The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 89: Ice Age! The Sea Beast Fleet Was Instantly Destroyed!

When the large number of sea beast fleets from the Lighthouse Kingdom arrived in the coastal waters of the Great Xia Kingdom, they stopped directly at sea and began to repair themselves.

After a month of continuous sailing, these people could hardly hide the tiredness on their faces.

But at this time now, they already knew clearly that they would reach the territory of the Great Xia Kingdom not far ahead.

When we get there, all the hardships we have suffered these days will be regained!

This is an army of one hundred thousand!

All the soldiers looked at the huge formation on their side and the huge black shadow constantly swaying under the sponge, and a strong confidence was ignited in their hearts.

On the sea, among other things, the 100,000 army of sea beasts that can obey orders can almost sweep everything away.

And these 100,000 soldiers are also superhumans who have comprehended various skills.

Adding these two factors together, the strength can no longer be described as doubling.

When the order from above was issued, these soldiers also relaxed and rested.

At this time, Yinzhen Kingdom also received a notification from the Lighthouse Kingdom.

"What? They said that we were invaded by sea beasts because we destroyed the environment of the sea during the last joint military exercise?"

"And you said you're going to sanction us because of this?"

"Lighthouse Country doesn't want any face at all."

After receiving the news, the person in charge of the external liaison department immediately went to the Daxia Palace to report.

His face was full of anger, even the empress of the mansion felt both funny and disgusted by this rhetoric.

On the dragon chair, the Empress's expression was indifferent, her eyes were slightly closed, and she gave an order coldly.

"It seems that they have made up their minds this time. If that's the case, we don't have to hold back."

"By announcing the matter, it's time for other countries in the world to re-recognize the big and small kings."

Following the Queen's order in the palace.

The entire Great Xia Kingdom moved quickly.

There is a big deviation from the forecast of the leader of the Lighthouse Kingdom, and the Great Xia Kingdom has already discovered the large number of sea beast fleets in advance.

During the short two days when they were still repairing and waiting for the fighter plane, countless soldiers and people from the Great Xia Kingdom gathered along the coast.

The entire Great Xia Kingdom was excited, and after the Great Xia Kingdom spread the announcement from the Lighthouse Kingdom all over the world, the people of the Great Xia Kingdom were all excited.

"Damn it, they lighthouse people are cheap. Didn't they just want to make trouble last time?"

"Now that I'm talking about it, I think they're probably going to make trouble again."

"Brothers, you don't know this. After the last beast tide, the current domestic situation in the Beacon Country is very bad. We are just waiting to find an external target to divert our attention!"

"They must be trying to divert the conflict and treat us like persimmons."

The population of the Great Xia Kingdom is extremely large, and they have gradually realized the dark thoughts of other countries in the world over the years.

After a simple analysis, many people quickly understood the root cause of the incident.

And the more these things were analyzed, the more vigilant the people of Khotan became.

"Brother, if you say that, they won't be going to war this time, will they?"

"War? I'm eager to start a war. Treat us like a persimmon. It depends on whether he has those two tricks!"

All of a sudden, people and soldiers from all over the Great Xia Kingdom headed towards the coast one after another.

In the past two days, millions of people have arrived at the beach.

In front of you is the endless vast sea, and behind you are densely populated people who are filled with righteous indignation.

The whole situation seemed to be on the verge of breaking out.

However, in order to hide their figures, the sea beast fleet of the Lighthouse Kingdom couldn't even see the coastline of the Great Xia Kingdom where they stopped.

After repairing for two days, on the morning of the third day, the entire Sea Beast Fleet headed towards the territory of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Because the sea beasts are relatively large in size, the distance between each soldier is also relatively large.

These 100,000 soldiers spread out on the sea, almost covering the entire area of ​​sight.

This huge formation gave the soldiers of the Lighthouse Kingdom great courage and confidence.

"This time, can we directly destroy the Great Xia Kingdom?"

"I've seen them upset for a long time. This time, let's wipe out their sea power first, and then land directly. Even if we encounter any problems and evacuate at that time, they will not be able to catch up with us at all."

"That's right! With the skills in "Jaws", the entire ocean of the world will belong to our lighthouse country."

Because it was too boring on the sea, Tian Bing chatted happily on the walkie-talkie.

They are extremely optimistic about this action, and some even have already thought about what they will do when they return to their hometown after the war is over.

"By the way, it's already so close, why haven't we seen the warships of the Great Xia Kingdom?"

"Yeah, could it be that we were lucky? It just so happened that their warship didn't patrol this place?"

"Hahaha, this is luck. It seems that the defeat of the Great Xia Kingdom this time should be God's will."

In the process of advancing, someone finally discovered what was missing in this sea area.

That is the warship of the Great Xia Kingdom.

This place already belongs to the offshore area of ​​the Great Xia Kingdom. According to common sense, there should be a group of fleets constantly cruising and patrolling in the sea.

