The Age Of Beasts: I Can Summon The Endless Plague Of Insects!

Chapter 73 Legendary savage beasts with wisdom, the attention of the family!!

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan's eyes became more and more cold.

To be honest, since he became a beastmaster, his wild beasts have never been slaughtered like this.

Lin Xuan's eyes flashed with gold.

Name: Evil Octopus Monster.

Rank: Legendary top

Talent: Spiritual Invasion

Skills: Mind Riot (S), Mind Control (S).

Bloodline Evolution: None.

Lin Xuan looked at the body of the octopus monster.

Its body spreads on the ground like a large number of spider webs as thin as hair.

The shape of an octopus woven into a thread.

These seem to be bodies formed by the dark fog.

The whites of his eyes and pupils were all black.

Like the eyes of hungry ghosts and demons in movie and TV dramas.

Glancing around.

Looking on the sidelines with a cold eye, the Nether Stinger was smashed to pieces by the legendary wild beast.

The bodies they left behind turned into purple mist and were completely absorbed by the body of the evil octopus monster.

At the same time, the body of the evil octopus monster also became more solid at this time.

The Evil Octopus clearly saw Lin Xuan's ghost stinger as its prey.

A cold light flashed in Lin Xuan's eyes.

Thoughts arose.

The six virus-like worms seemed to sense Lin Xuan's anger.

At the same time, black light was released from the body.

Thousands of tentacles on his body waved wildly.

It seems that he has consciousness, and he wants to break away from the body of a virus Xumi worm and fight for his master.


Hundreds of small virus worms were isolated from a piece of virus worm.

At the moment when the small virus Xeremia appeared.

The evil octopus monster, who was watching the cruel and lively scene from a thousand meters away, seemed to sense the appearance of the small virus Xeremia.

Black light flickered in his eyes. ,

A mental wave rippling.

A giant giant ape with a height of nearly four meters was stunned for a moment.

Scarlet blood flashed in his eyes.

Bending down and roaring, he suddenly rushed in the direction of the small virus Xeremia.

"Interesting, is it a spirit beast of the same type as me?" The evil octopus monster's ugly octopus face seemed to be smiling.

"Hopefully his mental core will help me.

"Maybe these hundreds of legendary low-grade spiritual beasts can make their spiritual power go further.

Hundreds of legendary beasts were around him, and their eyes were dull. The mind seems to be controlled by 650.

At this time, they seemed to sense the excitement of the octopus monster.

Hundreds of legendary beasts danced excitedly.

Following the King Kong Giant Ape, it suddenly rushed towards the direction of the small virus Xeremia.


The King Kong Giant Ape took a step of 100 meters, and at this time, it had already collided with the Nether Sting Insect.

The body of the King Kong Giant Ape shone with a golden luster, and at the same time the speed suddenly increased.

Layers of thick dark clouds were suddenly swept away by the body of the King Kong Giant Ape.

Less than 100 meters away from the small virus Xeremia.

The curse of the ghost thorn turned into black rays of light, attacking the giant ape.

The King Kong Giant Ape was not afraid, and directly resisted it, ignoring the cursed power of the Nether Stinging Insect, and directly punched the Netherworld Thorning worm into the ground with a punch.

In an instant, the purple bodies of dozens of ghost stinging insects were directly blown up.

It turned into a purple mist, which was directly absorbed by the evil octopus monster.

The Giant King Kong Ape continued to attack as if there was no pain, directly ignoring his attacked chest.

The scarlet eyes were full of crazy bloodthirsty aura, and they rushed over with astonishing momentum.

Juli violently overturned the pitch-black giant tree in front of him and ran several hundred meters before he suddenly stopped. The cracked mouth.

Black mist continued to spread out from the inside.

The King Kong Giant Ape turned his head respectfully and glanced at the slant-eyed octopus, and then rushed towards the small virus Xeremiah inside the pitch-black ink cloud.

Hundreds of Nether Stinging Insects continued to block them without fear of death.

But in an instant, it was smashed into a meat pie by the King Kong Giant Ape.

Juli directly bombarded the ground with large pits that were dozens of meters deep.

A golden light flickered in Lin Xuan's eyes.

Name: King Kong Giant Ape,

Rank: Legendary inferior.

Skills: Gravity Bombardment (S), King Kong Body (S).

Bloodline Evolution: None.

A cold light flashed in Lin Xuan's eyes.

The small virus Xeremiah rushed directly towards the giant giant ape.

Although their bodies are very small, their mental strength is amazing.

Hundreds of small virus Xumi worms stimulated the spiritual power of the body and blessed it.

