
core zone.

The sky is cloudless.

Hot red fills the sky.

The virus meson is standing on a high mountain in the core area of ​​Mist Ghost Land.

Lin Xuan's mind always pays attention to the changes in the sky.

A piece of information melded into Lin Xuan's memory.

A red light flashed in Lin Xuan's eyes.

"Everything is in place now, just waiting for the game to start.

"I hope that in the future, those noble families will not be mad with anger when they see the changes in the misty ghost land. 35

Virus meson.

A red light began to emerge from the small body.

The space in front of it was rippling continuously.

Like the splash of a river.

Vaguely, you can see the huge hidden space in the space ripples.


The sound of insects sounded, and from the ripples in the space, a variety of strange ants rushed out of the ripples in the space.

An impatient look.

Lin Xuan laughed: "It seems that you are also very excited now."

"But don't worry, this will be your territory soon."

In the misty land.

in all directions.

The gold-devouring ants began to spread.

One by one the ghost thorns began to spread.

One by one, the virus Xeremia began to spread.

Lin Xuan looked at the picture with a smile on his face.

"The fusion talent of the secret realm can allow every imperial beast to devour and occupy a piece of the living space of the secret realm.

"According to the strength of the beast, the size of the secret space that each beast can obtain is different."

If this skill is seen by others, it is very tasteless.

After all, only eight of every beastmaster's wild beasts are connected to the power of the beastmaster.

As for the previous Yang San, he just relied on his own enslavement talent and couldn't connect with the power of the beasts.

But for Lin Xuan, this skill is very suitable.

After all, his imperial beasts are endless.

at this time.

Aoki base.

After Lin Xuan merged into Fu Yuanyuan.

After learning about the conditions for stimulating the source of talent, he set his sights on the Mist Ghost Emperor.

The entire Misty Ghost Land can be said to be incarnated by epic savage beasts. If the Misty Ghost Land is completely integrated into the secret realm, an epic savage beast will be transformed into a secret realm.

Once successful, Lin Xuan seems to be able to see that billions of worms can rush towards him.

Think of this.

Lin Xuan felt as if his mind had been completely opened up.

Suddenly Lin Xuan took a deep breath.

Now the time is pressing, the family is just before the misty ghost land, and he must distribute the wild beasts in every corner of the misty ghost emperor before the family calls.

Lin Xuan turned 25's own perspective back to the misty land.


The virus Xeremiah constantly splits a large number of small virus Xeremiah from its body.

At the same time, Lin Xuan is also constantly adjusting his power to control the beasts.

Take the core area of ​​Misty Ghost Land as the center point.

The misty ghost land is dominated by the virus virulent worm, the ghost thorn, and the ghost dark butterfly curse.

It began to spread in all directions.

Lin Xuan could feel when his beast stepped into the land.

The appearance of the misty ghost land appeared directly in his mind.

Ten kilometers, twenty kilometers, one hundred kilometers...

Time passed slowly.

Soon evening came.

The family alliance gathered near the misty ghost land is also growing stronger.

The number has exceeded 20 million!

Headed by the proud son of the twelfth family.

Many vassal families and outer sect families gathered to help out.

At a glance.

Near the misty ghost land, there are wild beasts and human figures everywhere.

High altitude, ground, jungle, river...

All kinds of savage beasts gathered, from land, sea and air.

The scale is really huge.

For the core family of the family alliance, this lineup is just okay.

After all, they were the core strength of the family and none of them appeared.

But for this world, it should be regarded as the top power.

"This time the war is really moving.

"It hindered my breakthrough. If it weren't for this conscription war, I should have broken through the half-step epic a few days ago."

"I think I really lost a lot this time."

"What do you mean by this? Who of us here is not a bad loser?"

"Even those sequences, I heard they came out.

"That's it! 39

"I think you should take a long-term view and don't care about temporary gains and losses."

"As long as we take down this unknown force, will the family's follow-up resources be less?"

"Once this battle is won, I believe that many people will be able to directly attack the half-step epic, and then it will be a new round of sequence battles. 35

"And it's possible that I'll be able to compete for a place in the sequence. 35

"The loss now is only for the greater gain in the future!"

"It is said that the forces that exist in the Misty Ghost Land mainly have two main attacking beasts, the Nether Stinger and an unknown slave beast."

"When the time comes, the corpses of these legendary beasts will become resources for our promotion."

"And if you can enslave these two savage beasts with strange abilities, then you can count as earning it."

"One represents curse, the other represents slavery, such a top-level strange side legendary beast, not to mention that he keeps it, even if it is sold to those explorers, it is earned, and these can make up for our losses. 35

"I hadn't thought of it yet?!"

"Oh, in our aristocratic family, what can't be sold?"

"As long as you can pay the price, even the epic savage can be sold to you, do you believe it?"

"Fuck! I only know now that even epic beasts can be bought and sold?!"

