The Age of Cinematic Universe: Landing in Advance

Chapter 124 Dark magician is here [2]

Shi Stark explained: "The foreign person" is SHIELD's name Roar for a large number of strangers that have suddenly appeared in the world during the recent period. Although they have complete birth records and life trajectories, the United States also has various countries in the world. , They all found that these people are mavericks and are not afraid of death.

The specifics have not been confirmed."

Ye Xuan was taken aback, there is such a thing? Players are being researched by NPC?

But it's right to think about it. These players acted one by one, and they always like to find NPCs to ask for tasks, and they are not afraid of death. They also shouted that they will be a hero after a month, which is fundamentally different from normal humans.

If this is the case, I have come into contact with a large number of strangers in the "early start-up period", and it is estimated that I have also entered the line of sight of the United States executives.

Ye Xuan "suddenly realized": "Oh, it turns out that they are "foreign people". I have been in contact with them before, but I think they are good, but I didn't think so much.

Shi Stark patted Ye Xuan on the shoulder: "In the future, when you come into contact with them, you must be careful.

Ye Xuan had a "dignified look: "Thank you for reminding me, I will be careful. By the way, for these strangers, what is S.H.I.E.L.D's strategy?"

Shi Stark said: "On the one hand, I feel that they can be used to do things, and on the other hand, they should be strictly controlled.

While At the moment

Fighting National Association, New York branch base.

They are surrounded by heavily armed special forces. These guys have survived hundreds of battles. Each of them is a good player out of a million, and in reality, they are all special forces masters.

"All cheer me up. It is an honour for all of us to be able to come to our New York branch tonight for the old president, do you understand w.?" a middle-aged man with the appearance of an instructor said coldly.

"Yes, instructor." A dozen special soldiers responded in unison.

Immediately, they ran away quickly, shaking with energy, and patrolled the surroundings.

Suddenly, a person wearing a black robe suddenly appeared in front of the instructor over there without warning.

"Where is your guild leader?" The man said in a cold voice, with a hint of ghostly breath all over his body, a pair of dark eye sockets, and some black'little snakes' spreading around his face.

The instructor took two steps back before asking, "Who are you? What do you want to do with our old president?"

At the same time, a dozen special forces quickly assembled and surrounded the black-robed men.

The muzzles of the black holes were all aimed at the black-robed man.

"I'll ask again, where is your old president?" The black-robed man's eyes became more gloomy, his left hand was slightly raised, and there was a black aura that kept condensing in his palm.

The instructor saw that something was wrong and immediately shouted: "Come on, take him down for me!"

"The man in Jie Hei Robo laughed strangely, showing white Sensen's teeth.


Seeing the black-robed man gently waved his left hand, he dropped his hand.

The black aura in the palm of the palm instantly turned into black snake mist, wrapping around the necks of the special soldiers, as if strangled by a rope.

Roar can't suck well!

Painful face!

"Who are you! Stop it!" The instructor was furious.

"I? It's someone you can't afford to laugh." The black robe man's cold voice made the instructor shiver.

Ten seconds later, the soldiers rolled their eyes and died.

The death of those special forces was extremely miserable, each of them turned black and collapsed, as if they were a teenager.

The black-robed man said, "Do you want me to say it again? Where is your old president?"

"The instructor who was in the meeting realized that this is definitely a strong man, much stronger than their players. Looking at the dark and evil means, this time comes suddenly, is it Ye Xuan's opponent? Ye Xuan?

With this guess, the instructor felt surprised.

The black-robed man said coldly: "Lead the way ahead!"

"Yes!" The instructor quickly notified the president, =.

Soon, the black robe Magician saw an old man with gray hair and iron spirit, with three people standing beside him.

These three people are not ordinary people, they are all Mutant.

They are the guests of the [Battle National Association], the main force in the assassination history of Stark and Ye Xuan.

The black-robed man glanced at the three Mutants, with a contemptuous smile on his face.

"." Mutant? Squirting, really weak."

The three Mutant's complexion sank. After they became Mutant, they were far more powerful than ordinary players. Hearing the ridicule of the black-robed man, they couldn't help being angry.

At this time, the old president said with a smile: "I don't know the name of this magician?"

This old fox has a lot of knowledge and knows that the NPC in front of him is very powerful, so he naturally wants to draw in quickly.

The black-robed man said coldly: "My name is La Sal! I am a magician. This time I heard that you are going to deal with Ye Xuan, so I came

"Welcome Mr. Magician to join us!" The old president was surprised and said quickly.

At the moment, the three Mutant sneered.

"President, not all rubbish can join us!" Mutant with a crocodile face said hehe.

Another Mutant with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek also said: "President, if you want to join us, how can you show off the strength of (the Zhao)? lest a parallel importer will come in."

The three Mutants and the black-robed men got on the bar.

The old president wanted to persuade peace, but it was too late.

"Want to see my strength? Okay." I saw Lazar yin with a smile, a pair of skinny claws, palms folded, and then separated, a black aura billowing magic whip was held in his hand.

Suddenly, the magic whip was thrown at one of the Mutants.

This Mutant backed away, but the magic whip seemed to have eyes, and chased after him.


The Mutant was rolled up by the magic whip and slammed against a pole.


The gravel is splashing, and the lime is permeating!

The one-meter-thick concrete pillar was instantly cut off from the middle, and Mutant seemed to fall on the ground like leaves, and there was no breath.

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