In the conference hall, after reading the cartoon "Fengyun", almost everyone was gnashing their teeth.

Although the level of this manga is much higher than other works on Tiandao Network, it is precisely because of this that this fragment makes people so uncomfortable.

"Hey? Wait, I seem to understand the skills..."

Suddenly, after a moment of astonishment, a young man in the seat said in a daze.

There are streams of light that are dissipating on his body.

"What?! After watching it once, you comprehend the skill?"

The people sitting here are at least experts at the bone forging level, and they won't frown even when facing fierce beasts.

Still, they were shocked by the news.

If you can comprehend the skills just by reading it once, the nine-year compulsory education can be changed to nine days!

"Ning Yu, have you really learned the skill? What skill?"

Ning Yu didn't hear this sentence at all at this time. He had already opened the Tiandao Network and was looking for his own information. After a while, Ning Yu hesitated and said.

"What I comprehended was a skill called Eclipse Sword Technique."

"It's just one of them..."


I don't know who couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Immediately afterwards, everyone in the hall looked eagerly at the cartoon on Tiandao Network.

"I seemed to read it too fast just now, I skipped a lot of details, I will read it again..."

"That's right, I think so too. I was too excited just now, so I have to take a closer look this time."

"Yes, such a good work, of course it needs to be read several times."

Looking at the lively people below, Yulongyan felt amused.

When will these people who shoulder the huge responsibility of keeping the powerful beasts out of the line of defense be as noisy as children.

She clapped her hands lightly, and there was a crisp sound like pearls falling on a plate.

"Everyone, don't waste time, spread the news of this comic to the army as soon as possible."

"I want everyone on the front line to read this cartoon tomorrow!"

The response speed of the frontline army was extremely fast.

After all, in the face of war all the time, any slow response may cause a great crisis.

Therefore, after Yulongyan gave the order, the other generals in the room also quickly returned to their respective areas of responsibility.

In just one night, almost everyone in the entire legion was woken up and given the highest priority tasks.

That is, read "Fengyun" all night!

Except for some shift changers who need to be vigilant about the surrounding situation, all the front-line tents and rooms are brightly lit all night.

In the beginning, many people still didn't understand.

"In the middle of the night, people are not allowed to sleep, just to read a cartoon?"

"This thing doesn't know how to 404, someday it won't work?"

"That's right, I'm so tired, I don't want people to have a good rest..."


All these puzzled and questioning voices stopped abruptly when they opened Tiandao Network and clicked on this comic.

"This... what kind of comic is this!"

"I've never seen it before, can you draw like this in comics?"

"Swords and swords, martial arts fighting for the front, damn it, my blood boils watching it!"

"If we were also in that martial arts world, we might be masters by now."


The unique world view of "Feng Yun", novel martial arts settings, various cool moves and flesh-and-blood characters, make these people who have almost only read various meditation manuals suddenly astonished!

The more they read this comic, the more they felt that what they had read for so many years was all about it.

In less than half an hour, the entire front line was completely quiet.

All previous doubts turned into admiration for this work.

And this silence only lasted for more than half an hour.

Because, someone else has comprehended the skill!

As the news spread, the entire front set off a new round of upsurge.

Those who have mastered the skills cheer loudly.

The person who didn't comprehend, his eyes were red, stared closely at every picture in the manga.


"You mean, just last night, 136 people in the army learned the skills? Did you learn the skills from that comic?"

As soon as Yulongyan came to the conference hall, she received a shocking news.

"My lord! To be precise, as of an hour ago, a total of 136 people had comprehended skills from the comic "Fengyun"."


"Have you tested it? How effective are these skills?"

The guard took a step forward, handed over a stack of papers in his hand, and continued.

"My lord, I've tested it. These skills are all offensive abilities, and they are powerful. The lowest one is a D-level skill!"


Yulongyan's eyes flickered for a while, and she didn't reply for a long time.

This situation was completely beyond her imagination.

Yesterday, she also comprehended skills, and more than one.

But this is also because Yulongyan herself is already a high-level martial artist in the Qi training realm, so she naturally has a higher success rate in comprehending skills.

So, at the time, she just thought that this comic might help people understand more, but she never thought that the effect would be so obvious!

Yulongyan's eyes flickered for a while, and a dazzling brilliance was released from her beautiful eyes.

"Go, call all the officers above the lieutenant in the army."

"I want to announce the task schedule for the next cycle!"

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PS: Ask for flowers, recommend tickets, rewards, and all support! Beg! ! !

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