The Age Of Beasts: I Drove Readers Crazy When I Drew Manga

Chapter 91: I Feel Like I Can Do It Again! Shen Hui's Comic Strikes Back!

When Yang Hao opened the door full of doubts, he never expected that the leader of the Lighthouse Kingdom would appear here.

This man can be said to be the most powerful man on the entire blue star for a long time before.

And now, he actually made a special trip to see him?

"Come in!"

Yang Hao took a step back and led the commander into the room.

In Yang Hao's mind, he had extremely complicated emotions towards the commander in chief.

This person dug him out from the grassroots and provided him with many opportunities, including paying a high price to invite Luo Lin, who was in the Lighthouse Country at the time, to teach him lessons.

From this point of view, the commander-in-chief is kind to Yang Hao.

However, after the failure of Yang Hao's "Green Titan", the opponent did not hesitate to abandon it like a shoe.

This huge gap brought Yang Hao great humiliation.

It also made Yang Hao full of resentment towards the Lighthouse Country.

However, all of this changed after the commander-in-chief came in person.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you before!"

In the room, the commander apologized to Yang Hao in front of Luo Lin.

The scene shocked both of them.

If it gets out, I am afraid that countless people in Tayi will gather to impeach him in a few hours.

But the Grand Commander really had no choice.

The final result of this action against the Great Xia Kingdom was that the vitality of the entire Lighthouse Kingdom was severely damaged.

Until the commander-in-chief left, the people of the Lighthouse Country were still in a sad and confused atmosphere.

The situation in the entire Beacon Country has really reached a very difficult moment.

The Grand Commander was almost completely helpless.

However, at this time, the news of the new work "Harry Boda" came from the empire.

This comic has attracted the attention of countless people as soon as it was released.

Especially the lighthouse country with the same culture.

They urgently need such a comic to break the deadlock.

And the commander-in-chief made a special trip this time to ease the relationship between the Lighthouse Kingdom and Yang Jie.

The effect of this action is remarkable.

On the second day, the officials of the Daiying Empire issued a new announcement.

[The baby-bearing empire and the lighthouse country have reached a new strategic alliance!】

The fine print of the circular - describing a series of new treaties of mutual benefit.

In general, it is almost equivalent to the feeling that the two sides have completely formed an alliance.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Beacon Country went into a carnival.

"Okay! As long as there is no "Harry Boda", we and the Daiying Empire don't have to worry about the situation of the Great Xia Kingdom at all."

"Hahaha, as long as you read more of this manga during this time, those people from the Great Xia Kingdom will never be our opponents!"

"We can't give Great Xia another chance this time. After comprehending the skills, we must give them some color right away!"

"Harry Boda" has only been released for a few days.

However, these Western elites who pay attention to these cartoons have already made a clear judgment on this cartoon.

That is, it will surpass the previous works and become a new benchmark!

These people have all read the previous series of "Harry Boda", so they also have an extremely accurate standard for judging this comic.

After all, this isn't as raw and mysterious as the cartoons of the Great Xia Kingdom.

They looked at the new powerful abilities that appeared in the comics, and the citizens of the two countries also had strong confidence.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A piece of green light emitted from the tip of a finger, covering a piece of grass in front of it together.

In just a few seconds, this lush grassland full of vitality quickly withered.

The vitality withered, and the green grass blades withered and rolled up in an instant.

Then, everyone mixed the wine into a field yellow powder.

This is a new skill that has just been learned from "Harry Boda".

When this person sent out the video of his skills, the entire Western countries were shocked.

The Grand Commander repeatedly confirmed the situation on the phone.

Because although the skills in Tiandao comics can be reproduced to reach reality, after all, they will be adjusted to the rules that can be integrated into reality.

It's like the Impure World Reincarnation in "Hokage Ninja", which is impossible to comprehend at all.

Otherwise, the Great Xia Kingdom could already sweep the world with this skill.

Therefore, many people have paid attention to this death curse from the very beginning.

Pay attention to what kind of power it will be when it reappears in reality.

And this video gave the Grand Commander unlimited confidence.

This is the most intuitive power, the ability to directly deprive vitality surpasses all other skills.

"This will be our chance to rise again!"

"Make Lighthouse Great Again!"

The Grand Commander made a wild announcement on the phone.

As soon as he saw the video, he had already called the baby-carrying empire.

Even Yang Hao was shocked by the power of this ability.

Soon, under the joint propaganda of the two countries.

This video quickly swept the world.

The powerful effect of the skill has excited countless people.

"Just wait! When we have more people who understand the skill this time, we can completely bring the Great Xia Kingdom back to its original shape with just this one skill!"

The commander swore secretly in his heart.

The crowd with the empire was even more excited.

The powerful effect of the skill exceeded everyone's expectations.

Gradually, more and more people began to realize the powerful ability in "Harry Boda".

The whole empire is excited.

With this rapid increase in strength, countless people began to target the Great Xia Kingdom.

