The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 67: Nanbang Country's Secret Weapon!

In this dim room, the leader of the Beacon Kingdom made a gloomy decision.

Although the entire human race has always faced a very serious problem of beasts.

However, these countries, which are constructed by different cultures and ideas, have been fighting each other openly and secretly.

After all, the resources of the whole world are limited, and ferocious beasts occupy a large area of ​​land, and the living range of human beings is much narrower.

In order to compete for resources, these countries will use everything - to the extreme.

Beacon Country is like this, it's always been like this

But now, the Great Xia Kingdom has exposed such a cartoonist who obviously will bring about huge changes to the entire world situation, and the leader of the Lighthouse Kingdom couldn't sit still on the spot.

If this situation is not curbed, the future situation will become more and more difficult.

The current situation has explained many problems.

With the same level of fighting, the Great Xia Kingdom was able to handle the crisis of the beast tide with ease.

However, the Lighthouse Country could only barely maintain the front line in the battle.

This comparison makes a difference.

That's why the Grand Commander issued that order, when the crisis of the beast tide has not been resolved.

Right now, three or four of the top ten masters in the Lighthouse Country have been sent to the front lines in various positions.

It's just that with Robert's lessons learned, these masters are also deliberately paddling in the battle.

They dare not rashly go deep into the enemy's rear, or wantonly use their power to overdraw or consume themselves too much.

It has been more than ten days since the outbreak of the beast crisis.

The war has basically stabilized at this point.

Soldiers from various countries have also begun to familiarize themselves with the types of fierce beasts, their attack methods, weaknesses and other information.

And, after all, these places were once human dwellings.

There are many things on the ground that fierce beasts don't understand.

Like a power station, like a gas station...

When it came time to really have no choice, the Lighthouse Country had no choice but to use this option of killing one thousand enemies and self-defeating eight hundred.

Through the lure of a small number of soldiers, they attracted a large group of fierce beasts to the corresponding location.



The sound of the explosion resounded through the sky.

The dense flames and pitch-black smoke enveloped the entire sky, instantly devouring the large group of ferocious beasts around.

This kind of suicide attack was very effective, and soon caused a large area of ​​casualties of the beast.

Humans also took the opportunity to retake large tracts of land.

The Beacon Country also got a respite from here.

Around the world, the war situation in other countries has also stabilized at this time.

The only difference is that they all paid great sacrifices for this.

I don't know how many homes were reduced to ashes, and how many soldiers and ordinary people died in battle.

Moreover, in different places, the ferocious beasts are either digging river channels or desertifying the land, doing a slow but extremely threatening erosion activity.

They are gradually encroaching on human land.

It is conceivable that if these places later become more suitable for the survival activities of fierce beasts, then the scope of human activities will be further compressed.

It is this kind of behavior that makes all countries pay attention.

They no longer planned to clean up slowly, but made up their minds to clean up the beast first even if they paid a higher price.

The soldiers of Nanbang State have received the latest instructions from the trusted commander, and they have gathered in the southern region of the entire country at this time.

Further ahead, the coastal area that was originally their territory has now become the position of fierce beasts.

There are countless fierce beasts stretching out their mouthparts in the sea, and each water cannon and water arrow has a huge and incomparable lethality.

If someone suffers like this, I am afraid that a professional team will be invited on the spot.

And even if the soldiers can dodge and rush through this powerful firepower cover, they still have to face countless crustacean sea beasts.

These sea beasts that can go ashore only need to be infiltrated by sea water every once in a while before they can move on land for a long time.

This is also the fierce beast that has caused the greatest casualties to humans so far.

Hundreds of thousands of troops gathered.

The geographical location of Nanbang country made him not have to consider other directions, and there was another country in the north that resisted another incoming beast.

Only then can they bring together the combat power of the whole country at this time.

This is obviously a one-off effort.

When the soldiers gathered, they naturally exchanged ideas about what they had encountered before.

Every battle with a fierce beast can make other people truly experience the cruelty of war.

It's just that these people talked about the video sent by the Great Xia Kingdom before.

"Sigh, I don't know what's going on in Great Xia Kingdom now? Is their video real?"

"It should be true, otherwise the above should have refuted the rumor long ago."

"But that's too outrageous, everyone is human, why are they so much better than us? Doesn't make sense?"

A young soldier was very emotional, he couldn't understand where this gap appeared.

"That's right, obviously everyone encountered the same beasts, why are they so easy to deal with?"

"I heard that it seems that they are all skills learned from the comic "Hokage Ninja"!"

The soldiers also have people who know more about other countries, but because of language differences, this person is not sure what is going on.

""Hokage Ninja"? I have the impression, I remember that this manga was on the top of the list before? Isn't that a brush?"

