The photos and videos released by the Great Xia Kingdom spread at an unimaginable speed.

In just a few days, it spread almost all over the world.

The content of the video is amazing.

When the Great Xia Kingdom was facing the sea beast attack, the United Fleet on the opposite side was watching the show from a distance, and had no intention of helping in the slightest.

And after a while, it was their turn to be attacked by sea beasts.

Here, the contrast becomes even more stark.

The Great Xia Kingdom only lost three warships in the face of sea beasts.

However, the chaos of the United Fleet that hindered each other was directly exposed.

There is also the kind of helplessness they faced when facing the huge waves, and they fled the battlefield regardless.

All kinds of behavior make everyone feel disdainful.

Especially the most vicious group of people who clamored before the Lighthouse Country.

What they originally shouted about taking revenge on the Great Xia Kingdom and making them pay for it all became a joke at this time.

The ugly behavior of the United Fleet on the video is even more blush.

"Is this our fleet? Is this an invincible army brought by our taxes? What are the gentlemen of Congress doing?"

"If you tie a dog up, it won't be like this, right?"

"I would like to thank the last giant wave for cleaning up this group of waste for us."

"I feel ashamed for them. What face does the Beacon Country have to make these accusations?"

With the spread of the video, the accusations of the whole world quieted down instantly, as if those things before were not done by them.

White skin, old double standard.

Those patriots before the lighthouse country, out of anger, directly changed the goal of the parade.

Instead, ask Congress for an explanation.

Why in the same sea area, the Great Xia Kingdom was able to wipe out the sea beasts, but the joint fleet could only hinder each other.

This is an unsolvable problem, and no one can explain it.

Because the supreme commander of the fleet, Sir Fryer, Keisuke Fujiwara and others have all been buried in the sea, and there is no way to come out and confess.

Sure enough, in order to appease the anger of the people, all the soldiers who escaped before were arrested at this time.

Without giving them a chance to defend themselves, accusations of treason and desertion were arranged one after another.

Soon, this turmoil came to an end when these survivors were used as scapegoats.

The world returned to calm again.

But the impact of this incident is extremely far-reaching.

Countless people began to analyze it.

Why did the United Fleet fail, but the Great Xia Fleet was able to return safely?

The video more or less exposed a lot of information.

Soon, under the frame-by-frame analysis of a large number of people, an unbelievable but reasonable conclusion was released.

The reason for all of this, the reason why Da Xia Kingdom was able to shine in this incident is because of the "Hokage Ninja"!

A cartoon that changed the combat power level of an army!

Although it is unbelievable to say, this kind of thing is not without precedent after all.

It's just that, in the period when Tiandao comics have become more and more homogeneous, such phenomenal works have not appeared for so many years.

This conclusion is not empty speculation, but a combination of some details in the video and some official data released by Daxia.

Only then did people from other countries realize that the "Hokage Ninja" was able to allow the Great Xia Kingdom to comprehend so many skills?

More importantly, almost all of these skills are of great use.

It's not the kind of life skills that they read comics before and finally comprehended.

Just climbing trees and treading water, the most basic operation in comics, has the importance of changing the entire world.

If the soldiers of the lighthouse country also have this skill, then this time they will definitely not suffer such a heavy loss.

With the widespread dissemination of these popular sciences, people all over the world have set off a round of "Hokage" craze.

Even if they couldn't understand the text above, they read it with gusto.

However, due to cultural differences and language differences, it is difficult for them to comprehend skills as easily as the citizens of Great Xia.

This time the incident will end with the soaring popularity of "Hokage Ninja", which is indeed beyond everyone's imagination.

In just a few days, the ranking of this comic has risen rapidly, and it has even rushed to the top of the list!

Tianbang is the most attention-grabbing list of Tiandao comics.

This list will be calculated based on comprehensive factors such as the number of readers of the comics, the number of follow-up readers, and ratings.

For a long time, the works on the Tianbang are basically textbook comics from various countries.

The huge reading base and the steady stream of new readers pushed the rankings of these comics to a high level.

And it lasts.

Generally speaking, as long as it is on the Tianbang, more readers will be able to see this work and click to read it.

And this will cause the data to rise further.

The whole is a virtuous circle.

Therefore, Tianbang works often do not change for many years.

The following comics are difficult to break out of the massive comic library.

But now it's different.

Times have changed.

Ever since Shen Hui came here, people in this world have discovered that comics can be drawn so interestingly.

At the same time, the popularity of this manga drove Shen Hui's other "Feng Yun" to spread widely.

Although he only painted one piece of "Feng Yun", it is an earlier work after all, and the story is also considered to be over to a certain extent.

Naturally, it is more popular than the Hokage ninja, which has a slow progress in serialization.

The people of Daxia have infinite reverie about this kind of martial arts rivers and lakes full of swords and swords.

People from other countries, although they can't understand the mysterious and mysterious things in it, they still feel greatly shocked.

Just at this time of widespread attention, Shen Hui's Heavenly Dao system sent a new hint.

[Your work "Feng Yun" has met the requirements and has been listed as a high-quality manga certified by Tiandao! Whether to choose to realize the items in it! 】

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