In an instant.

On them, the body glowed white light.

Speed ​​is boosted.

Directly rush to the King Kong Giant Ape.

Lin Xuan's eyes flickered, "The ability of this savage beast should also be mind control."

"I also want to give it a try, whether it is your control ability is stronger, or my (cfej) virus Xumiworm control is stronger."9

Thoughts flashed.

At this time, the small virus Xeremiah had already flown to the body of the King Kong Giant Ape that was running at the forefront.

Hundreds of small virus Xeremiah entered the spiritual core of the giant ape in just an instant.

Lin Xuan's thoughts turned.

The ferocious expression of the Giant King Kong Ape instantly became sluggish.

Calm was restored.

at the same time.

on the other side.

The spirit of the evil octopus suddenly felt a tingling pain.

As if a sharp sword had cut off its spiritual power.

Evil became unsightly in the face of the octopus monster.

It also did not expect that these legendary low-grade wild beasts would be able to release their own mental control.

"Where did these savage beasts come from, how come there is no information about them.

"Could it be from outside?

The evil octopus monster's face became solemn.

Because these mysterious wild beasts have extremely strong vitality.

It's not like the ghostly beasts in the misty ghost land, but rather the beasts that come in from outside.

Could it also be for Epic Heart?

At this moment.

Lin Xuan was looking at the many legendary beasts behind the King Kong Giant Ape with murderous intent.

The thoughts flashed, and he was about to kill.

Suddenly a voice sounded in Lin Xuan's mind.

"Are you savages from the outside world?"

"Although I don't know why the Nether Stinger would listen to you.

"But you have proved your strength, we can keep the water from the river, there is no need for you to die." An icy voice sounded in Lin Xuan's mind.


The voice made Lin Xuan stunned.

But following his mental fluctuations, Lin Xuan focused his attention on the evil octopus monster.

"Is he talking?""

This is the first time Lin Xuan has experienced the dialogue between the beast and himself.

This beast is wise!

Before Lin Xuan could finish thinking.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of the evil octopus monster came over.

"We are all control-type spirit beasts, all legendary spirit beasts.

"These little things, there is nothing that can't be let go, it's not worth it to die for the sake of hundreds of mere Nether Stinging Insects.

"If we continue to fight in this kind of place, we may be taken advantage of by other beasts or humans, and it is not worth it to lose both."

Lin Xuan was stunned at this moment.

There is no sound from the outside world, and the sound only emerges in my mind.

This is....spiritual transmission.

It is recorded in the book of the world of beasts that the savage beasts whose ranks are above the legendary spirit beasts, especially the savage beasts with spiritual skills. There is a high probability that spiritual voice transmission will be used to communicate with humans.

Even some powerful beings can also transmit their voices.

Lin Xuan reacted at this time and sneered: "Why can't you play?

The evil octopus seemed to be sighing, shook his head and said: "It's not that it's not fun, it's not worth it. We have grown to this point with great difficulty, and if we follow normal living methods, we can at least live for tens of thousands of years. "5

"Fighting against each other and consuming each other, especially in this kind of place, is very disadvantageous."

"Besides, you can control tens of thousands of ghost thorns, and I can control hundreds of legendary spirit beasts now."

"In terms of power, we can say that we are comparable, and even say that I am stronger, but I don't want to waste time with you here, Epic Heart, your goal is also this. 39

"The Epic Heart has not yet appeared, and the door to the core has not yet been fully opened. Fighting against me now is not conducive to your next plan to compete for the Epic Heart.

Lin Xuan looked surprised.

He didn't expect that savage beasts would even be like humans.

Take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the situation. Analyze current events.

"You think that's enough? My little brother was innocently hurt. Do you think I'll just listen to your bullshit and forget it?" Lin Xuan sneered.

"Yes, you have to choose this way. The form has been surging recently. The closer you get to the epic Heart, the more you can meet the top powerhouses. You haven't really understood the horror of the misty ghost land.

Lin Xuan's face froze when he heard the words.

Sure enough, there is indeed an epic heart in the misty ghost land.

His decision was indeed correct.

"Are you saying this to scare me? Lin Xuan said coldly.

The evil octopus said: "No, I suggest that we can form an alliance and snatch the epic heart together. After all, we are all savage beasts with mind control skills. Together, we can create a beast tide, so that the possibility of obtaining the epic heart will be reduced. bigger."5

"We can shake hands and make peace."

Lin Xuan burst out laughing, looking at the evil octopus monster as if looking at an idiot.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? 35

"What?" The evil octopus monster's face gradually became fierce.