However, the soldiers of the lighthouse country did not find these giant steel ships at all.

In this vast and boundless sea, if there is a warship, it will definitely be discovered by these people in an instant.

These soldiers attributed this doubt to luck, and continued to move forward. After the entire sea beast fleet advanced for tens of nautical miles, the soldiers in the front row were able to see the Great Encirclement Sea.


But at this time, they discovered a situation that they couldn't understand at all.

On the beach of Daxia Kingdom, there were actually dense crowds at this time.

Since the Great Xia Kingdom does not have the ability to control sea beasts, the population density on these beaches far exceeds that of the Lighthouse Fleet.

Not only that, but the more important thing that shocked these soldiers even more was that a group of people similar to them appeared on that sea!

Those people were also standing on the sea, densely packed, as if what they were stepping on was not sea water at all, but flat ground.

"What the hell is going on here? Could it be that the people of the Great Xia Kingdom also watched our "Jaws"?"

"Who can explain to me, how did Great Xia know about our actions this time?"

"Why are there so many people here waiting for us to arrive?"

The commander of the Sea Beast Fleet saw this scene, his eyes widened, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

He didn't understand why this strictly confidential military operation encountered heavy soldiers who had already prepared for the car.

What is even more incomprehensible is that the Daxia soldiers actually have abilities similar to theirs?

"What's going on in the Great Xia Kingdom? Why can so many of them know this skill?"

The people in the Lighthouse Country can't understand at all, although their "Jaws" can make these people realize this magical and powerful ability.

However, in so many days, the entire Lighthouse Country can only make up the 100,000 people.

But what about the scene in front of us?

Let alone a population of one million, they are actually standing on the sea at this time, confronting the sea beast fleet of the Lighthouse Kingdom across the air.

"No, no, it is impossible for the Great Xia Kingdom to have such a strong strength!"

"Also, so what if they can also operate on the sea? Could they also have a hundred thousand sea beasts like us?"

The commander of the lighthouse country keenly discovered the difference between the two.

His words were transmitted to the ears of all soldiers through the walkie-talkie.

This sentence also instantly quieted these people down.

In their hearts, or in the hearts of the entire lighthouse country and the vast majority of people in the world.

Humans and ferocious beasts are two completely different life forms.

Human beings have been able to come to this point under the threat of ferocious beasts, one is because human beings have a powerful existence like Tiandao comics, and the other is that human beings have rich wisdom

Through various techniques, human beings can face fewer ferocious beasts with more numbers.

Only this kind of way of fighting more and less, and using a large number of people to pull and walk can defeat the fierce beast.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of these soldiers in the Lighthouse Country, one person simply cannot defeat a beast of the same level.

But what about this time? They have hundreds of thousands of high-level sea beasts.

The level of these sea beasts captured from the deep sea is generally not low, and their strength is even more terrifying.

"That's right, the 100,000 sea beasts under our feet alone can wipe out their one million population!"

"Without warships as protection, these people are vulnerable to sea beasts!"

"It's useless to rely on the number of people. Only elite combat forces like us can gain an absolute advantage on the battlefield!"

The commander took a deep breath, looked at the dense crowd in the distance, and shouted loudly.

"Go ahead! Crush 'em!"

The momentum of the entire fleet changed instantly, and all soldiers began to prepare their skills.

Moreover, the sea beasts under their feet also began to show their teeth and claws, setting off waves on the sea.

Naturally, this action was clearly seen by the soldiers and people of Great Xia Kingdom on the opposite side.

"Damn it, the Lighthouse Country won't stop? It seems they are determined to go to war!"

"There are only a few people here and there, do they think they can do it again?"

Seeing the approaching lighthouse fleet, these soldiers instantly became angry.

The sea beast fleet's approaching actions have clearly declared their intentions.

This intention instantly angered the people of Great Xia.

Standing at the forefront of the sea is He Fan, the highest officer of the army in the entire coastal region of the Great Xia Kingdom.

He Fan glanced at the opposite fleet and estimated the distance in his mind.

He picked up a big horn and shouted loudly.

"Listen up, people on the other side! You have already broken into the waters of the Great Xia Kingdom!"

"Now we order you to stop immediately, turn around and leave within ten minutes!"

"Otherwise, our side will launch a large-scale attack! Don't say it's unpredictable!"

He Fan only said it once, and then casually threw the trumpet into the sea.

Then he folded his arms around his chest and looked at the sea beast fleet that was still approaching.

Of course, all of this was also captured by the professional photography agency behind.

These things can become the reasons for the Great Xia Kingdom in the future.

When He Fan's words were conveyed to the fleet of the Lighthouse Kingdom, it was not surprising that they caused a little commotion.

These people have always been arrogant.

When they go to other countries, they are often treated as guests, and there are even countless licking dogs around to flatter them.

However, the people of Great Xia don't accept this at all.

