Histor wanted to take this kind of power as his own. For him, this time it was likely that he would drag all his own army into the abyss, and in the end, it would be doomed.

But it also means that this is an opportunity, as long as you seize this opportunity, you can get more opportunities, and then you can continue to do whatever they want.

"Kill and leave none!"

The legion on the city lord's side has also completely started to kill. In the past, it was absolutely impossible for them to hide the opportunity to meet the card clear. At this time, they can finally seize such a 093 opportunity. How can they miss it? .

Thinking that many family members or their own companions were thinking in the hands of these demons, these demons were more brutal than they had known before.

I also know that if it weren't for the fact that this time the principle was willing to give them explosive texture, it is estimated that many young things will continue to repeat, and at that time tragedy will come to all of them again.

These damn demons, they're all demons, this is our best chance, not one left

Many generals are excited. For them, there is no time when they are more happy than being able to kill their own enemies at will, and finally they feel that the bad breath they have been holding back is vented at this time. came out.

They have been looking for opportunities before, but they have not been able to wait for a long time, and now they are finally waiting for the opportunity given by Ye Ze, so it is very rare for them to get rid of this No. 4 set, Du Yu.

At this time, there are no extra thoughts, and they know what they have to do again and again. No matter how long they need to persist this time, they want to continue to persevere.

I also know what it means for them at this time, if they can directly win this big exhibition this time, such an opportunity must not be missed.


Many soldiers were also excited. In the past, these demons (cjfj) were all afraid of their rulers. This time, the feng shui finally turned, and they saw their most powerful enemy trembling in front of them.

There is nothing that makes him feel more excited than now, and he wants to continue to eat like this, he never had such an opportunity before.


Those demons also rushed up not to be outdone, but at this time they were all biting their heads, they were already scared, but they knew that if they didn't join the battle at this time, they would die, so they could only be forced to join the battle. among.

There are some demon generals in the back who are supervising the battle at this time. Once they choose to turn around, those generals will kill them without hesitation. Therefore, at this time, these demons cannot retreat and can only continue to move forward.

Perhaps this time they sprinted forward and could not win this battle, but they could only continue to sprint, and they knew that in the end they would definitely not get the results they wanted, but at this time they couldn't help themselves.

Everyone knows what they are facing at this time, and they can only do this in the future. It was definitely not like this in the past, but at this time, these human races do not know why they have become so powerful.

Although Histor knew why this was happening at this time, many demons' army self-checks were still blocked from information, and many demons thought that people were as weak as before.

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