"At first glance, brother, you are a newcomer, you don't know the trick, because there is a black-hearted middleman organization, buying at a low price and buying it to others at a high price, this is a very normal thing.

"Then how to solve the loyalty problem of the imperial beast?"

"Don't you know that there is such a thing as a bondage contract? As long as the original owner of the beast dies, the beast bondage can naturally be enslaved.""

"Fuck, the aristocratic family is too good.

The misty ghost to the periphery.

A temporary floating city.

A group of family members gathered here.

An evil man in a black robe said softly: "I heard that these Inner Sect Sequencers have several trump cards given to them by Inner Sect.

"This time, the Neimen family may have really moved.


"How did you know?!

The eyes of the surrounding inner disciples lit up.

The evil man smiled complacently and said: "I naturally have my own news channels, and I also know that every aristocratic family has come up with a few trump cards."

"Especially the Yang family, it seems to have suffered a big loss in front of that faction."5

"So this time the Yang family spent a lot of money.


Someone sucked up, surprised.

Then he said excitedly: "No wonder these noble families are so confident and dare to dispatch so many Sequence Seeds."

"Looks like there's a lot of confidence in these cards.

"It seems that there is no concern about the safety of the sequencers.

"Those are the epic seeds of the future after all, no wonder the family is so relieved."

"It turns out that the trump card is very thick."

A young man smiled and said: "I was worried that I would not be able to defeat it, but now it seems that that force is sure to die."

"Victory is ours!

The evil man smiled and said: "We are not a single force, but directly assembled all the forces below the epic of the family."5

"Then we all want us to kill more now.


Hearing this, everyone agreed.

If it is said that this war is the most important to whom, then they are the only ones left except for the victims of the aristocratic family.

After all, the reward this time is very generous.

Enough for their promotion to become a half-step epic and initiate a sequence challenge.

Therefore, it seems that this war is a battle of revenge for the family, but it is actually a war to screen talents.

The core of the family has given many supports to this terrible war.

For example, supporting the floating city, supporting cannon fodder wild beasts, supporting various exchange materials, etc. to help them win this battle.

That's why they are so excited.

That's why, after the letter was issued, many outsiders shouted.

Because this is an opportunity to go to the sky.

The evil man said solemnly: "This matter, can't let too many people know, too many people know, the resources will not be enough."

"Rest assured, we're the tight-lipped kind of people.

All the inner disciples present said that they would not leak it.

They are telling the truth.

They did not come to play, but sincerely participated in this battle to obtain more resources.

If it leaks out, everyone knows that there is no danger, and if they want to compete for these resources and take the lead, then they will run for nothing.

Kill the Nether Stinger.

Capture Nether Cursed Dark Butterfly, captured Nether Cursed Monster. .

As well as mysterious beasts, to obtain more resources, these are the goals they want to achieve.

The evil man glanced at the sound transmission orb, and said happily: "I have new news, the family alliance is rapidly advancing, and the war is about to start!


Many family members were delighted.

Looking forward to this coming.

The evil man stood up and looked at the distant sky.

Dense black dots all over the sky.

"That's the Nether Stinger?! 35

"Golden ants?!

"Where did all these things come from?!"

The evil man smiled and said, "It would be even better if the group of ghost thorns and the savage beasts that were controlled were hostile beasts. Let's gather together and kill them together."

A young man next to him said, "Yes"

"Looking at that group of savage beasts, the lowest rank is Sanctuary, and I even see a lot of Legendary Excellent, Legendary Middle Grade, and even half epics there. 35

"These beasts are all big heads.

"If you kill them, if you capture them, you will definitely be able to exchange for a lot of good things."

"If we join forces and capture Ruyi, a beast of a curse-savvy or easy-to-control type, we'll be rich.

"It's not about making a fortune, it's about changing destiny."

The Neimen families present took a deep breath, their expressions excited.

Since the battle started, they have thought a lot.

The same is true for these outer families, if they want to go to the next level, or even go a step further.

Stand taller and see farther.

It is necessary to destroy the mysterious force of the enemy in exchange for resources.

"Hunting wild beasts in exchange for resources.


All the aristocratic families present seemed extremely excited, and for them, good days were coming soon.


The Virus Meredith Legion.

Nether thorn army.

The Gold Devouring Ant Legion and numerous enslaved beasts of all kinds.

It has now occupied 500 kilometers of the misty ghost land.

They clearly followed Lin Xuan's orders strictly.

The surging savage power spreads over the entire 5 million li radius of the Misty Ghost.

With the help of the secret realm fusion talent, Lin Xuan has already noticed that the misty ghost land and his own beast master space are integrated and connected with each other.

After two hours.

Lin Xuan's many wild beasts have successfully seized the space of the misty ghost land.

He has now completed the first step of Fusion Rift.

If there is no accident, in half an hour, you will be able to completely incorporate the 5 million kilometers of misty ghost land into your own beast-defending space.