"Hey, I don't know. I've read a few pages, but I really can't understand it. There's nothing I can do. It would be great if the Great Commander could pay attention to what the Great Xia State said before."

"That's right, if we could have done a good job of defense on the coastline then, maybe we would not be worse than Great Xia now, I think our Nanbang Kingdom lost to a first mover.

Gritting his teeth, the man who spoke resentfully hammered the wall.

He is very dissatisfied and has the right to be dissatisfied.

After all, things have developed to this point, and in retrospect, they actually had many opportunities to avoid this tragic situation from happening.

However, Daxia Kingdom's remarks at that time were not recognized by people in the whole world, and they even regarded the other party as scaremongering.

Among them, he also cursed the Great Xia Kingdom at that time.

It's just that things don't depend on people's will after all.

The crisis of ferocious beasts finally came, and brought countless flames of war to their homeland.

"Ready to assemble!"

The inspiring trumpets resounded through the sky.

All soldiers know that the moment of the final battle has come.

They have already divided into teams according to the skills they possess.

The sounding of the horn represents the fateful moment of Nanbangguo.

Hundreds of thousands of troops were divided into numerous small and large squads.

Everyone has a radio headset plugged into their ears, which allows them to receive orders from their immediate superiors in the melee.

After a noisy and chaotic integration, the troops set off to the designated location.

Going forward will be within the range of firepower of the sea beast.

"Wizard Troop! Prepare!"

A loud command sound came from the earphones.

A group of people in gray robes silently walked to the front of the battlefield.

In their hands they carried a beautifully crafted wand.

After the group of so-called wizards walked to the front, all of them stretched out their wands at the same time, pointing at the sky at a 45-degree angle.


These people took a deep breath at the same time, shouted a spell that others could not understand at all, and then the energy of the whole body flowed into the staff along the arms, and then released from the top, spreading a cloud in the sky in front of the entire army It has a transparent barrier like an eggshell.

"All soldiers! Forward!"

The wizard troops stepped forward at the same time, maintaining their skills and heading towards the beast's position.

The large troops behind also took the opportunity to follow up.

Just as they crossed the dividing line, the sea beasts also launched an attack immediately.

Countless water arrows poured down from the distant sky, like a sudden rainstorm.

It's just that under the national power of the entire Nanbang country, these attacks were finally resisted smoothly.

The water arrow pierced through and hit the barrier directly, as if a drop of water fell into the sea, only producing transparent ripples, but did not penetrate through after all.

"Good! As expected, it seems that Western comics are worth learning!"

On a high platform in the rear, the trusted commander Pu Taining was nervously watching the situation on the battlefield.

The plan of the wizard army was proposed by him, and it did have a great effect at this time.

The so-called wizards are actually nothing but soldiers who have learned the skills of wizards.

The key is the manga they study.

Those are some of the most popular comics in the West over the years, and they have had a huge impact on the entire world.

Nanbang Country's own country doesn't have any high-level comics. If you want to realize powerful skills, you can only learn the language and characters of other countries.

And the choice they made was to learn the language of Tajikistan.

After learning this language, they can learn powerful abilities through several well-known comics in Tiandao comics.

Such as "Harry Wave II Big", "Anal Iron Man", "Touching the Ring"...etc.

As for the language of the Great Xia Kingdom, they once thought of arranging some people to study it specially, and only when the Great Xia Kingdom has excellent works can they develop the power earlier.

However, things only started to progress and stalled.

Because the language and characters of the Great Xia Kingdom are really too difficult.

Few people can learn it at all.

Even if they have learned to write, they will not be able to comprehend the cultural connotation that has accumulated for thousands of years.

The result of such an attempt is that no one can comprehend the skills from the cartoons of the Great Xia Kingdom!

Over time, these countries have also given up on this idea and turned their heads to specialize in popular Western comics to draw strength from them.

This is the case with the wizarding army at the moment.

These people were specially trained from childhood, from living habits to daily communication, all follow the Western process.

This also allowed them to truly understand the powerful abilities from these well-known comics.

At this time, these people worked together to open the barrier to protect all the troops behind them, allowing the soldiers to break through the range of firepower and enter the final stage of strangulation on the battlefield.

Seeing this scene, Pu Taining felt a lot more at ease.

Before this, these wizards were only used as a regular force to fight on the front line, but he keenly discovered a better use, so he organized them.

This wizard army did not live up to what was entrusted, and his confidence was once again satisfied.

"Hmph, that's what the strength of the Great Xia Kingdom is all about. If it wasn't for the fact that the previous commander was too weak, how could our Nanbang Kingdom have lost to this extent?"

Pu Taining said to the secretary next to him with a disdainful face.

In his opinion, the Lighthouse Country is the strongest, and the Great Xia Country is the strongest.