In this world, the vast majority of countries are siding, and they basically choose the camp of the lighthouse country and the imperial empire.

However, because of the unique cultural heritage of the Great Xia Kingdom and their incompatibility with the world, these countries that are only good at plundering cannot integrate at all.

The Daiying Empire has long had special thoughts on the Great Xia Kingdom.

"Has it been officially announced? How many people have comprehended this skill so far?"

"I don't know yet, the last time it was announced, there were already 30,000 people!"

"Thirty thousand people? Are there only so many people in the whole world who have realized this ability? Then how can we fight Daxia?"

"What are you in a hurry for? How long has it taken? It's impossible for such a strong ability to be comprehended so quickly.

"Wait a little longer, after this period of time, there should be a big explosion soon!"

Countless people continue to pay attention to this comic, and they also pay attention to the number of powerful skills they have learned.

After all, this is where the world comes from.

Seeing the current number, these people estimated the previous situation and strength of the Great Xia Kingdom, and only felt that if they waited for a while, they would be in a state of complete crushing with the Empire.

The whole situation is very good, and the people are unexpectedly full of confidence.

The officials of the Daiying Empire have even provoked the Great Xia Kingdom since this time.

This made the people of Great Xia Kingdom all angry.

In the official and folk accounts of the Daiying Empire, they belittled Shen Hui's two comics to the extreme, and even bluntly stated that his third comic is just a shelf, "it can't be compared with their "Harry Botian" at all." .

There are even meddlesome people posting videos of Avada Kedavra on the Internet.

They painted all kinds of small animals with red paint, and then watched it struggle quickly under the death curse, but couldn't break free at all, and could only lose its life in just a few seconds.

Such a video is obviously alluding to the Great Xia Kingdom.

In the face of this skill, the people of the baby-carrying empire developed incomparably inflated self-confidence.

Under the guidance of the officials of the Daiying Empire and the upper echelons of the Beacon Country, this folk atmosphere, which has swelled to the point of nowhere to vent, all points to the big country.

"What? They officially slandered our comics? Said that we are just piled up by the number of people, and the comics are not comparable to their "Harry Boda"?"

"Is the baby-carrying empire so floating now? Is it because I don't know my last name anymore?"

"That's the problem with them. When they have something new, they will come out and talk about it!"

"I think Dai Ying is going to make trouble this time, remember to call me when they come!"

When the Great Xia Kingdom saw these videos, the people felt a strong retaliation.

The videos shot by those good-for-nothings on the other side are obviously a malicious metaphor for the Great Xia Kingdom, and they want to kill the people of the Great Xia Kingdom with the killing curse.

"Is this the source of their confidence?"

"A small ability, what happened to the Killing Curse? I used to be able to incinerate him with a Great Fireball.

"Wait, when the official speaks, we will go to their hometown together!"

The people of Great Xia Kingdom saw the ability on the video, and they were shocked by it at first.

Without Shen Hui, this ability would almost be the ceiling of the whole world.

However, the people of the Great Xia Kingdom, who have experienced countless wars, are no longer what they were before.

They have seen too many powerful abilities, and even personally comprehend them far more than people from other countries.

The people of Great Xia didn't even have any intention of panicking about this life-killing curse.

At the same time, this "Harry Botian" quickly became popular all over the world.

In just a few days, "Harry Boda" has become a contract comic of Tiandao System!

The news instantly spread throughout the world through the Heavenly Dao system.

Then, all the western countries got excited.

This represents the recognition of the Tiandao system. The Tiandao system believes that this comic has great potential, and it is excellent in all aspects of data, so it will be signed.

And this also greatly enhanced the self-confidence of the baby-bearing empire.

The baby-bearing queen even conferred the noble title of duke on Yang Hao in public.

In the live broadcast, Yang Hao has a confident face and a look of contempt in his eyes.

The people with the baby and the people of the Lighthouse Country congratulated him from the bottom of their hearts.

Especially after they dug out Yang Hao's previous resume and knew that he was an immigrant from the Great Xia Kingdom, this became the talk of many people.

"Have you heard? The cartoonist who drew "Harry Boda" used to be from Mansion Kingdom!"

"I knew it a long time ago! If he hadn't immigrated from the Great Xia Kingdom early, how could he have painted such an excellent work!"

"That is, the Great Xia Kingdom can't cultivate this kind of cartoonists at all. They only draw messy works that others can't understand, and they don't know what to brag about.

Yang Hao's life experience was publicized by the baby-carrying empire as a model.

In the eyes of the people in these western countries, Yang Hao's success is due to the excellent education he got after immigrating.

Only in this way can the sequel to "Harry Boda" be drawn.

If not, why can't the people of the Great Xia Kingdom draw it?

This kind of unreasonable statement was quickly spread among the people in the whole baby-bearing empire, and even the whole world quickly accepted it.

this argument.

At this time, this messy news also spread to the Great Xia Kingdom through various channels.

