The Age of Cinematic Universe: Landing in Advance

Chapter 111 The military comes to grab the Ares [3]

New York holy place.

"I need to retreat and practice for ten days. During this period, no one will disturb me. You are careful to guard the holy place."

Ye Xuan wears a white robe with golden inscriptions, brilliant and splendid.

Dozens of magicians replied in unison: "Yes!"

Suddenly, a group of fire trees and silver flowers suddenly opened the magic door, Ye Xuan walked in, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

A few seconds later, he appeared in the underground laboratory of the villa, preparing to study a new generation of artificial intelligence.

Although J.A.R.V.I.S is advanced enough to surpass modern artificial intelligence for decades, Ye Xuan feels that it is not enough.

The most important thing is that J.A.R.V.I.S's systems are all developed by Stark, which is potentially dangerous.

He now has the source code of the J.A.R.V.I.S system, which can save a lot of effort, conduct research on its original basis, and redevelop the latest generation of artificial intelligence~.

Just do it, Ye Xuan plugged the U disk into the computer port and began to analyze the source code.

Shi Stark is indeed a genius, even if Ye Xuan now has the [God Forbidden Zone] mindset, he has to say so.

Because the J.A.R.V.I.S system does the opposite, it means that he writes the code backwards.

This requires that you have a very clear blueprint in your mind. You can't make a mistake at all.

The J.A.R.V.I.S system is like a towering tree.

Normally, the tree grows from the root, and then it can grow bigger and bigger, enough to open branches and loose leaves.

And the big tree J.A.R.V.I.S grows upside down, starting from the crown, then the trunk, and finally the root part, and the roots are intricately complex, forming a super strong protective net.

If someone wants to attack the J.A.R.V.I.S system, they must first face a strong protective wall. Even if the protective wall is breached, the other party will find irregular garbled characters.

Because the system code of J.A.R.V.I.S is reversed.

Ye Xuan cracked the source code and started to conceive his own artificial intelligence system.

Shi Stark is a rare computer genius in the world, Ye Xuan now stands on the shoulders of giants, naturally looking higher and farther.

On the first day, Ye Xuan began to conceive the blueprint of the entire system

The next day, after spending a long time, he drew the blueprint in his mind

On the third day, start coding

Time flew fast, and ten days passed in a flash.

Ye Xuan glanced at the computer contentedly, and then fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, he found that the entire laboratory was cleaned up and he was covered with a gray blanket.

Ye Xuan now understands the hardships of the program dog. After writing the program for eight days, the whole person is about to die.

Writing programs is super brain-intensive, especially when it comes to writing artificial intelligence systems. He feels a bit exhausted from The God's Telekinesis.

Without the blessing of [God's Forbidden Zone], it is estimated that it will not be written for two more ten days.

"Master Didi, you are awake." A metallic voice rang.

"Xiaoqiang, you succeeded?"

"Dip Yes, master, thank you master for giving me the ability to think

Xiaoqiang is a new generation of intelligent system developed by Ye Xuan.

Name: Xiaoqiang (small.strong)

This is a stalk he only had before he crossed. No matter whether it is reality or the movie universe, this world does not have this stalk.

This can be regarded as a nostalgia for my past.

"You did all this?" Ye Xuan yawned and pointed to the gray carpet covering him.

"Master Di, I ordered other robots to do this." Xiaoqiang said.

The high level artificial intelligence is finally designed.

"Next, I will use Xiaoqiang in the God of War, and at the same time learn a lot of knowledge of the world, and continue to evolve.

at this time

"Master Didi! Master! Enemy invaded!"

Xiaoqiang sounded an alarm.

Then project the enemy invasion screen outside the villa door onto the wall.

Soon, Ye Xuan heard the sound of tidy and powerful steps outside, and the mechanical dog at the door of the villa screamed, and soon there was no movement. It seems that these guys are planning to move.

"Knock the door open for me immediately!" a rough and powerful voice roared.


Ye Xuan opened the door of the villa and walked out.

Looked at everyone coldly.

At the door, a group of heavily armed men saw Ye Xuan coming out, and they backed away. Many people have seen the report last time and know that even if Ye Xuan has "Super Ability," it may be a Mutant, even if there is no God of War, it is very dangerous.

………For flowers…

"Huh, I thought you would hide in there and not come out?" a tall middle-aged man with a strong inch came forward and asked.

"Who are you?" Ye Xuan gave him a cold look.

"I am Burundi, with the rank of major general of the military. This time I am ordered to come here and ask you to hand over the drawings of the God of War." The major general of Burundi pressed his hand on the gun at his waist.

"I? Hand over the God of War?" Ye Xuan smiled a little angrily, "Also, the major general actually did this kind of rubbish by himself? When did the major general become so worthless."


Major General of Burundi didn’t care, he took out his gun and pointed it at Ye Xuan: “I don’t know the others. To encircle and suppress terrorists in the Middle East, I personally killed ten people. You are a wise man with a weird look that understands what I mean."

Ye Xuan sneered.

It seems that the military sees Shi Stark very tough, and Shi Stark industry is very important to the United States military, and they are still unwilling to tear their skin.

The persimmons are selected softly.

Obviously, they regard Ye Xuan as a soft persimmon.

But, when did I become so "kind" that even a piece of rubbish wanted to threaten me?

Ye Xuan's eyes became dangerous: "According to your opinion, if I don't surrender the God of War, I will be treated as a terrorist?

"I don't mind doing this!" Major General of Burundi looked at Ye Xuan with a pair of sullen eyes.

Ye Xuan laughed, then his face turned cold in vain.

"Then I have to really think about how to cooperate with you terrorists."

There was a murderous look between his eyes.

"Terrorists?" Many soldiers were at a loss.

"Aren't you terrorists?" Ye Xuan said coldly, "Send you a good place."

Ye Xuan waved his hand

Everyone felt the coldness increase sharply, and it penetrated their hearts.

In the room, snow and ice appeared!

This is summer!


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