Although the video sent once looked shocking, it was nothing more than a reasonable distribution of their power.

0…ask for flowers…………

The previous commander of Nanbangguo failed to do so, but didn't the first arrangement after he took office produce remarkable results?

It is not the soldiers of Nanbang who are weak, but the people who command them.

Pu Taining shook his head, and continued to the other people around him.

"If Jin Chengyong, that trash, didn't die in battle, I would impeach him too! If it wasn't for him, how could our country have reached the present level?"

"But it's okay, I'm here, and there will be no more problems in the future.

Similar to Pu Taining's thoughts, under the transparent barrier covering the sky, these hundreds of thousands of soldiers gradually lost their minds as they watched the countless attacks intercepted from the sky

Their confidence was rekindled, and they also had a more ideal view of the outcome of this war.

"Hey, I thought it was because the Great Xia Kingdom is so powerful. It turns out that our commander is too weak. If he hadn't died in battle, I would have killed him now!"

"Damn it, it's all because of that trash. How many people died in Nanbang Kingdom? If it wasn't for him, we would have wiped out the beasts long ago!"

"It seems that the Great Xia Kingdom has a relatively powerful commander. It is indeed a character who can use their weak strength to such an extent!"

"But it doesn't matter. Our newly appointed Commander Piao Taining is not weak at all. If it weren't for him, we would have lost countless lives if we wanted to rush over."

Because of the need to keep maintaining the protective barrier, the wizard troops couldn't move forward at all, and the troops in the rear could only chat while advancing.

As we all know, Nanbang people have an extremely arrogant character.

Even if you punch him to the ground, he will still hang his neck and put on an air of dissatisfaction.

They were so shocked by the content of the video sent by the Great Xia Kingdom after they were completely scared in front of the beast.


But now, after their commander showed them new possibilities, this character has once again manifested.

Once these people changed their previous attitudes, they all showed a disdainful attitude towards the Great Xia Kingdom.

Get rid of your own incompetence by throwing the blame on the previous commander who died in battle.

However, at least they can still rush forward against the barrier at this time.

In the sky, the sea beasts kept releasing attacks like rain, setting off countless ripples on the entire barrier.

Seeing the transparent barrier standing firm as usual, Pu Taining felt even more relieved.

It's just that, after all, because he was in the rear, he didn't notice that some of these wizards who had made great achievements were in a bad situation.

Although this world can comprehend various skills through Tiandao comics.

But the release of skills requires energy after all.

This energy is called spiritual power.

The spiritual power possessed by each person's body is limited.

They can only rely on continuous practice to broaden their spiritual power pool so that they can last longer in battle.

The same goes for these wizards.

Pu Taining has also tested before, and on average, each of these wizards can last for more than two hours to maintain the effectiveness of this barrier.

It's just that he missed one point, that is, the attacks of the beasts are too dense and too frequent.

Every attack hitting this barrier will intensify the consumption of these wizards.

But this time, the attacks they encountered were so frequent that in less than half an hour, some of the wizards at the front began to stagger.

If it weren't for the barrier constructed by this joint force to spread the attacks evenly, some wizards would have been unable to bear it long ago.

The current situation is nothing more than increasing the consumption of some powerful wizards to give weak wizards a chance to breathe.

This situation may create even more dire problems.

That is, when the barrier is broken, it means that all wizards cannot withstand this strong attack.

At that time, the sorcerer troop, which has brought so much hope to the Nanbang Kingdom, will probably die suddenly in an instant.

An elderly wizard walked at the front of the team.

At this moment, he was already bleeding from the nose, and two long bloodlines slid down his face.

The wizard was very desperate, but there was nothing he could do.

The barrier must be maintained, otherwise there would be no way to survive facing the beast with such a weak body.

It was impossible to retreat, hundreds of thousands of troops swarmed forward, and there was no room for retreat, and it was impossible to even turn around hastily.

He can only move forward, even if he knows that he will not last long, he can only move forward.


A few minutes later, the elderly wizard fell flat on the ground as if he had tripped over something that didn't exist.

And this moment seemed to turn on some kind of signal, the long row of wizard troops at the front of the team suddenly fell to the ground one after another at this moment, and died suddenly on the spot!

And the transparent barrier in the sky also seemed to make a sound of glass shattering, and it shattered with a click.

The sea beast's intensive and continuous attacks finally met no resistance, and poured down on the entire army like a torrential rain.

But at this time, the hundreds of thousands of people in the rear didn't even react at all.

It wasn't until the powerful attack hit the middle of the crowd that the sound of the explosion and the splashing of flesh and blood brought these people back to their senses.

The whole team fell into chaos in an instant.

At this moment, the crowded formation is like a living graveyard, making it impossible for people to escape. .

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