0...asking for flowers...

"Damn it? How dare they say that?"

"Have these people forgotten the "Green Titan" that Yang Hao painted before?"

"That kind of rubbish is worthy of comparison with us? We still don't recognize him as a member of the Great Xia Kingdom."

Since ancient times, the second devil has always been more hateful than the devil himself.

Yang Hao's hatred for the Great Xia Kingdom shown in the video, as well as that defiant attitude, made the people of the entire Great Xia Kingdom boil.

Even Empress Daxia crushed the teacup in her hand angrily when she saw the news.

"Abandon fantasy and prepare to fight!"

"The baby-bearing empire is definitely not just talking this time, the current situation, they must be preparing for war!

"Let the soldiers get ready and prepare for the long-distance expedition!"

Even though Empress Daxia was angry, she still maintained her rationality.

She calmly analyzed the various trends of the world's public opinion recently, and then made an astonishing judgment.

When her order was issued, Jiang Wei who was in the palace and several other frontline commanders were taken aback by this.

Because for a long time, the Great Xia Kingdom has always maintained that kind of gentle and refined posture, and only when the enemy came to provoke them, would they make a positive and strong counterattack.

But this time, the empress directly expressed her intention to go on an expedition!

When these people were greatly shocked, the empress spoke again.

"We can't always let them continue to slander without limit, it's time for us to show our fangs to the whole world!"

"Just bring something like this that should have been swept into the garbage dump long ago, and you shouldn't continue to jump like this!"

After the Great Xia Empress regained her composure, she spoke extremely cold words.

This plain tone seemed to hear a strong murderous intent in the ears of these people.

However, for this decision, the top executives of the Great Xia Kingdom all agreed with it.

"That's right! We've been dormant for so long, and at this time, it's time for them to recognize their identities!"

"It's true. I have long disliked these people. I wish they would appear in front of us now!"

"But the expedition is of course better. If you fight at your own home, you will inevitably hurt some flowers and plants. If you go there, you don't have to worry about it at all!"

Soon, these high-level leaders reached a unified consensus.

They quickly separated their work transfers, and immediately returned to their posts, preparing for the upcoming expedition.

Naturally, the secret talks between the top leaders of the Great Xia Kingdom did not get out.

Shen Hui didn't know anything about it, but he also knew about the provocations of the Empire State Building with the baby.

Even a large part of it is attacking Shen Hui himself.

"The cartoonists of the Great Xia Kingdom? Isn't it because of their population that they are entrusted to push them up?"

"If he is capable, he will come out and show his face. I think he must be afraid?"

"Only relying on two comics, our teacher Luo Lin has so many "Harry Boda" series!"


All kinds of similar remarks are obviously aimed at Shen Hui himself.

After he saw it, he also had a burst of anger in his heart.

In fact, Shen Hui didn't know that a large part of these remarks were produced under the official guidance of the Dai Empire.

Yang Hao now has a great right to speak among the upper echelons of the entire belt, or the entire western world.

During his meeting with the queen, he made it clear that Shen Hui, a cartoonist, would be the most critical enemy of the entire western country.

Although Shen Hui's current third work is nothing more than that in Yang Hao's opinion, but he still has a little uneasiness in his heart.

It was this uneasiness that drove Yang Hao to ask Dai Ying and countless people from Dengta Country to make all kinds of offensive remarks against Shen Hui.

If you can use these words to make the other party angry and do irrational things, that is the best option.

But when Shen Hui turned his eyes and looked at the opened Heavenly Dao System, the anger in his heart dissipated instantly and turned into a laughing voice.

""Harry Boda"? Wait for my "Feng Shen Yan Yi" to touch it!"

Shen Hui is full of confidence in the third manga he is drawing. He believes that when this manga is not finished, or there is no need to finish it at all, he just needs to wait until the end of the drawing

At that time, when the gods and immortals appeared on the stage, and countless powerful and vast abilities appeared, the Great Xia Kingdom could basically push the entire world across.

Thinking of this, Shen Hui casually clicked on the post.

He's done it again with a new update.

Countless people in the Great Xia Kingdom were instantly notified of the update.

"What's going on? This manga artist actually updated it in broad daylight? Mom, does the sun rise from the west?"

"Is something wrong? Did he draw too little this time, otherwise how could he update it so quickly?"

"Update during the day! Good guy, I think our cartoonist may also know about the baby empire, and he is going to use comics to fight back!"

In the past, Shen Hui basically released updates in the middle of the night, or even in the early hours of the morning.

In fact, although he didn't do it on purpose, many people in the Great Xia Kingdom are already used to the responsible mood of being woken up by the ringtone in the middle of the night, full of trouble and surprise at the same time.

But this time, in broad daylight, Shen Hui updated the manga, which made these people a little uncomfortable.

But it quickly occurred to me that during this period of time, all kinds of remarks made by the empire have also been pushed in my heart.

"The pattern of this world will ultimately be determined by comics!"

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