He Fan's stern warning seemed like a desperate provocation to these lighthouse soldiers.

Their commander even laughed directly.

"Ha ha ha, big

Xia Guo is warning us again, do they think they can catch up with us if they produce a new manga artist?"

"It's only been a year since this cartoonist made his debut. Even if his two cartoons are good, it's impossible to increase the strength of the entire Great Xia Kingdom so much in such a short period of time.

many. "

"That's right, the Great Xia Kingdom is just bluffing now. We can't give them this time, so we should take advantage of them before they grow up.

You have to be convinced!"

"Hmph, those people in front don't know if there are stones under their feet..."

The Lighthouse Fleet ignored He Fan's warning, and even felt a little humiliated.

They simply don't believe that these people from the Great Xia Kingdom can cause any substantial damage to their fleet.

They didn't even believe that these people in front of them were standing on the sea with their skills.

In the whole world, for so many years, there has never been a comic that allows so many people to comprehend so many abilities in such a short period of time.

The people of the Beacon Country did not believe that the Great Xia Country could do such a thing.

On the other side, He Fan took out his pocket watch from his coat pocket, glanced at it, and then said calmly.

"`Okay, it's time!"

He Fan closed the pocket watch casually and put it back in his pocket.

With a "click", the crisp sound seemed to be the horn of war, and the countless people behind him immediately took corresponding poses.

Ice Escape! Ice Age!"

Tens of thousands of people shouted the name of this combined skill in unison.

This skill, which has not appeared in the comics, makes many people who are still on the beach a little puzzled.

However, they quickly reacted.

After all, reality is not a game, and the combination of skills is full of infinite possibilities.

When these tens of thousands of people used the ice escape skill at the same time, the entire sea froze instantly from under their feet.

The ice layer seemed to be created out of thin air, and it directly froze the sea surface of the entire sea area.

And quickly spread to the distance.

The Daxia soldiers who were originally standing on the sea now stood directly on the ice.

This level of skill is called Ice Age, which is completely appropriate.

The skills used by the soldiers of Great Xia Kingdom are the basic operations in "Hokage Ninja", treading water.

In fact, this ability is to use energy to spread under the soles of the feet, and through a delicate control to make the water support people up.

In other words, the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom did not actually receive the sea.

That's why after these ice layers are formed, they can directly stand on them easily.

However, the other side is completely different.

The soldiers of the lighthouse country rely on the power of sea beasts to advance continuously in the sea.

Even a good portion of their lower legs are below the surface of the water.

After all, the sea beast was in action, and its movements were ups and downs. It was impossible to completely lift the soldiers on its back out of the sea.

The fundamental gap between these two skills becomes the distance between life and death at this moment.

The ice layer spread over in an instant.

stand up.

The advancing sea beast fleet also seemed to have been pressed the pause button in an instant.

The soles of the feet of countless soldiers were also frozen in the ice instantly, unable to move for a while.

Howled in pain.

Only the people in some places in the back jumped up wittyly when there were countless screams in front, and avoided this (Nuo's Zhao) crisis.

And those who were frozen in place could do nothing but howl.

The biting chill made these people scream in pain.

The entire sea beast fleet lost nearly one-third of its soldiers and all the sea beasts in one encounter!

The sea beasts they had placed high hopes on could only be frozen in the ice at this time, like exquisitely crafted specimens.

The lighthouse soldiers who jumped onto the ice didn't care about those howling comrades at all.

They looked terrified, and they didn't understand what happened in front of them.

Because their commander stood at the forefront, he was also the first to encounter this ice condensation.

At the first moment, he didn't have time to react to what happened.

The entire calf has been frozen in the ice.

"What exactly is going on?"

"How did the Great Xia Kingdom have such a terrifying skill? Why have they never heard of it?"

The commander couldn't care about other things at all at this time, he just felt resentful and kept cursing the soldiers of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Soon, someone noticed his condition, and two soldiers from the Lighthouse Kingdom rushed over from behind.

He grabbed the commander and shouted loudly.

"My lord! I'm here to save you!"

"My lord, what should we do now?"

While the two hurriedly asked the army what to do next, they tried hard to pull the commander out of the ice.

However, at this time, the officer kept pushing the two of them away with his hands in pain.

"No! Don't pull me! Let go!"

Before the two of them understood, the pulling force in their hands suddenly loosened.

The commander was dragged out directly!

However, his legs remained in the ice.

Due to the intense cold, Yizao had already lost the pain in her legs.

He looked at the two soles of his feet in the ice with a dull and confused expression, his eyes were empty, and he couldn't say anything anymore.

This battle was actually over from the very beginning. When the Sea Beast Fleet lost the Sea Beast, they could only wait to die.

The soldiers of Great Xia Kingdom approached slowly from all rears.

As if it was a military parade, stepping on the thick layer of ice made a uniform sound. .

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