Outside the Qingshan base.

As the golden light shone, Wu Yong's hands drove a series of thunder whips, and thunder rang out, hitting Lin Xuan's heavenly spirit.


Hundreds of purple lightning bolts circled like dragons and snakes in Wu Yong's playful eyes, as if distorting the void and arriving in the blink of an eye.

Lin Xuan's heart was awe-inspiring, and he directly used the insect energy to create runes on the bodies of thousands of mutated gold-devouring ants.


The thunder flashed, and the purple lightning was really extraordinary, and the first lightning struck the ground.

A large hole formed, bottomless, and black smoke was rising.

"Sure enough, the talent is amazing, so, I can't leave you!" Wu Yong's eyes were cold, and thunder and lightning shot out at the same time, like purple lightning and blue frost piercing the void.


A deafening bang sounded.

Thousands of mutant gold-devouring ants glowed red at the same time, and a huge shield appeared in front of Lin Xuan. The shield trembled violently, absorbing several lightning bolts.

Really condensed runes!

Lin Xuan directly condensed the energy of the mutant gold-devouring ants into a shield through the runes that the worms can turn into.

Blocked Wu Yong's casual blow.

"This is not the way to go."

A cold light flashed in Lin Xuan's eyes.

Now he understands how the upper levels of Aoki Base treat the lower level civilians.

It is precisely because of these high-level neglect that the original owner's parents died.

They are so harsh towards civilian students like themselves, not to mention, they come from civilians.

Wu Yong stood in the void, arrogance appeared on his face, looked down at Lin Xuan and said lightly, "Boy, why are you doing this? Struggle is useless, it will only bring more pain."

"Let me give you a good time."

Although Wu Yong's words were gentle, the words were murderous, and the shadow of the two-headed black snake and the beast appeared behind him. The sky seemed to be washed and turned into a dark world.

The sky and the earth changed color, and darkness spread towards Lin Xuan.

Lin Xuan was stunned, this old thing was too powerful, and when his thoughts flashed, the color of the world changed, darkness descended, and the space was blocked.

Lin Xuan's power of the beasts burst out in a frenzy, "What the hell did you do?!"

"The prestige of the sanctuary, how can an ant like you be able to speculate.",

Wu Yong's face was indifferent, and there was no emotional fluctuation on his face.

"Why do you want to kill me." Lin Xuan said again.

"Your talent, the Wu family's son will use it, you have to give it."

"After all, you are also a dog slave?!"

"You know the reason, then you should be on your way." Wu Yongjin flashed like thunder, and the two-headed black snake was completely summoned.

It was a test just now, a hands-on test.

Now that I know that Lin Xuan is the one I'm looking for, then...

He doesn't waste time.

The darkness around Wu Yong spreads, exuding a heart-pounding aura. It is really the skill of a two-headed black snake, and darkness erodes!

The darkness is eroding and domineering, with unparalleled power, pitch black as ink, obscuring the sky, and rushing towards Lin Xuan frantically.

like a tsunami.

"Even if I already know the answer, then I won't play with you now. We'll settle this account later."

Lin Xuan was terrified, his horrified expression changed to calm.

At the same time, the power of the imperial beast surged again.

Thousands of gold-devouring ants radiated red light again at the same time.

Insects are on the decline.

At the same time, the energy of the rune fluctuates more and more.


In an instant, half of the thousands of gold-devouring ants lost their breath.

A huge red beam of light blasted towards Lin Xuan's back!

The darkness was broken open, and the space seemed to be unbearable, making noises.


A loud bang!

The space seemed to finally be unable to bear it at this time, and the attack of the red beam of light shattered directly.

The mutant gold-devouring ants let out a whimper, which made Lin Xuan's heart tremble.

My heart aches at this time.

This is the family property that he spent a lot of thought to save, and now most of it has died in one breath.

Wu Yong's domain was opened with a small breath.

"We will have an appointment later!"

Without any hesitation, Lin Xuan turned on the aurora wind strike and swept into the distance.

The disdain and contempt on Wu Yong's face were finally broken.

The expression on his face instantly turned ugly.

Showing a hideous look.

"Boy, you underestimate the power of the Sanctuary too, do you think you can run?"

"Double-headed black snake, kill that kid and bring the body back!"

Wu Yong drank lowly.

The 15-meter-long two-headed black snake instantly turned into a black light and chased in Lin Xuan's direction.


Right now.


An eagle chirped.

The surrounding space seemed to vibrate.

A huge spiritual force filled the entire sky.

The two-headed black snake was forced to retreat from the black light.

The two heads stared at Wu Yong's back.

Wu Yong's face darkened instantly.

Annoyed, he looked back.

"Where is the prisoner?! Where is it! Little friend Wu Yong, let me help you."

An old voice sounded.

I saw a little old man appearing behind Wu Yong.

Eyes looking around, frowning, shouting loudly.

A look like I'm here to help.

At the same time, behind him, an owl with cyan feathers appeared behind the old man.

This person is Yan Shuo.

"Yan Shuo! What are you doing?! Are you going against my Wu family??"

Wu Yong's face darkened instantly.

He looked at Yan Shuo with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Don't scare my old man, when did I go against your Wu family?"

"I came to help with kindness, Xiaoyou Wu, how can you slander me so much."

"Obviously it's you bastard, you can't even catch a freshman, let someone run away, do you still blame me?!"

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