his blade sharper!

At this time, Chen Feng refocused on the divinity in front of his eyes, because the statue has been fused for a long time. The three divinities have already been merged into one. Because the storm broke the statue, it was divided into Individuals, and now, when these three divinities come together, it seems that plants are growing, intertwining and rolling, such as three pythons and three dragons!

Chen Feng remained motionless, always focusing on the entangled divinity. At this time, he could no longer think about other things, but instead focused his attention on the fusion of divinity.

Finally, these three divinities have condensed into one. Slowly, this divinity turned into a human figure, faintly, a grotesque laughter from above, and the entire space around it seemed to be sulfur. , Lava death **** breath.

The energy belonging to the corpse appeared again, but compared to the obvious hostility before, the corpse's eyes were very stubborn at this time, and the evil breath was not directed at a certain individual.

The dead body has fallen completely. As for the dead body that appeared in front of Chen Feng at this time, it was just a long-time instinctual reflection of divinity.

Even though the privacy of the gods is difficult to see, Chen Feng only needs to spend time and try to figure it out, plus the integrated deity in front of him. The other party has been fused with the idol for too long, and naturally has some memories of dead bodies, even if These memories are only fragments, but as long as they are read through, it will also be of great benefit to Chen Feng!

What's more, what memories can Chen Feng learn from some really powerful moves!

"Evil god?"

Chen Feng's hand turned and made a gesture, holding the deity that turned into a dry corpse. At this moment, he only felt that the divinity was pure and flawless, without any impurities, like a diamond.

The so-called purity does not mean that the other party is pure in nature, but that the evil energy radiated from it is very pure. Throughout these years, Chen Feng has not seen such a pure atmosphere of evil energy.

Chen Feng only feels that it is not suitable to swallow it now.

Being held in his hands, the divinity seemed extremely angry and turned into the face of a dead body, and even made a disgusting look, staring at Chen Feng, anxious to eat each other's meat and drink the other's blood!

This divinity is fused together, and the power has reached the legendary level. If it is placed outside, it is like a monster coming from another world, plus the incomplete memory possessed by the dead body. Under the control of the dead body in the past, the divinity has become extremely evil. It will naturally devour blood and life and help itself continue to grow.

If it is devoured for a long time, the divinity is likely to change. Even if the dead body has completely fallen, but with those broken memories, it may give birth to a new life. It is not a dry body, but a dry body.

In this damaged plane, the divine power is suppressed by more than half, plus Chen Feng's strength is higher than the opponent. Even if the divine wants to resist, it is useless and has no meaning at all.


Anti-theft, sorry.

wake up!

I have to wake up!

Strongly unwilling to break through the restrictions from the body, he laboriously pulled open a gap in his eyelids. For a moment, the memory in his mind suddenly accelerated. If used to describe it, it was originally just a stream-like capacity. Now it has increased to the ocean. As fierce and instantaneous expansion, there was a kind of tearing pain in Yang Shuo's brain.

This is a very painful thing.

But it also speeded up the time he devoured those memories. In this painful process, he gradually recalled some forgotten pictures.

From the moment these strange memories were contained in Yang Shuo's mind.


It seemed like a thunder blast rang in his ear, at the same time, Yang Shuo finally saw the picture in front of him.

For a while, Yang Shuo was shocked. What was going on? !! Then he suddenly found out that he was actually a neat slab of stone. Looking around, he found himself in a very humble room, with leaky walls, moldy tables and chairs, wet beds, and beside him The silver-white dagger, everything here is strange and familiar.

How is this going? Am I not fighting with the Iron Armor Corpse? How come in such a ghost place!

Yang Shuo's thinking at this moment is still before he fell asleep, or should be said to be ... temporarily staying on the last thoughts of previous lives!


A sudden disaster brought humanity into a new era.

The last days are ruthless.

The ball became a flesh workshop. Countless monsters appeared, and the dying man became a flesh-and-blood slave, feeding on humans and spreading viruses; insects and ants were changed to be huge and terrifying; wild animals and birds mutated and evolved with fierce anomalies, such as demons;

That year, the world was in panic; that year, called the Dark Age; that year, the ball entered the era of great evolution;

A hundred years have passed.

In this era of coexistence of killing and darkness ~ ~ It has passed one hundred and thirty years, the original blue planet has undergone earth-shaking changes, and the land area has expanded by hundreds of times, which has directly caused a sudden change in the entire world. Hillsides have become mountains, rivers have become oceans, and sparse grasslands have transformed into vast forests.

The advent of the Dark Ages has created a new planet, but humans will no longer rely on technology to sit at the top of the world, because in this territory, in addition to humans, they have bred countless strange species .

The emergence of nuclear energy has changed the environment of the earth, with oxygen up to 50%. In this unrecorded era, the return of animals to beasts has occurred. Both the appearance and the shape have undergone earth-shaking changes. It is common to see A most common white rabbit has become a fierce beast that is about one meter in length and eats meat, such as lions, cheetahs, and crocodiles, which are extremely ferocious beasts. They are also genetically mutated and become a real killer. Wild beast!

In addition, for example, insects and ants have become a frightening existence. They are no longer the weak creatures that humans can crush with their feet at will, but they have become acidic poisonous gas. Strange, special mutant creature.

Bloodthirsty beetles, iron-winged poisonous mosquitoes, carrion spiders, ghost-faced owls, giant grasshoppers. Abyss Summoner

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