Lin Xuan said: "You want to join forces with me? Who do you think you are? Kill my subordinates and want me to shake hands and make peace?"

"It's a dog-like thing, the brain must have been bitten before, I only know that there is revenge!"

Said Lin Xuan, who was attached to the small virus Xeremia, with a thought.

A black light flashed on the body of the small virus Xeremiah.

The power of the spirit turned into sharp thorns, and stabbed the spiritual core of the King Kong Giant Ape fiercely.

The King Kong Giant Ape fell to the ground without any resistance at this time.

The pitch-black body was instantly devoured by the ghost thorns.

The evil octopus monster felt that this legendary low-grade small virus Xeremiah was a lunatic, knowing that he could not deal with him.

Knowing that the consumption of the two will cause the prying eyes of the surrounding legendary wild beasts, or even attack, but still unscrupulously released harsh words to provoke hatred.

In his opinion, this is a kind of delusional behavior, and only those low-level savage beasts or those savage beasts who pay attention to physical strength will choose this way to retaliate.

But these hundreds of small virus Xumi worms are obviously capable of mind-controlling wild beasts and possess high intelligence.

Provocation can be aimed at the weak, but not at the strong, so be it.

The evil octopus monster, when seeing Lin Xuan kill the King Kong Giant Ape without hesitation.

The first reaction is that these small virus Xumi worms want to find themselves desperately.

He became a legendary spirit beast with a long lifespan, but suddenly he has to work hard, is this crazy?

"What do you mean?" The slant-eyed octopus seemed to frown deeply.

"It doesn't make any sense, literally. I'm going to kill you today. Get justice for the thousands of ghost bugs that died for me.

The evil octopus said strangely: "Are you going to die endlessly?"

"You can understand it this way." Lin Xuan's eyes showed coldness.

"If you want to provoke a dispute, just stop like this, kill thousands of my ghost stinging worms, and still want to retreat? There is no such cheap thing in the world, and the wild beasts that were hunted today are not your subordinates."

"Want to reconcile? When you die, maybe I will forgive you in my heart, so that's reconciliation."

The murderous intent in the eyes of the evil octopus increased sharply.

He understands that there is absolutely something wrong with the brains of these legendary beasts.

In the end, it is the stuff that has just been promoted to the lower level of the legendary.

Power affects the brain.

Thinking about it, the same legendary spirit beasts, small viruses and hundreds of accomplices, why do they back off? Why do they admit counseling?

Evil Octopus Monster: "It seems that I still made a wrong decision today and chose the wrong prey. If you really insist on taking revenge on me, I can't stop you."

"However, just relying on you mere legendary spirit beasts? Can you really kill me, a legendary high-grade spirit beast?!

"You think I'm just stupidly standing in front of you talking to you and doing nothing?" Lin Xuan stared at him.

at this time.


The evil-eyed octopus felt something was wrong with his body.

His face changed suddenly, and then he suddenly realized something.

Not good! Something got inside him!!

And it is flying towards his spiritual core at a fast speed.

"Hehe, what an idiot."

Lin Xuan felt the panicked mood of the evil octopus, and thought coldly in his heart.

He didn't want to talk to the Evil Octopus at all.

His purpose is to delay time and let six legendary mid-grade virus Xeremiah sneak into the spiritual core of the evil octopus monster.

Then control him or kill him directly.

In Lin Xuan's mind perception.

Six segments of the virus Xeremiah appeared in a place full of neural networks.

The body made of pitch-black mist seemed to have really turned into flesh and blood.

The six legendary mid-grade virus Xeremiah entered the body of the evil octopus at the same time, which made the evil octopus feel a strong sense of threat.

He doesn't care about being exposed now, and if he doesn't use all his strength, he may really be killed here.

"Do you really think I'm so easy to kill?

After the evil octopus monster finished speaking, the pitch-black body on his body was directly torn apart.

At this moment, the dark cloud outside seemed to be connected with the evil octopus monster.



One after another roar sounded all over the radius.

At this moment, the pitch-black cloud around the core of Misty Ghost Land seemed to have turned into a ferocious beast.

Under the hook of the evil octopus monster, it rolled like a wave.

Pieces of pitch-black giant trees fell as a result.

A thousand miles away from the periphery of the core.

A man and a woman guarding the core land sensed the riot in the misty ghost land.

He stared at each other, "There is a situation! 35

"Preliminary estimation, it is the full outburst of the legendary high-grade beast! 99

"Go and have a look.... This special period cannot be sloppy."


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