This is an innate ability that belongs only to Lin Xuan.

Through the help of thousands of imperial beasts to help obtain huge land, indirectly obtain huge resources.

If Lin Xuan didn't acquire the secret fusion talent, he could only choose to eat these lands all at once.

It is somewhat wasteful to directly exchange these lands for one-time insect energy.

But with the talent for fusion of secret realms, he can pull this piece of land into his beast-guarding space.

Whether it's growing plants or cultivating wild beasts, it's a renewable resource that can be obtained again.

The Misty Land is a very fertile land.

Compared with the Aoki Plateau, the Aoki Plateau is basically the same as the desert.

Even the kind that gives birth to a legend gasps for breath.

Although the imperial beast space is wide and vast, there is nothing in it.

Lin Xuan's beasts are in the beast-defense space, and they must be allowed to come out to replenish food to gain vitality, otherwise if the time is too long, it is very likely that their strength will decline, or even starve to death.

This is the case with all beastmasters, who must obtain the resources of the world to support the beastmasters.

Lin Xuan counted today's gains.

Inviting the virus meson bug, he said: "Always monitor the movements of the family, lest they suddenly appear, catch us by surprise, and interrupt our secret fusion plan, which is not beautiful.

"Yes, my master."

The virus meson worm respectfully exuded mental fluctuations, and then hesitantly said, "In fact, with our current strength, the master can completely kill them easily."

"With the help of many half-epic beasts, none of these noble families can escape.

After evolving into a half-step epic level, the talent of the virus mustard worm has undergone a qualitative change at this time.

In the past, the division could only split into thousands of small virus Xeremia, and the strength of these small virus pests was still legendary.

But now its division skills have been greatly evolved.

Viral meson worms are now able to split countless small viral worms.

667 as long as the resources are sufficient.

It will be able to continuously split the endless virus Xeremia.

Moreover, these virus Xumiworms are still legendary and can completely control and enslave many children of aristocratic families silently.

Chen Xuan said with a smile: "Of course I believe in your strength, but don't do it for the time being, because there may be bigger fish coming directly."5

"I'm not quite sure.

Originally, Lin Xuan wanted to make Misty Ghost Land the basic game of the family.

But now that he has the talent for fusion of the secret realm, the misty ghost land will be his own territory in the future, and he will feel distressed if he breaks it.

In order to maintain his high image, of course he can not say so.

"Cough cough..."

"War is about fighting first, failing second, and exhausting third.

"Now the children of the aristocratic family have condensed most of their strength, and they have their cards against us.

"At this time, it's a little unwise to respond to the edge. As long as I pull the mist ghost into my beast-guarding space, then whatever the result is, we will win the item."

"At that time, we can even appreciate the scenes of those aristocratic families, angry, confused, and shocked. I think it must be very beautiful.

Lin Xuan believes that those families who have been entrenched for many years must have a lot of trump cards.

They must have a plan in place.

Fighting them on their turf is obviously a very unwise move.

Anyway, the Mist Ghost Emperor can move out now.

If that's the case, why did he fight against these aristocratic families on the mainland?

"So it is." The virus meson said respectfully.

"Master, I understand. Master's wisdom is like the sea, endless. Master, rest assured, I will definitely monitor all the actions of those families."

Lin Xuefeifei nodded, "Go to work."

"As your master. 39

After the virus-mediated insects left, Lin Xuan turned his attention to the Jinmu base again.

Now that he has integrated the secret fusion talent, the Aoki base, as a part of his own power, must naturally be integrated into his own beast-defense space.

Look through the previous half-step legendary war.

The overall strength of the Jinmu base is probably at the half-step legendary rank.

Including Bai Yi, Liu Yun, Yan Shuo and other high-level officials have surpassed the previous rank at this time, reaching the half-step legendary rank.

After all, they received a lot of family knowledge and a lot of resources to nourish.

The strength can simply be described as earth-shaking.

Before, they were all low-grade sanctuaries and middle-grade sanctuaries.

Although still weak.

Lin Xuan's thoughts flickered, and the golden wood base, which was originally occupied by gold-eating ants, was easily synchronized by Lin Xuan's beast-guarding space.

Now as long as Lin Xuan has a thought.

It can make Aoki base disappear and appear in his beast-guarding space.

Unfortunately, as the owner of the space for the beasts, Lin Xuan was unable to enter that place.

But even that is worth it.

After all, the Aoki Base brings him millions of insect energy benefits every day.

Although the Jinmu base is still very weak at present, it belongs to the last existence of Lin Xuan's forces.

Now the virus Xumi worm is ranked first, the ghost stinger is second, and the gold-devouring ant is third.

Naturally, the Aoki base can only be at the bottom.

Fortunately, the wisdom and understanding of human beings are not comparable to those of savage beasts.

The Aoki Base can bring a lot of innovative knowledge to Lin Xuan and digest the knowledge that Lin Xuan has plundered.

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